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40 phrases of difficult times to overcome all obstacles

To be strong is to keep flying high when your wings are ripped from you.

When you go through difficult times and wonder where God is, remember that during an exam, the teacher is silent.

Aline Barros

Everything has its time.

Ecclesiastes 3:1

Hard times never last, but strong people do.

Life is a circle of happiness, sadness, hard times and happy times. If you are going through a difficult time, remember that moments of peace will come.

But that’s life, unfortunately. If we want the good days to come, we have to survive the bad ones.

Be kinder to you. You are a being that breathes. A memory for someone. A home for a lifetime.

Go out and do something. It’s not your room that’s a prison, it’s you.

Sylvia Plath

Be smooth. Don’t let the world harden you. Don’t let the pain turn to hate. Don’t let bitterness steal your sweetness.

Experience is the most rigorous teacher. First she charges and then teaches the lesson.

We are often more frightened than hurt; and we suffer more from imagination than from reality.

You will survive and good things will start happening again. One day you might even look back, and even that won’t be such a bad thing.

You are not wrong to walk away from something or someone that drains you emotionally.

For as the sufferings of Christ overflow to us, so through Christ our consolation overflows.

Corinthians 1:5

Those who sow with tears, with songs of joy will reap. He who goes out crying as he sows the seed, will return with songs of joy, bringing his sheaves.

Psalms 126:5-6

Don’t forget: after the storm there is always a beautiful rainbow. Yours is on the way!

The brevity of life can be comforting, because everything passes. Even the bad things, nothing is eternal.

Remember: even when everything seems lost, when the world turns its back on you, God is with you. He never leaves you.

There is no night that lasts forever, the sun always comes to break the darkness.

Difficult situations are necessary to strengthen us. You will get the most out of it all! Just have faith and courage.

Even if you lack words and over tears, God listens to your heart. Talk to Him in silence.

I’m alive. I am here. I am trying. It’s enough.

The universe has mysterious ways of granting us exactly what we need at the right time. Hold tight!

And if the storm takes time to pass, dance through it.

Do what you can with what you have.

Theodore Roosevelt

One day these tears of sadness will be tears of joy mixed with a sincere and happy laugh!

You can do it, don’t be afraid.

Earthly things do not belong to a heart that was made for heaven.

Just because you took longer than others doesn’t mean you failed.

Not everyone is okay with living with an open wound, but the problem with open wounds is that if you’re ignoring it, you’re not healing.

Don’t let yesterday’s events dim today.

Sometimes we feel that what we do is just a drop in the ocean; but the ocean would be incomplete without that drop.

Saint Mother Teresa of Calcutta

And there will come a time, you’ll see, no more tears. And love will not break your heart, but cast away your fears.

Mumford and Sons

You are much more than your productivity, you are much more than what the world charges you.

The way I see it, life is a pile of good things and bad things. Good things don’t always make up for bad things, but vice versa, bad things don’t necessarily spoil good things or make them less important.

Doctor Who

Do not give up! Soon you will be amazing.

God gives us faith so that we don’t create expectations.

This is my consolation in my suffering: Your promise gives me life.

Psalms 119:50

Was it not I who ordered you? Be strong and brave! Do not be terrified or discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.

Joshua 1:9

Someday you will look back and know exactly why this had to happen.

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