Ingratitude is a form of weakness. I never knew a worthy man who was ungrateful.
Faithfulness is the effort of a noble soul to equal another greater than itself.
The human soul advances constantly, but in a spiral line.
Thinking is more interesting than knowing, but not more interesting than contemplating.
We must cultivate our qualities, not our particularities.
40 phrases from great thinkers to read and reflect on in every aspect
In a difficult situation, when nothing else makes sense to you, listen to your heart, it will show you the way.
The ideal beauty lies in calm and serene simplicity.
It is only possible to teach a child to love by loving him.
Nothing scarier than ignorance in action.
Worthy of freedom is only those who know how to conquer it every day.
40 philosophers quotes about life to reflect on the importance of life
Talent is molded in solitude; character, in coexistence.
Nobody would talk so much in the presence of others if they knew how often they are misunderstood.
Go as far as you can see; when you get there you can see even further.
Be bold and powerful forces will come to your aid.
Dive boldly into life and grab it wherever you want, it’s always interesting.
Youth is drunkenness without wine.
Nothing is worth more than today. You can not relive yesterday. Tomorrow is still beyond your reach.
He is the happiest, whether king or peasant, who finds peace in his home.
Whatever your dream, get started. boldness has geniality, power and magic.
There is no worthy man who allows the faith in immortality to be ripped from his chest.
30 Writer’s Day phrases to commemorate this special date
Beauty is indivisible. Whoever comes to possess it prefers, instead of distributing it, to annihilate it.
Dangerous is he who has nothing to lose.
Thinking is easy. Acting is difficult. Acting according to what one thinks is of all the greatest difficulty.
You don’t have what you don’t understand.
We all live in the past, and for the past we die.
When a human creature wakes up to a great dream and throws all the strength of his soul upon it, the whole universe conspires in his favor.
Treat people as if they are what they could be and you will help them become what they are capable of being.
Not all paths are for all hikers.
Friendship is like honorifics: the older, the more precious.
Every day we should listen to some music, read some good poetry, see a beautiful picture and, if possible, say a few sensible words.