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7 characteristics of authoritarian people according to psychology

Authoritarian people project that long shadow that is always lurking in many of our daily scenarios.. Whether at the family level, at the company level or in the political sphere, this profile is instantly recognized by the use and abuse of power. Prejudices and the need for domination live in his mind, as well as cynicism, double-minded morality and intolerance.

The study of authoritarian personality emerged shortly after the end of World War II and the Holocaust.. In a social context so wounded, so out of place and strange, the academic world did not stop wondering how racism, prejudice and authoritarianism could have acquired enough strength to direct the world towards such a destiny.

Theodor Adorno and his contribution to authoritarianism

One of the most representative figures of this scientific, psychological and philosophical movement was undoubtedly Theodor W. Adorno. It was he who, based on the theories of Erich Fromm and an exhaustive analysis of the anti-Semitic ideology and the anti-democratic movements of that time, gave shape to what is known as “The Berkeley Study”, where the authoritarian personality was rigorously defined and placed within a psychoanalytic and psychosocial framework.

Adorno assures that social changes occur at such a speed that they cause a lack of structuring of the individual’s cognitive field. This would have the consequence of appearance of anxiety and insecurity on the subject and would push him towards a authoritarian attitude to alleviate your anxiety and insecurity.

Now, it is very possible that more than one person may think that the premises established by Adorno are already out of context, because these are undoubtedly other times and other circumstances. Let’s not be so absolute. Authoritarian people and the need for power, whether in the political scene or in the intimacy of a home with an intolerant father or mother, are always and will always be present.

After all, The authoritarian character and that blind search for domination is a germ that never stops growing in certain identities. It is a psychological entity that we see too frequently and that we must know how to recognize. Let’s see below the main characteristics that define them.

“Pride is a disability that usually affects poor mortals who suddenly find themselves in a miserable share of power”

-Jose de San Martin-

1. Blind loyalty to certain values, customs and ideas

Authoritarian people categorize the world with the simplicity and rigidity of a 5-year-old child. Things are “good or bad” and whoever assumes the same perspectives, values ​​and opinions will be on the right path. However, anyone who shows any disagreement or alternative opinion to yours will be a potential enemy.

At the same time, it is very common for this type of authoritarian profile to have very well defined what for him or her is, for example, “a good man”, “a good father”, “a good son” or “a good woman”. ”. Their political inclinations, their religion or even their favorite sports team are like untouchable temples that others must respect and assume with the same veneration.

2. Ethnocentrism in authoritarian people

Everything mine is the best. Even more, not only is my country, my culture and my language the most worthy that can exist, but it is the only thing conceivable and acceptable. From such a narrow point of view there is little room for what does not fit with a specific thought. Clinging to a single way of thinking leads to reducing our capacity to accept only what fits within our schemes. What doesn’t fit will be seen as toxic.

This attitude and mental scheme causes discriminatory and offensive behaviors to be carried out. Practices full of dangerous prejudices where the “different” is rejected. Behaviors where everything that does not fit into those narrow schemes is belittled.

3. The culture of fear

With the election of Donald Trump as president of the United States, we undoubtedly have infinite examples of many of the dimensions mentioned above.: racism, ethnocentrism, nationalist ideas… However, there was a specific moment during the campaign where the former president of Mexico, Vicente Fox, gave an exact definition of what the figure of Trump meant to him: an authoritarian personality who exercises the power from fear.

Anyone who comes from beyond the borders of US territory is a “threat”, and therefore it is necessary to feed that fear, that rejection of the “other”, whoever it may be.

The slogan that has won the elections in the United States also occurs in many other contexts, and especially at the level family or couple. Where some of the members do not hesitate to use the threats or catastrophic thoughts to feed fear and thus promote domination.

4. My achievements will always be better than yours

It doesn’t matter what you excel at, it doesn’t matter what you’ve studied or what hobby you like, because Authoritarian people will always try to be one step above you. Now, the mechanisms they will use to achieve this will be based on the most sibylline and aggressive contempt.

If you have several degrees, he will tell you that you lack life experience, which the authoritarian has plenty of. If you are skilled and competent in your work, they will try to ensure that you do not stand out by preventing the tasks entrusted to you from being those that best fit your abilities, because This type of profile does not conceive that anyone can stand out. Nobody, except him, of course.

5. Aggressive leadership

We are all clear that authoritarian people like to have a position of command, of dominance over others, whether in the family environment or by exercising power at a business or political level. However, His leadership is not democratic, he will never make use of those dynamics based on Emotional Intelligence where to enhance human capital, where to promote a climate of harmony, trust and coexistence and thus facilitate happiness and productivity. Quite the opposite.

The authoritarian leader is aggressive, lacks empathy, seeks to satisfy his own needs and also has a very low tolerance for frustration. This makes him incapable of seeing other people’s needs; in fact, he often reacts against them because he understands that they are weaknesses, sentimentalities that need to be avoided.

6. Prejudices and rigid thoughts

It is often said that it is more difficult to break a prejudice than an atom. It is something totally true, and it also characterizes authoritarian personalities. Those whose mental focus has the narrowness of a needle hole: there where there is no room for more opinions than theirs, no more beliefs than theirs and no more truth than what one has formed oneself at some point.

Prejudices and rigid thinking are the termites of our society. Dimensions that weaken our opportunity to build authentic coexistence, authentic social respect and, in essence, a more democratic and dignified world for all.

Prejudices and rigid thinking are the termites of our society.

7. Simplistic reasoning

Authoritarian people live surrounded by pure artifice. At first glance they impose on us and may even scare us. They are usually placed on high pedestals, we know, but the foundation that supports them is so weak that it is enough to listen to their arguments to discover what is behind them. There is a simple mind, a mind empty of arguments, barren of ideas and solid reasoning.

Their personal universe is limited to defending what for them is the universal truth. However, it is often enough to challenge them with certain arguments to overthrow the simplistic approach on which they base their entire ideology.

Nevertheless, The biggest problem with the authoritarian personality is that behind this simplistic thinking the root of aggressiveness can be found.. Therefore, it is common that when they feel threatened or placed in a position of inferiority, they react in the worst way.


Therefore, and to conclude, it will always be advisable to know how to handle this type of profiles with care. That is where safe distance is the best strategy and the best way to keep our own psychological and emotional integrity safe. Let us in turn learn to recognize the authoritarian personality not only to defend ourselves against it, but to avoid its adherence. and the extension of a meaningless power that can put the most noble values ​​of our society at risk.

Bibliographic references

Adorno, T. W. (1950). The authoritarian personality. New York: Harper.

Martin, J.L. (2001). The authoritarian personality, 50 years later: What questions are there for political psychology? Political Psychology 22 (1), 1-26.

Altemeyer, B. (1988). Enemies of freedom: Understanding right-wing authoritarianism. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Dean, J. (2006). Conservatives without conscience. New York: Viking Press.

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