Home » Thoughts » 50 phrases about being a kid that express the fun glow of childhood

50 phrases about being a kid that express the fun glow of childhood

Being a child is carrying the energy of life inside you and distributing it around through smiles.

Karyne Santiago

When I was a kid, all I needed was the sun outside and the rest would take care of itself.

Fabricio Carpinejar

And we sing, we dance, we never get tired of being a child; we play in our old childhood.


Child is simplicity, lightness, innocence… It’s saying what you want without being afraid and feeling without being ashamed.

Karyne Santiago

The foundation of life is built on childhood and all the adventures and wonders that being a child entails.

Karyne Santiago

Before a child begins to speak, he sings. Before writing, she draws. The moment she manages to stand, she dances! Art is fundamental to human expression.

Phylicia Rashad

I want to be like a child and go wherever my imagination takes me… I want to be able to not worry about tomorrow and be really free!

Karyne Santiago

Dirty feet, sweaty hair and stained clothes denounce the delights of a well-lived childhood.

Karyne Santiago

Being a child is tough, everyone bosses me around. If I ask why, they answer “why”.

Tatiana Belinky

The passage of time teaches that being a child goes beyond playing… It is also learning to be happy!

Karyne Santiago

The child is made of a hundred. The child has a hundred hands, a hundred thoughts, a hundred ways of thinking, playing and speaking. A hundred always a hundred ways to listen to the wonders of loving. A hundred joys to sing and understand. One hundred worlds to discover.

Loris Malaguzzi

The wonder of childhood is that for them everything is wonder.

GK Chesterton

Dream, play, laugh, cry, run, invent, dismantle and learn… Children are verbs, action and adventure!

Karyne Santiago

It’s good to be a child, to have everyone’s attention. From mom, affection, from dad, protection. It’s so nice to have fun and not have to work, just eat, grow, sleep, play.


Children are never very good at listening to their elders, but they never fail to imitate them.

James Baldwin

The nature of childhood distributes freedom and joy. Don’t let aging rob you of that.

Karyne Santiago

It’s amazing how such a small being has a gigantic ability to create a universe to play and live in. Being an adult forces us to live stuck in a routine, that’s why I prefer children!

Karyne Santiago

As children, we rarely think about the future. This innocence leaves us free to enjoy ourselves as few adults can.

Patrick Rothfuss

Maturity imprisons us and makes us believe that we cannot be who we are, while childhood floods us with freedom.

Karyne Santiago

The soul of children is a mirror in which nature is portrayed.


I don’t know if I play, I don’t know if I study, if I run away or stay calm. But I still haven’t been able to understand which is better: if it’s this or that.

Cecília Meireles

A child is the materialization of happiness.

Karyne Santiago

Things that have no name are more pronounced by children.

Manoel de Barros

Whoever thinks that being a child is not understanding about life is wrong. Just watch a children’s game to understand that, in fact, they know more than many adults.

Karyne Santiago

To be a child is to make a complex universe out of nothing and, in it, to be free to create, reinvent, discover and learn.

Karyne Santiago

Once upon a time, the day when every day was good, delicious. The taste and good taste of clouds being made of cotton.

Kell Smith

The cool thing about young children is that they don’t say things to try to hurt you, and even though they sometimes do, they don’t know what they’re talking about.

RJ Palace

A smile on your face, a sweaty body and a world of imagination… Being a child is too good!

Karyne Santiago

Ah, if you only knew how to face life like a child, positioning yourself in the face of challenges and adventures with a smile on your face and, in the end, asking for an encore.

Karyne Santiago

I am a child. And I will grow up like that. I like to hug tight, feel full joy, invent worlds, invent loves. The simple makes me laugh, the complicated annoys me.

Fernanda Mello

Being a child is being the holder of happiness and living every second coloring the day with joy.

Karyne Santiago

In the wheel of the world there goes the boy, spinning and singing his childhood song.

Thiago de Mello

Child wants to dream. Child wants to live.


Being sincere without being afraid, imagining without being tied down, dreaming with faith and laughing heartily… This is called childhood!

Karyne Santiago

A child’s anxiety for life should be a source of inspiration, not scolding.

Karyne Santiago

Children don’t play games. They really play.

Mario Quintana

The wise adult is one who knows how to enjoy life like a child.

Karyne Santiago

Children don’t work, children give work.

Sung Word

Everything is play, mischief, in the colored lenses of childhood.

Bita world

Being a child is shining with sweat, joy, innocence and imagination. Children are diamonds in the process of being cut!

Karyne Santiago

Being a child is knowing how to live, experiment, learn even when you still don’t know the meanings of words.

Karyne Santiago

Children are not ashamed to show that they are needy, that they need affection, that they care more about others, especially if they are sick. In a good way, without making a face of drama, without cheap sentimentality.

Marcelo Rubens Paiva

Being a child is seeing possibilities in the midst of the impossible and turning dreams into reality within play.

Karyne Santiago

A child is the love objectified.

Friedrich Novalis

A child does not focus on mistakes, differences or preconceptions. She doesn’t know real-life hate or evil. Children live a complex simplicity that should serve as an example for many adults.

Karyne Santiago

Being a child is transforming the world… If it’s not the real thing, then at least it’s the imagination!

Karyne Santiago

I grew up playing on the ground, among ants. From a free childhood without comparisons. I had more communion with things than comparison.

Manoel de Barros

It is better to be a child than to want to understand the world.

Fernando Pessoa

Life is a playground. Our joy is to make hearts happy. Who’s coming with us on this new dance? To live happily like this is to be a child.

Bita world

Children are people. They are small people with perfect souls who have not yet been enslaved.

Gerry Spence

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