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50 spirituality phrases that will make you reflect on life and the world

Spirituality is for you to transform your life and not to control the lives of others.

Do you know what God is?! That infinite and holy Being that presides over and rules the other beings.

Augusto dos Anjos

All spirituality is about alleviating suffering.


Sometimes the deepest pains open the door to an intense spiritual awakening.

Pray. There is immeasurable power in that.

Dalai Lama

Truly developing spirituality is the rarest thing in the world, most just access religions.

Spiritual awakening usually happens in the midst of chaos. Trust the process.

When souls strip themselves of excessive vanity, their great spiritual light shines.


Eternal peace is living the present with love.


We all have spirituality within us, but few know how to truly access it.

A well-built spirituality makes life lighter, relationships more loving and self-love much more latent.

In itself, life is neutral. We make it beautiful, we make it ugly; life is the energy we bring to it.


For those who do not have a materialistic view, this world is just the beginning and this body is just matter.

The world of gods and spirits is ‘nothing more’ than the unconscious collective within me.

Carl Gustav Jung

A happy person doesn’t need religion, he doesn’t need any temple. For her, the whole universe is a temple.


Love is the basis of any spirituality. Self-love, love with others, love with the world!

Prayer does not change God, it changes man.

Soren Kierkegaard

We discover our spirituality when we awaken to the finitude of life. That’s why wakes make us fall into silence.

Augusto Cury

You will never find spirituality in religions, for it is within you!

Good is the language of the soul, it is the language of God.

Zibia Gasparetto

God is my father, nature is my mother. The universe is my way, eternity and my kingdom. Immortality is my life.

Chico Xavier

The power of prayer is what unites all religions, as is the spiritual quest.

I would like to tell you to live like someone who knows that he will die one day, and to die like someone who knew how to live right.

Chico Xavier

My call for a spiritual revolution is not a call for a religious revolution.

Dalai Lama

Being spiritual is not being peace and love all the time, but trying to bring more calm, faith and love in everyday life.

Today my thirst for infinity is bigger than me, than the world, than everything, and my spiritualism surpasses the sky.

Florbela Espanca

May we respect the spirituality of all those around us. After all, it is the plurality of faith that makes it so beautiful!

Each of us has within us a soul that longs for spiritual awakening.

Silence is the language of God, everything else is a bad translation.

Thomas Keating

I am not this hair, I am not this skin, I am the soul that lives inside.


Faith and spirituality do not depend on religion, they depend on dedication and an awakening to the world beyond.

Attitude is prayer. And by attitude, we show the quality of our desires.


The best way to ask God is to make ourselves worthy of what we desire.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

The world brings anguish, spirituality brings answers. The world brings death, spirituality brings life.

If you are truly spiritual, then you must be totally independent of the good and bad opinions of the world.

Deepak Chopra

Your angels and your guides are answering your prayers.

I am not this body you see, I am soul, I am spirit, I am the eternal.

There is no chance. What arrives brings the learning that your soul needs.

Give thanks for the blessings that are already on the way.

I am the creator of my reality and where I focus my energy, I create!

Spiritual practice is not about changing you into something other than what you are, but about erasing the false faces you have created for yourself.

The spirit is stronger than anything in the world. If you want to get strong, renew that inner strength pulsing in you.

A strong spirituality shows the heart that it is just a stimulating muscle.

Being on the spiritual path means realizing that the source of your problem and that of your well-being is within you.

All spiritual healing requires clearing your thoughts.

Faith sees the invisible, believes the unbelievable, and receives the impossible.

Religion holds the mind. Spirituality releases consciousness.

Great are those who know that spiritual force is far more powerful than any material force.

Some religions are like cages, but authentic spirituality gives you wings.

Everything that is yours will find a way to reach you.

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