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5 famous quotes by Stephen Covey

Stephen Covey, best-selling author, left us phrases worth collecting. In this article we highlight those that inspire deeper reflection.

Stephen Covey was born in 1932, writing years later a book that made him famous, The seven habits of highly effective people. Both he and his book have served as an inspiration to many peopleso today we will discover some famous phrases by Stephen Covey.

Beforehand, it is worth mentioning that Stephen Covey graduated in Business Administration and that he dedicated most of his life to teaching. However, this did not prevent him from cultivating his role as a writer. Your goal of him? Helping individuals and organizations manage their time much bettera very precious and valuable asset.

1. Errors from a proactive approach

“The proactive approach to a mistake is to instantly recognize it, correct it, and learn from it.”

This first of Stephen Covey’s famous phrases is collected in the book that catapulted him to fame. With it, what he intended was to allow people to reflect on his mistakes in order to adopt a proactive rather than reactive attitude.

We live in a society in which there is a great fear of making mistakes, as the article points out Fear of making mistakes and self-determined motivation in adolescent students. This is developed from the earliest ages. Therefore, it is essential to learn to change your focus. Because “error” implies “opportunity”.

2. Suffering is always an option

“Setbacks are inevitable, suffering is an option. There are always reasons, never excuses.”

This is another of Stephen Covey’s famous phrases that we can read in his book The 8th habit. With it, this author wants us to be aware that we cannot control everything that happens around us. The fact that our car stops working or that we are diagnosed with an illness are unpleasant situations that can happen no matter how good care habits we develop.

However, we have the option to suffer or not. We will choose the former if we settle into complaint and regret a circumstance that is not the product of bad luck. However, we can choose not to take this stance.

3. There is only one thing we control: ourselves

“If I really want to improve the situation, I can work on the only thing I have control over: myself.”

In the previous sentence we realized the lack of control we have regarding what happens around us. However, yes There is something we can manage: our thoughts, emotions and behaviors. We can change attitudes, the way we communicate, the way we want to use our time.

When we want to improve a situation that we complain about; For example, a job that we don’t like or friends that ignore us, Instead of complaining, why not take action? See new job offers, attend interviews at other companies, make new friends or join a group where we can meet new people. We can control this.

4. Everything is created twice

“Vision is applied imagination. All things are created twice: first, a mental creation; second, a physical creation.”

This fourth of Stephen Covey’s famous phrases allows us to realize how everything that ends up becoming reality on the physical plane has previously been created in our mind. For this reason, many times, we talk about Power that creating a vision board can have.

Currently, there is a lot of emphasis on visualization. A technique that aims to create in the mind what you want that ends up being a physical creation. This has great power. We can start putting it to the test today.

5. Stronger emotional intelligence

“Developing stronger emotional intelligence is one of the biggest challenges facing parents and leaders at all levels of organizations.”

This last of Stephen Covey’s famous phrases is aimed at organizations. Emotional intelligence is a capacity that is trainedas stated in the article The question of emotional intelligence.

Developing stronger emotional intelligence is vital for everyone, but especially for those who play a leadership role or have great responsibility within organizations. But, this is not easy. You have to work and train this type of intelligence. For this reason, it is conceived as quite a challenge.

These are some of Stephen Covey’s famous phrases that are collected in two of his books The seven habits of highly effective people and The 8th habit. Works that not only seek an improvement that provides positive results in the workplace, but also personally. Have you read any of these books?

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All cited sources were reviewed in depth by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, validity and validity. The bibliography in this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

Arango, RN (2015). Management skills in leaders of medium-sized companies in Colombia. Thought & Management, (38), 119-146.Canavire, Vanina Belén. (2013). Reading scenes and cultural industry: the case of self-help books. Communication and society, (19), 41-60. Retrieved on July 30, 2019, from http://www.scielo.org.mx/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0188-252X2013000100003&lng=es&tlng=es.Covey, SR (2015). The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Image Editing. Mango Media Inc.

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