Everything in this life comes down to the phases, our cycles are no different.
Caroline Stemniak
When hurt, it may seem like closing ourselves off is the best option, but it’s not, they just postpone beginnings. Being open to the new is essential!
Caroline Stemniak
Persevere, wait, start again.
Caroline Stemniak
Living life without being open to the new is wasting the many opportunities that are part of it.
Caroline Stemniak
New leaves, new flowers, in the infinite blessing of the fresh start.
Chico Xavier
40 phrases about turning the page and giving yourself a new chance at life
Authentic living involves being open to the new and to the possibilities of life.
Caroline Stemniak
Dreaming of the future without being open to the new is in vain!
Caroline Stemniak
Nothing ever continues, everything will start over!
Mario Quintana
Starting over doesn’t mean we’re going to leave everything behind, just that we’re going to reinvent what we already have.
Caroline Stemniak
It is necessary to open up to new beginnings, in them live the best stories of conquest and overcoming.
Caroline Stemniak
44 life-changing phrases that will help you take the first step
We can always, ALWAYS start over, even when it seems difficult.
I cry, soft with sadness. Then I get up and start again.
Clarice Lispector
Starting over is not the same thing as starting over the same story, but taking the first step in a NEW one with everything that has been learned!
Caroline Stemniak
The fresh start can be that light at the end of the tunnel you’ve been looking for so much.
Caroline Stemniak
We are beautiful butterflies in the process of metamorphosis, a new stage is coming.
Caroline Stemniak
A new life can only begin if we have an open mind to see the possibilities.
Caroline Stemniak
And starting over is painful. It is necessary to investigate new truths, adapt new values and concepts. It is not possible to reconstruct the same life twice in a single existence.
Caio Fernando Abreu
The new means that we grow, we evolve… Congratulations on your process.
Caroline Stemniak
It’s painful, but sometimes it’s necessary to leave a step behind and start a new story.
Caroline Stemniak
I’ll start over, I’ll try to live, I’ll try to get you out of my life. And not to cry, before leaving, I’ll try to smile in farewell.
Belem Fafa
40 metamorphosis phrases that will inspire you to come out of the cocoon
Turn that page, the next chapter is beautiful!
Caroline Stemniak
The new scares you because it is unknown, but if you leave the fear behind and face it, I promise you it will be worth it.
Caroline Stemniak
Open up to the new, do it for no one but yourself!
Caroline Stemniak
You are never too old to have a new goal or dream new dreams.
CS Lewis
Life is a factory of opportunities, of new stories, of paragraph beginnings.
Caroline Stemniak
All beginnings are difficult. Starting over in love demands a lot from us, but it also brings many rewards.
The uncertainty of the new is better than the certainty of not in the past.
Even when it seems to be the end point, it is not, we can and should always start over.
We lose the fight, we lose the war, but we never lose the chance to try again.
Sometimes we need to stop, review and rebuild our own history.
Caroline Stemniak
Building new stories and starting over are actions that legitimize our existence.
Caroline Stemniak
See if you forget, start over, we deserve it.
All of nature is constantly ending and beginning cycles. We cannot forget that we are also part of nature.
Caroline Stemniak
Starting over is necessary, after all, we are constantly changing and our goals accompany this process.
Caroline Stemniak
We tend to face rather than welcome the new, but this is not the right way. What appears as a challenge is what transforms us. Embrace the possibilities!
No displeasure, no discouragement; if you just failed, start over.
Marco Aurelio
When a cycle of life ends, a new way of living is the best option.
The peace we feel when entering a new phase makes the whole process worthwhile.
Caroline Stemniak
The joy of life lies in variety. Even the tenderest love asks to be renewed through absence.
Samuel Johnson
We need to learn to leave the past behind and start over, again and again…
Caroline Stemniak