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30 phrases of lack of confidence to reflect on this insecurity

Learn: trust doesn’t have seven lives!

The assumption of vulnerability to hazards depends more on a lack of confidence in available defenses than on the volume or nature of the actual threats.

Zygmunt Bauman

Lack of trust between friends is a sin that cannot be repeated, otherwise it will be irremediable.

Friedrich Nietzsche

I believe that the people who distrust everything and everyone are the ones who suffer from a lack of confidence in themselves.

Good and true friendship cannot and should not be distrusted in anything.

Lack of trust breaks bonds that could be eternal.

Trust is like a mirror, once broken, there’s no going back.

There were so many lies, stabs in the back and deception that I learned to always distrust others.

I wish I could trust people more, but my whole life I’ve been proved that few are worthy of it.

Trust is gained little by little and is lost in a matter of seconds.

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