Dating over the years has evolved a lot and traditions have changed a lotthat is, what was common and even a rule in a relationship, became optional, e.g. Wedding rings are no longer the only symbol that represents the relationship. Check out other jewelry in the post that can also represent love.

Some couples like to shape their relationship habits according to their personalities. Therefore, instead of rings, there are couples who look for other alternatives among accessories. If this is you, check out beautiful romantic options to replace traditional wedding rings.

1. Personalized Necklace:

A good option is personalized necklaces, This jewelry can be incorporated into everyday life and, in addition, they are discreet pieces, the couple can choose to write both names on the pendantor each use your partner’s name.

18k Gold Letter Pendant

3. Heart Bracelet:

The use of bracelets by couples has won the hearts of couples who want to escape tradition even further, Many famous couples already use this accessory, one example is Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, who wore beautiful bracelets when they were dating. A good unisex option is intertwined heart bracelet.

Silver Commitment Ring Kit + Lively Silver Ring

In addition to these beautiful jewelry that are available at , the couple can still choose to represent their love in other unique ways. The important thing is to represent your love, no matter what!

Leave here in the comments which way of representing your love best suits your relationship!