Theatre, cinema, painting, sculpture, dance… phrases for those who love art they are a way of enhancing the emotions and reflections that it can awaken. We selected 45 ideas, which can be shared on WhatsApp and increase publications on social media!
What is art in a sentence?
How about thinking about it? Close your eyes and try to remember times when artwork caught your eye. How did you feel? What did they make you realize? What changes or attitudes did they provide? Now, try to turn your thoughts into words. It’s also worth getting inspired by our list of phrases for those who love art:
1 – “Love and art do not embrace what is beautiful, but what precisely with this embrace becomes beautiful.” (Karl Kraus)
2 – “Art exists so that reality does not destroy us.” (Friedrich Nietzsche)
3 – “Art does not reproduce what we see. She makes us see.” (Paul Klee) 🎭
4 – “Art consists of making others feel what we feel.” (Fernando Pessoa)
5 – “Art is not manual work, it is the transmission of feelings that the artist experienced.” (Leon Tolstoy)
6 – “The purpose of art is to embody the secret essence of things, not to copy their appearance.” (Aristotle)
7 – Art is the place of perfect freedom. 🖼️
8 – “A work of art is the happy result of continuous anguish.” (Carlos Drummond de Andrade)
9 – Ballet is sculpture in movement.
10 – All arts contribute to the greatest of all arts: the art of living.
11 – “Art is a form of growth towards freedom, a path to life.” (Fayga Ostrower)
Phrases for those who love art
12 – I love the reflections that art provides.
13 – “Learn to love the art in yourself, and not yourself in the art.” (Stanislavski)
14 – People who love all types of art! 🎭
15 – A work of art that did not begin with emotion is not art.
16 – Art doesn’t have to be beautiful. It has to be significant.
17 – Dance, painting, sculpture, theater… All types of art enchant me!
18 – Whatever the type of art, there is always something that moves me and makes me reflect. 🎨
19 – It is impossible to leave an exhibition without being enchanted!
20 – Art moves me, makes me reflect, makes me more human.
21 – “Love art in itself and not yourself in art.” (Constantin Stanislavski) 🖼️
22 – Status: in a serious relationship with art!
23 – “Science describes things as they are; art, how they feel, how they feel.” (Fernando Pessoa)
24 – Love and art are synonymous. 🎨
25 – I love loving art!
Quotes about art Tumblr
26 – “Love is the art of creating something with the help of another’s abilities.” (Bertolt Brecht)
27 – “The supreme law of art is the representation of beauty.” (Leonardo da Vinci)
28 – “Culture, in all forms of art, love and thought, over the centuries, has enabled man to be less enslaved.” (André Malraux)
29 – “Beauty exists in everything, both good and bad. But only artists and poets know how to find it.” (Charles Chaplin)
30 – “The artist’s job is to always delve deeper into the mystery.” (Francis Bacon) 🎭
31 – “Art is contemplation; It is the pleasure of the spirit that penetrates nature and discovers that nature also has a soul.” (Auguste Rodin)
32 – “The artist is nothing without the gift, but the gift is nothing without the work.” (Émile Zola) 🖼️
33 – “Art no longer consists of an object for you to look at, find beautiful, but for preparation for life.” (Lygia Clark)
34 – “The greatness of a work of art lies fundamentally in its ambiguous character, which leaves the viewer to decide on its meaning.” (Adornment)
35 – “Each child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist after growing up.” (Pablo Picasso)
36 – “To create a work of art, it’s not enough to have talent, it’s not enough to have strength, you also need to experience great love.” (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart)
37 – “The artist’s highest objective is to express in the physiognomy and movements of the body the passions of the soul.” (Leonardo da Vinci)
38 – “The essence of art is not in being, or appearing beautiful, but in awakening the deepest corners of human sensitivity.” (Leonardo Horta)
39 – “Only love and art make existence tolerable.” (W. Somerset Maugham)
40 – “Great art requires love and hate.” (Bertolt Brecht)
41 – “Paradoxically, although it may seem, it is no less true that life imitates art much more than art imitates life.” (Oscar Wilde)
42 – “I dream about my painting and I paint my dream.” (Vincent Van Gogh) 🖼️
43 – “After the price has been well adjusted, we must always work for the love of art.” (Millôr Fernandes)
44 – “Painting is poetry seen rather than felt, and poetry is painting that is felt rather than seen.” (Leonardo da Vinci) 🎨
45 – “I have nature, art and poetry, and if that is not enough, what is enough?” (Vincent Van Gogh)
Read more: phrases by Paulo Coelho It is phrases by Cora Coralina.