Home » Guidance » 6 foods you should eat and 7 foods you should avoid if you suffer from gastritis

6 foods you should eat and 7 foods you should avoid if you suffer from gastritis

Food itself rarely causes gastritis. The main cause of the problem is bacterial infection. helicobacter pylori.

However, some foods can exacerbate symptoms by irritating the stomach lining, while others can reduce discomfort and even help treat this painful condition.

we, from awesome.club, we investigated about the most beneficial foods for gastritis sufferers, as well as those that should be avoided.

Gastritis is inflammation or irritation of the stomach lining. Sometimes it manifests without any symptoms, but when they do appear, they can be quite unpleasant, including abdominal pain and bloating, nausea, indigestion, and loss of appetite. In some cases, gastritis caused by H. pylori can cause ulcers and even stomach cancer if not treated in time.

foods you you can eat if you suffer from gastritis:

Dark chocolate, (5 grams of fiber)

Chia seeds (3 grams of fiber)

Avocado (5 grams of fiber)

Black beans (6 grams of fiber)

Pumpkin seeds (6 grams of fiber)

Raspberries (8 grams of fiber)

Fiber-rich foods like walnuts and seeds, as well as vegetables and green vegetables, are beneficial for the entire digestive system, so it’s easy to understand why a gastritis diet is high in fiber. Broccoli is especially important for gastric health: in addition to being a great source of fiber, it contains high levels of sulforaphane, a compound that kills the H. pylori bacteria.

Healthy Fats Olive Oils Avocados Seeds Semisweet Chocolate Oily Fish Peanut Butter All Nuts

If on the one hand oily foods are not the best option for those who suffer from gastritis, those rich in healthy fats are exceptions. Omega-3 fatty acids, present in salmon, sardines, walnuts and chia seeds they help reduce inflammation in the lining of the stomach, and they also have a preventive effect against gastritis caused by H. pylori and against other gastric disorders. Other sources of healthy fats are avocados and olive oil.

Good gut health Kimchi (Korean food) Miso soup Sauerkraut Kefir Kombucha (fermented drink) Pickles

If you have gastritis, probiotics like yogurt, kefir, kombucha and sauerkraut can help in many ways. First, because they are bacteria in their own right (the good ones), these foods fight against the H. pylori bacteria, vying for space and food, reducing the presence of bad bacteria. Second, they are foods that strengthen the immune system, helping to fight this type of problem. Third, they increase the gut’s ability to absorb nutrients for a more satisfying recovery.

Pure protein Chicken breast (30 grams, 80% calories) Tilapia (26 grams, 81% calories) Egg whites (11 grams, 91% calories) Turkey breast (30 grams, 95% calories) Shrimp ( 20 grams, 82% of calories) Tuna (23 grams, 92% of calories)

Proteins help repair the damage caused by gastritis to the stomach lining. However, not all proteins are the same. It’s important to choose lean proteins if you suffer from gastritis, as the fat in animal products (with the exception of omega-3-rich fish) can make the situation worse. Good sources of lean protein include chicken breast and turkey, egg whites, tuna and beans.

Onion Turmeric Garlic Cinnamon Honey

As H. pylori is a type of bacteria, it stands to reason that the fight against it is done with something antibacterial. Flavonoids are known for their antibacterial properties, which inhibit the growth of many types of bacteria, including H. pylori. Garlic, Onion, Celery and Cranberry are excellent sources of flavonoids. Some other easy-to-find antibacterial foods are honey, ginger, and turmeric.

While fruit juices are not recommended for people with gastritis (due to high levels of sugar and fiber-free acids), some vegetable juices are just the opposite. Potato juice, for example, has antioxidant properties and can help relieve an upset stomach. Pumpkin juice, in addition to being rich in nutrients, can reduce gastric acidity, helping the recovery of the stomach lining.

foods that should be avoided for those who suffer from gastritis

When it comes to foods and drinks that cause the body to become more acidic, some are so obvious that they need no explanation. everyone knows that Coca-Cola and Excess Sugar are bad for health, and that citrus fruits and juices are extremely acidic, Is not it? But not everyone knows that other seemingly harmless foods can also irritate the stomach lining. Coffee, beans, and even healthy, antioxidant-rich tomatoes are also considered acidic. Consumption of these foods can worsen gastritis.

The high levels of cholesterol present in fried and high-fat foods have already been associated with a higher incidence of gastritis, so they are among the rare cases that actually cause the disease. Of course, if you already suffer from gastritis, it’s best to avoid these foods so your condition doesn’t get any worse.

Generally, it is recommended to avoid all carbonated drinks to relieve the painful symptoms of gastritis. Obviously, soft drinks are the great villains, because of their acidity and high sugar content. Hence, they are harmful drinks. Apparently healthy, sparkling water is also not good for gastric health: after taking a sip, carbon dioxide turns into irritating carbonic acid, responsible for the burning sensation.

The case here is quite simple: condiments, especially spicy ones like pepper, wasabi, horseradish and mustard, put ‘fire’ in the stomach. As it is already inflamed, the pain gets worse almost instantly.🇧🇷 However, it is important not to exclude all spices, as some can be very beneficial when it comes to gastritis. Cinnamon, turmeric and ginger, among others, are known to fight harmful bacteria.

as the consumption of alcohol is one of the causes of gastritis, it is essential to exclude (or at least reduce) the intake of these drinks if you suffer from gastritis. Alcohol irritates and can compromise parts of the stomach lining, leaving it exposed to acids and making it difficult to recover.

Foods fried and oily, as well as fast food, can irritate the stomach. The same occurs with processed foods and ready-to-eat foods: for example, excessive consumption of monosodium glutamate, present in many foods, causes gastritis and other gastric disorders.

Commonly used non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin, ibuprofen, diclofenac and naproxen they are not food, but because they are among the main causes of gastritis, they deserve to be on our list, as they affect the lining of the stomach in the same way that alcohol does. Therefore, they should also be avoided during treatment against the disease.

Do you suffer from gastritis? Do you know any other useful tips against the problem? Comment!

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