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30 phrases about immaturity to grow up and leave it behind

The young person has all the defects of the adult and one more: that of immaturity.

Nelson Rodrigues

It’s immaturity that makes us make decisions that we later regret, but without them, we wouldn’t grow.

Life will be a succession of mistakes and successes until you reach maturity.

Everyone was immature once, the problem is when age increases, but maturity does not follow.

In an immature way he loves the young, and also in an immature way he hates men and the earth. Heavy and bound are still his spirits and the wings of his spirit.

Friedrich Nietzsche

It is not wrong for young people to be immature. Wrong is adults acting like young people.

It is not age that defines maturity, but character. There are people who like to be childish when they are not old enough for it.

Being immature to the point of playing with other people’s feelings just proves what an asshole you are.

Generally speaking, maturity is thought to come with age. Is not true. With age, you get older. We acquire maturity by taking responsibility in all aspects of life.

Edwin L. Cole

When life takes a toll, you can’t play at being immature anymore, it’s time to grow up and take charge.

To stop being immature, start by assuming your responsibilities and honoring your commitments.

Immature people are those who hurt others the most and blame it on lack of knowledge, they don’t take responsibility for their actions, justifying that they didn’t do it wrong.

Immaturity stresses me out because I can’t deal with someone who doesn’t make an effort to be responsible.

Lack of maturity is also a matter of ignorance!

An immature person thinks that all his choices generate gains. A mature person knows that all choices have losses.

Augusto Cury

Sometimes we are betrayed by our immaturity and we cling to the expectations we create of people.

Immature people succumb to their desires rather than using them as allies.

It is not good for human beings to force them to mature before their time. It’s good to live some things that only immaturity provides.

Only the immature expose plans out there, but that’s because they haven’t learned that people are envious.

You’re young for a few years, but you can be immature all your life. He who knows others is known; but he who knows himself is wise.

Lao Tzu

Immaturity is the closest cousin to naivety.

Struggling to gain attention is for children, adults who do this only prove their immaturity.

I don’t like games. I like straight people. I leave this bullshit to immature people.

That’s not immaturity, it’s a lack of character camouflaged with innocence.

There’s nothing that stresses me out more than a grown man acting like a kid and getting attention after he messes around.

Sometimes I pretend I’m immature so people will leave me alone in matters I’m not interested in getting into.

Too much immaturity produces too little patience.

The maturity process is not linear. Sometimes we fall and commit immature actions unintentionally.

It takes years of immaturity to get enough experience to mature.

You can’t be mature all the time. Don’t blame yourself when you don’t realize it and let yourself be carried away by immaturity. Take the consequences of your actions and do what you have to do without complaining.

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