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30 phrases of beautiful poems that will make you fall in love

Everything I loved, I loved alone.

Edgar Allan Poe

What lives does not dull. What lives hurts. Man, because he lives, clashes with what he lives. To live is to go among what lives.

Joao Cabral de Melo Neto

I sing because the moment exists and my life is complete. I am neither happy nor sad: I am a poet.

Cecília Meireles

Because life, life, life, life can only be reinvented.

Cecília Meireles

I look for you in the good things, in no entire encounter, in each one I inaugurate you.

Alice Ruiz

Yours is the light by which my spirit was born: – you are my sun, my moon and all my stars.

EE Cummings

Recreate your life, always, always. Remove stones and plant roses and make candy. Restart.

Cora Coralina

God is more beautiful than me. And he’s not young. This yes, he is consolation.

Adelia Prado

This ticking clock is Time’s sewing machine making shrouds.

Mario Quintana

When I could no longer with the silence I listened to the songs.

Matilde Campilho

And now Jose? The party ended, the light went out, the people disappeared, the night got cold, and now, José?

Carlos Drummond deAndrade

May it not be immortal, since it is flame, but may it be infinite while it lasts.

Vinicius de Moraes

This wanting to be exactly what we are, will still take us further.

Paulo Leminski

What can a creature but, among creatures, love?

Carlos Drummond deAndrade

Look at me again. With less haughtiness. And more attentive.

Hilda Hilst

I believe in human solidarity. I believe in overcoming the mistakes and anxieties of the present.

Cora Coralina

Who are you? I asked desire. Answered: lava. Then powder. Then nothing.

Hilda Hilst

So I love you, so; more than my lips can tell you, more than the weary troubadour’s voice is worth singing.

Gonçalves Dias

I didn’t know that turning inside out was a deadly experience.

Ana Cristina Cesar

Memory reads the day backwards.

Ana Martins Marques

Come listen in my chest to the elemental silence of metals.

Ana Martins Marques

I present to you the most discreet woman in the world: the one who has no secrets.

Ana Cristina Cesar

I love you in an inexplicable way, in an unconfessable way, in a contradictory way.

Pablo Neruda

If the moon smiled, it would look like you. You also leave the impression of something beautiful but annihilating.

Sylvia Plath

I will not live in vain if I can save a heart from breaking.

Emily Dickinson

Doubt the light of the stars, that the sun is hot. Doubt even the truth, but trust in my love.

William Shakespeare

I’m a reflection… a corner of a landscape, or just scenery! A back-and-forth… Like luck: today here, then there!

Florbela Espanca

Life is more happy than sad. It is better to be.

Adelia Prado

I am big, I contain multitudes.

Walt Whitman

All those who are blocking my way, they will pass… I little bird!

Mario Quintana

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