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65 phrases of strength and courage to overcome any problem

Have faith, for then strength and courage arise naturally.

To be happy is not to have a perfect life, but to stop being a victim of problems and become the author of your own story.

Abraham Lincoln

When I think I’ve reached my limit, I discover that I have the strength to go beyond.

Ayrton Senna

Courage already exists within you, and it is the awakening of it that will boost your strength to overcome all adversity. Go ahead, you can do it!

True courage is going after your dreams even when everyone says it’s impossible.

Cora Coralina

Last year I died, but this year I don’t!


Think that difficulties are like storms on a summer day: they are fleeting. Soon, you will be gazing at sunshine and a beautiful rainbow.

It often takes more courage to dare to do right than to fear to do wrong.

Abraham Lincoln

The step you’re afraid to take could be the one that changes everything.

Bruna Frog

Your body rises to maximum power when it is imbued with strength and courage. Whenever you feel aimless, remember that the answer is within you!

Difficulties prepare ordinary people for extraordinary destinies.

CS Lewis

Even when everything seems to fall apart, it’s up to me to decide between laughing or crying, going or staying, giving up or fighting, because I discovered, in the uncertain path of life, that the most important thing is to decide.

Cora Coralina

When it’s hard to get up, remember what makes you smile and thus show all the strength and courage that exists in you.

There are two primary choices in life: to accept conditions as they exist, or to accept the responsibility to change them.

Denis Waitley

Brother, have you not realized that you are the only representative of your dream on the face of the earth? If that doesn’t make you run, buddy, I don’t know what will.


Problems will never stop appearing. The question is whether we face them with strength and courage, or whether we will be dragged along by them.

Life is like this: it warms up and cools down, tightens then loosens, calms down and then rests. What she wants from us is courage.

Guimarães Rosa

Girl, it takes strength to dream and realize that the road goes beyond what you see.

Los Hermanos

Strength and courage in life accomplish the impossible.

For mistakes, there is forgiveness. For failures, chance. For impossible loves, time. Don’t let the longing suffocate, let the routine accommodate, and let fear stop you from trying.

Luis Fernando Verissimo

Every day is a chance to be better than yesterday – the sun proves it when it crosses the horizon.


May my courage be greater than my fear and may my strength be as great as my faith.

You never know what results will come from your action. But if you do nothing, there will be no results.

Mahatma Gandhi

climb the first step with faith. It is not necessary for you to see the entire staircase, just take the first step.

Martin Luther King

Keep the focus on the goal, centralize the strength to fight and use faith to win.

You cannot control all the events that happen to you, but you can choose not to be affected by them.

Maya Angelou

Courage means a strong desire to live, in the form of a willingness to die.

GK Chesterton

Pain makes you stronger, fear makes you braver, and patience makes you wiser.

Willpower must be stronger than your ability.

Muhammad Ali

We must promote courage where there is fear, promote agreement where there is conflict, and inspire hope where there is despair.

Nelson Mandela

If the journey is difficult, it is because you are on the right path.

Everything the human mind can imagine, it can conquer.

napoleon hill

Faith is reason creating courage.

Sherwood Eddy

The darkest nights produce the brightest stars.

Do not doubt your strength and courage in the face of adversity. The simple act of breathing is already an indication of your awesomeness – your whole body is moving to win. Why would you contradict him?

Having strength does not mean having a more resistant body – it means being resilient in the face of life’s storms and moving forward with courage, even if the scenario is not favorable.

Fell out? Stand up instead of trying to take down whoever knocked you down. Let it be: it will fall by itself.

Courage appears as a shield in those moments when you least expect it. It’s when you think all is lost that your body and mind emerge with the strength to win.

Your willingness to go forward even in the face of contrary winds is the purest display of courage. This strength that arises within you is able to inspire everyone around you.

You can’t change the wind, but you can adjust your boat’s sails to get where you want to be.

The simple act of living is already a demonstration of bravery. Every day we face different obstacles and we need to be firm not to fall into the traps of the mind.

At the beginning of every morning, the sun rises invading the windows and bringing its light. So are you when you decide to face life with determination and courage – your power shines through and inspires others to do the same.

Stop saying “I wish”, start saying “I will”. And then, make it happen, because you can!

Nature is a great source of courage and energy – when you feel scared or weak, grab a sprig of rosemary and take a deep breath. Your body will instantly revitalize!

Life is a cycle of birth, illness, old age and death. None of us can escape this, not even the richest or luckiest. Therefore, lamentation leads to nothing. May we have the strength to always live with courage!

Good things come to those who believe, better things come to those who are patient. Success, on the other hand, only appears to those who don’t give up!

When you feel that you lack strength and courage to live, get closer to nature and connect deeply. Nature is the answer to all our problems.

Believing you can is half the battle.

Theodore Roosevelt

Courage is not always a lion’s roar. Sometimes it’s the heart at the end of the day saying: I’ll try again tomorrow…

All our dreams can come true – if we have the courage to follow them.

Walt Disney

The courage of the wicked is sustained by the fear of the good.

St. John Bosco

Only those who don’t have the strength to get up there are afraid of heights.

Courage is acting from the heart.

You never know how strong you are. Until your only alternative is to be strong.

Johnny Depp

Knowing yourself for real is an act of courage.

My best decision was when I decided to be my own strength, my own drive and my own light.

If you have the strength and courage you dream of, you can win the world.

We don’t know our strength and courage, until one day we need them.

Leaving is a choice, staying a decision. In the end, what differentiates is the strength and courage to stay or not.

Having courage and being strong means trying again tomorrow.

Run for your goals. Overcome all obstacles. You are capable!

Tip for the day to be perfect: take doses of strength and courage first thing in the morning.

Sometimes the right path is the one that scares you the most. Go forward with courage!

More powerful than the will to win is the courage to start.

May my courage always be greater than my will.

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