Home » Horoscope » 3 Iemanjá Baths to conquer love and much more!

3 Iemanjá Baths to conquer love and much more!

Also known as the Queen of the Sea, Iemanja is the mother of all Orixás and is therefore one of the most respected deities in African religions. She symbolizes the strength of woman and motherhood and is considered the protector of all homes, source of forgiveness and unconditional love.

Therefore, Iemanjá baths are powerful sources of love and protection and promote improvements in the most diverse aspects of life. In what area of ​​your life do you need help the most? Below we list 3 Iemanjá baths so that you can also count on the extra strength of this welcoming Mother.

Also check out everything about Iemanjá – Get to know the goddess of the oceans better.

Iemanjá bath to open paths in love

Iemanjá is also considered the goddess of love and sexuality, so she can also open her paths in the search or conquest of love. Learn how to do a ritual to help you with this goal. To prepare this bath you will need:

  • 2 liters of water
  • 1 handful of boldo leaves
  • 1 handful of cow’s paw leaves
  • 3 white roses
  • 8 drops of Lavender Sap
  • Honey

To prepare you must place the white rose petals together with the leaves in a container and knead. During this preparation, say a prayer to Iemanjá reinforcing the desire that your paths in love be opened. Have faith and think positive.

Add the remaining ingredients to the mixture and heat the mixture until it is at a pleasant temperature for the skin.

Take this mixture to the bathroom, and after taking your hygienic bath, throw the Iemanjá bath on your body, from the head down. Do this slowly, mentalizing your request with a lot of positivity and praising mother Yemanja.

After the bath, wear light clothes and try to stay in quiet environments to feel all the energy of this powerful bath.

Check out other rituals for love that might interest you:

Yemanja purification bath

This bath is suitable for those who need to remove impurities and negativities so that energies can be renewed. For that you will need:

  • 2 liters of water
  • 1 handful of coarse salt
  • Petals of a white rose
  • 1 tablespoon of lavender sap

To prepare, mash the rose petals and then add the other ingredients. During this preparation, say a prayer to Iemanjá, asking that this bath can purify and renew your energies.

Boil the mixture for a few minutes and then allow it to cool to a skin-friendly temperature.

Take your bath normally and at the end, throw the Iemanjá bath on your body, from the neck down. Do this very slowly, mentalizing your desires and only positive things.

It is recommended that this bath be done on a Saturday.

Also know other baths that may interest you:

Iemanjá bath from Iemanjá to restore inner peace

If your desire is to have more peace and tranquility in your daily routine, this bath is for you. He will help you to get rid of the disturbances that afflict you and restore your inner peace. You will need:

  • 2 liters of water
  • 7 tablespoons of lavender
  • 7 white rose petals

To prepare, you must put the water to heat and as soon as it starts to boil, add the petals of the 7 white roses.

Move clockwise while positively mentalizing your desire and ask for Iemanjá’s help so that your goal is achieved. Cover the mixture and let it rest for 3 hours.

After this period, add the perfume and strain the mixture and reserve the rose petals.

Take your bath normally and at the end, throw the Iemanjá bath on your body, from the head down. At this moment, also mentalize your desire and ask Yemanja to carry all the disturbances in his life to the bottom of the sea.

After the bath, throw the strained petals in a garden.

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