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60 teaching phrases packed with valuable lessons for your life

Life will not teach you sweetly, it will make you fall many times, until you are ready and stronger, you learn to get up.

Learning to live is a gift that everyone can have, if you really want to and understand a lesson in every difficulty.

When we learn valuable lessons in good times, we don’t let the storm get us down.

More important than repenting, is learning from the mistake so you don’t make it again.

Our peace is too expensive to trade for anything.

Taking time for yourself is not a sign of weakness. It’s a sign of intelligence because you are taking care of those who matter most.

God teaches us that living in dependence on Him is the best way to strengthen ourselves in life.

When you start to believe in yourself, all other areas of your life fall into place.

Don’t focus on any other time than the present, because that’s what really belongs to us. Only then will you live it fully.

When a challenge presents itself in your life, it is fate testing your potential and strength.

If your path is yours alone, why do you insist on comparing yourself to others?

Life teaches us that everything that comes our way has a reason.

Everything in life is a lesson, we just need to look in the right direction to learn the right lesson.

Transformations are necessary because it’s too boring to always live the same way.

God has so much to teach us, we just need to calibrate our ears to hear what He has to say.

We are stronger than we believe, so our strength is tested daily.

Sad stories end with happy endings because nothing lasts forever, not even sadness.

The only thing that will change your life is your action. Don’t sit around waiting for things to happen.

Situations always change and change us in the process.

It is only you who can choose your path. Don’t wait for others to make decisions for you.

Obstacles don’t make your journey impossible, they only make it more exciting.

Fear can paralyze you if you believe it is greater than your strength.

Don’t look too hard on yourself. You are capable and will do things on time.

Companies help shape our personality, that’s why we like to be with people who look like us.

The more nice people you bring into your life, the nicer you become.

When you want something, don’t stop fighting until every no turns into yes!

Life always goes on and we need to go with its flow.

Maybe is better than not because it gives us hope to fight and make it happen.

Time is defined from the way we relate to it, it can be a villain or an ally. How have you chosen to spend yours?

Wounds heal and scars remind us that we were strong to overcome this pain.

No matter what happens to you, keep friendships because they are what matter.

Not every war is worth entering. You need to carefully assess what you can gain or lose along the way.

Each tumble turns into a fun story to tell.

God invites us to be wise and teaches us His wisdom with everything that happens in our lives.

We cannot carry everything we experience in our luggage. There comes a time when it becomes impossible to walk. Learn to say goodbye!

It’s okay to lose sometimes. It shows you your limits as a starting point, makes you a more tolerable and less competitive human being.

Make peace with your story so you can keep writing it.

If you want to have a beautiful life, get rid of everything that is ugly and doesn’t do you any good.

True success is being at peace with the path you have chosen for your life.

Life taught me to say goodbye to the people I love, without taking them from my heart.

Charles Chaplin

Inspiration comes from a lot of learning and studying. It doesn’t come out of nowhere.

Life is a long lesson in humility.

Sir James M. Barrie

How beautiful it would be if each of you could, at the end of the day, say: today I made a gesture of love for others!

Pope Francis

I don’t know what I want to be, but I know very well what I don’t want to become.

Friedrich Nietzsche

Knowledge is learned from masters and books. Wisdom is learned from life and from the humble.

Cora Coralina

The more you love, the more active you will be.

Vincent Van Gogh

What hurts us is what heals us. Life has been very hard on me, but at the same time it has taught me a lot.

Paulo Coelho

It is God who gives life. Let us respect and love human life, especially the helpless life in its mother’s womb.

Pope Francis

The task of living is hard but fascinating.

Ariano Suassuna

God is so merciful to us. Let us also learn to show mercy to others, especially those who suffer.

Pope Francis

True words are not pleasant, and pleasant words are not true.

Lao Tzu

It is not we who love God, but it is He who loved us first, He is the first to love.

Pope Francis

Life is like riding a bicycle. To have balance you have to keep moving.

Albert Einstein

Fate shuffles the cards, and we play.

Arthur Schopenhauer

It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows.


Little can you expect from someone who only makes an effort when he is sure he will be rewarded.

Ortega and Gasset

There is no wrong way. Learning and experience are in every way.

Zibia Gasparetto

All your dreams can come true if you have the courage to pursue them.

Walt Disney

We become what we love. If we love the basics, we become the basics. But if we love what is noble, we become noble.

Venerable Fulton Sheen

What we don’t face in ourselves we will find as destiny.

Carl Jung

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