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35 good night catholic phrases to sleep full of blessings

Goodnight! May Our Lady’s sacred mantle protect your home. May the light of the Mother of our Savior flood your life and grant you the peace of a peaceful night.

May this night be as God wants. May our tomorrow be perfect and blessed by his power. May you rest in Mother’s lap of effusion. Goodnight!

Goodnight! May the angel of the Lord visit you at this moment and bring love, faith and hope to your heart.

Good night with the holy presence of Jesus and Our Lady!

Goodnight! The Holy Family is passing by to bless us. Let’s be grateful!

Holy Mother of God, protect our families and our homes. Goodnight!

Goodnight! Mother, I ask you that when I lie down, cover me with your Sacred Mantle and bless my rest.

Goodnight! May we be blessed and protected by Jesus and Our Lady tonight.

Goodnight! May the blessings of the Divine Eternal Father descend upon your life and that of your family and remain forever. Amen!

Goodnight! May Our Lady grant us a night of peace and rest.

There are days when you put a comma, there are days when you put reticence, there are days when you put a full stop and there are days when you have the need to turn the page. Goodnight!

Father Fabio de Melo

He who cannot do much should at least do what he can to the extent of his strength; will certainly not go unrewarded. Goodnight!

Saint Anthony of Padua

One more night to have the well deserved rest protected and blessed by the grace of God, amen!

The good you do today is often forgotten by people tomorrow. Do it anyway. Goodnight!

Saint Mother Teresa of Calcutta

There are certain things that fit better within silence; others fit much more even in the hands of God. Goodnight!

Father Zezinho

God bless the night of all the people of the world. May they sleep warmed by the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Amen!

Don’t tell God how big your problem is. Show this problem the strength of our God. Goodnight!

Father Marcelo Rossi

Your life is a picture to be painted. Paint it with the brush of prayer, use the watercolor of faith, place the frame of tenderness and your life will be the most beautiful art in the museum of eternity. Goodnight!

Father Marcelo Rossi

Mary, Mother of God, cover this night with your mantle of love and grace. And may tomorrow be another day guided by you!

God’s time is eternity and men’s time is the hope of eternity. Goodnight!

Father Zezinho

Our life is a path, when we stop, we don’t go forward. Goodnight!

Pope Francis

May Our Lady grant you a blessed and peaceful sleep! May her night be a lot of rest.

God gives the hardest battles to his best soldiers. Goodnight!

Pope Francis

Don’t be afraid of anything, or anything. Do not be afraid of human weaknesses, nor of the mysteries of God. Goodnight!

Pope John Paul II

May the Holy Spirit and Mary visit you that night and cover you with light and hope. Amen!

Good night! Your life is a grace of the Lord. Always be grateful for everything you have in it.

Another day that ends and with it proof that God works miracles all the time. Be grateful! Good night!

Good night! Another day that I am covered by the sacred mantle of Mary and renewed in the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Thank you god for everything!

Good night! Mary, in her infinite kindness, led you through another blessed day, accompanied you on the daily Calvary. Remember to thank her for everything she has done!

Good night! All my saints guided me through this day and I can only be grateful. Thank you, God for all the protection and love!

May the Holy Family visit yours tonight and shower everyone with divine love and blessing. Good night!

Good night! It is in the Sacred Heart of Mary that I find a night of peace and renewal to start another day full of light.

Good night! May Our Lady pray and intercede for us today and every day of our lives. Amen.

Good night! May we always be obedient like Mary, may we have the faith of the Mother of God and the fear of all the saints.

Passing by to remember that Mary is always by your side, guiding you in the ways of Jesus. Have a good night!

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