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50 phrases from philosophers about love that will translate this feeling

Whoever loves extremely, stops living in himself and lives in what he loves.


One word frees us from all the weight and pain of life. That word is “love”.


There is always some madness in love. But there is always also something of reason in madness.

Friedrich Nietzsche

Love is the child of poverty and wealth: of poverty, because it constantly asks, and of wealth, because it constantly gives.


What is done for love is always beyond good and evil.

Friedrich Nietzsche

The best cure for love is still that eternal remedy: love returned.

Friedrich Nietzsche

There is no person, no matter how fearful, who cannot become a hero out of love.


In revenge and in love, the woman is crueler than the man.

Friedrich Nietzsche

There is always something of madness in love; but there is also always a bit of reason in madness.

Friedrich Nietzsche

There is no one, even without culture, who does not become a poet when love takes care of him.


The best cure for love is still that eternal remedy: love returned.

Friedrich Nietzsche

Love is essential; that is to say, when we love something, we think we cannot do without it, we cannot admit a life in which we exist and the beloved does not; we regard it, in short, as part of ourselves. Or, in almost the same words: my being is not only me, but me and the loved one, me and the essential.

Julian Marias

Love is not defined; sit down.


Love is the feeling of imperfect beings, since the function of love is to lead the human being to perfection.


For love demonstrates its great strength by making the fool wise, and the wise man foolish.


Love makes us adopt noble attitudes to be worthy of the loved one.


We love more what we conquer with suffering.


Love cannot coexist with fear.


Of all my limitations, I know that in love I will never have limits.


To love is something more serious and significant than enthusiasm for the lines of a face and the color of a face; it is to decide on a certain type of human being that is symbolically announced in the details of the face, voice and gestures. Love is a profound choice.

Jose Ortega y Gasset

Loving is the only way to capture another human being in the depths of his personality. No one can be fully aware of the ultimate essence of another human being without loving him. By his love, a person becomes able to see the characteristic traits and essential features of his beloved.

viktor frankl

The measure of love is to love without measure.

Saint Augustine

In life two things are certain: love and death.


Renouncing love seemed to me as foolish as losing interest in health because we believe in eternity.

Simone de Beauvoir

Love is the passionate impulse of a soul towards wisdom and wisdom is both knowledge and virtue.


There is no one, even without culture, who does not become a poet when love takes care of him.


Through his love, the lover enables the loved one to realize these potentialities. By making her aware of what she can be and what she should become, the one who loves makes these potentialities come true.

viktor frankl

One should fear the love of a woman more than the hate of a man.


The ideal of love and true generosity is to give your all, but always feel as if it cost you nothing.

Simone de Beauvoir

There are no guarantees. From the point of view of fear, no one is strong enough. From the point of view of love, no one is needed.

Immanuel Kant

Happiness is having something to do, having something to love and something to look forward to.


Love and do what you wish.

Saint Augustine

Love is an emotion of the soul, caused by the movement of spirits, which incites it to voluntarily unite itself with objects that seem convenient to it.

Rene Descartes

Love is formed of a single soul, dwelling in two bodies.


If you have love rooted in you, nothing but love will be your fruits.

Saint Augustine

A person who is capable of love is one who refuses what is wrong.

Mario Sergio Cortella

In matters of love, not loving is the right way to be loved.

Rene Descartes

Talking incessantly in hyperbole is only well suited to love.

Francis Bacon

The innermost essence of love is giving. God, who is love, gives himself to the creature that he himself created out of love.

Edith Stein

Love is the loved one’s desire for eternity.

Saint Thomas Aquinas

An illusion of love is cured with another of the same kind.

Francis Bacon

Purify your heart before you allow love into it, for even the sweetest honey goes sour in a dirty vessel.


There is nothing that cannot be achieved with willpower, kindness and, above all, with love.


Loving is not looking at each other, it’s looking together in the same direction.

Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Love has all the charms of a mermaid and the transports of a fury.

Francis Bacon

The more love we have, the easier we make our way through the world.

Immanuel Kant

In true love, it is the soul that surrounds the body.

Friedrich Nietzsche

Love is an endless act of forgiveness, a tender look that becomes a habit.

Peter Ustinov

Love is the state in which man sees things almost entirely as they are not.

Friedrich Nietzsche

Of human loves, the least selfish, the purest and most disinterested is the love of friendship.


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