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30 funny good morning, saturday phrases that will make your day

The official day to have breakfast at lunch time has finally arrived! Good Saturday!

Good Morning! Good news and bad news: today is Saturday! Warning: you only have 24 hours. So, enjoy without moderation!

I love the simple things in life, like the grace of a Saturday morning… Good morning!

Good morning only to those who love the lazyness of a Saturday morning!

If it is in the Bible that the Sabbath is the day of rest, who am I to object? Good Morning!

Sexting is good, but Saturday enjoying the delight of waking up without an alarm clock is even better. Have a great saturday!

Good Morning! Life is much more than a dull Monday… Today, for example, is Saturday. cheer up!

Good Morning! Saturday with S for “simbora have fun my people”.

Good morning, lazybones! Today we’re going on Saturday packs at home.

Good Morning! Saturday is the day to put things in order… I, for example, will organize my laziness, how about you?

Yes-salabim, may this day bring great energy, yes! Good Saturday!

I wish you a great day, the boss doesn’t let you have Saturday off. Strength, warrior!

Good morning, beloved! I love Saturday because it’s the only day of the week you don’t wake up in a bad mood.

May your Saturday be so long that you can marathon as many seasons of your favorite series as you want. Good Morning!

Whether I cried or smiled, the important thing is that this week I survived. Today is Saturday, baby. Good Morning!

Good morning dear friend! Don’t forget that today is Saturday, the day to take a nice shower, moisturize your mane and improve your look. The night promises!

Everyone waits for Friday, but Saturday is when things happen. May your day be excellent and full of surprises!

Saturday may even be with S for “no money”, but it will never be with S for “no fun”. Good morning, my people!

Good Morning! Enjoy your Saturday because Monday is right there.

Today you don’t need another 5 minutes… Happy Saturday!

May your life be more like Saturday with lots of rest and the certainty of a better tomorrow, and less like a Sunday that carries with it the anxiety of Monday. Good Morning!

Have a great Saturday for three: your bed, your laziness and you!

Rainy Saturday is the perfect weather to propose to bed. Good Morning!

cheer up! Saturday is a day of fun and party… Leave the laziness for Sunday.

It took me a long time to find you, now I just want you: Saturday. Good Morning!

Tip of the day: don’t spend all your sympathy and cheer on Saturday, you’ll need them for the rest of the week. Good Morning!

Great day, folks! May our Saturday be as eternal as a Monday!

Good morning to everyone, except for those who wake up at dawn on a Saturday to run.

Good morning, sleepyhead! That long-awaited day has come to do several nothings. Have a great Saturday!

When the sun appears on the horizon, turn to your side and keep sleeping, because today is Saturday. Good Morning!

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