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5 phrases no man likes to hear from a woman

Almost everyone knows how bad it is to hear rude words from a loved one. Usually, they go deep inside our souls. But don’t think that doesn’t happen to men. Their hearts are not made of stone and they are also offended, sensitive and may react dryly to some rude comments.

O awesome.club did a little research and found out which phrases bother men the most in a relationship.

1. “You need to help my mother”

Nobody likes when parents meddle in the couple’s affairs. But it is even worse when some obligations are placed without explanation. In these cases, it’s not worth stepping on the accelerator; the solution can be found through a proven theory: dialogue. Also, an attentive man always offers help, even when it is not asked for.

If you overdo it, the man will perceive it as disrespectful, which can lead to a big argument that will only bring headaches and regret.

2. “Before you, I used to do it differently”

People who are used to doing everything alone often find it difficult to have a man to help and show care and attention. Some people may feel that this adaptation is not worth it. But we all like having someone to take care of, even if we don’t recognize it out loud. If you’re afraid of being vulnerable, this can lead to conflict.

It is important that men feel useful. When he, for example, offers to take your bag, it doesn’t mean he’s calling you weak. Let him offer help; often he just wants to be kind.

3. “Do your friends serve you breakfast in bed too?”

There are many reasons that can lead to the question “Who is more important: your friends or me?” It can appear when a man decides to spend less time with you. Or when he decides at the last minute that he won’t go to the movies because he decided to go for a drink with his friends. Of course, this last case shows that he’s not the most considerate person in the world, but he doesn’t always want to be with you.

It is important for the couple to understand that above all they are friends. Questions of this type do not reveal friendship, they only show a charge that sooner or later can lead to the end of the relationship.

4. “You don’t even take your shirt off to sleep”

Many men are not able to wear comfortable and elegant clothes. They’re just not used to it. If you don’t like his image, speak up, but politely. The main thing you should be concerned about is not the clothes, but the character of the person.

If he doesn’t have fancy clothes to go to an event, you can give one as a gift. When you put on a beautiful evening dress he won’t be able to resist and will want to wear the outfit you gave him as a gift.

5. “He did everything by himself, without asking for help”

In a relationship, comparisons with the ex and the ex should not exist. In the relationship, we are unique and therefore special. Don’t tell him that your ex was better at certain things, this will only create stress and won’t solve anything.

This kind of comparison can irritate even the most laid-back person.

Have you ever experienced similar situations in your relationship? Share some in the comments.

Illustrator Xenia Shalagina exclusive to Incrível.club

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