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23 Signs From Angels – How To Know If Angels Are Really With You | Your guardian angel

23 Angel Signs You Might Be Experiencing!

Angel signs are the signs and omens that signify the presence of angels in your life. Angels are very real, but they are spiritual beings that exist within a different frequency band than humans and therefore, even though they send us clear messages, and even warning signs… We don’t always get the message.

That’s why angels use signs!

It’s to get your attention!

Increasing your present moment awareness of the angels is one of the best ways to begin to tune in to their guidance, especially the moment you have received a sign of their presence. The more you increase your receptivity and awareness of angelic energy, the more you will be able to receive its frequency transmissions, the angels’ warning signs, and the message when you need it most.

In addition to receiving signs from the angels, angelic guidance of course can and does come directly in the form of channeled messages, through dreams, spiritual downloads, epiphanies and directly receiving insight… You can receive flashes of inspiration, learn from your angels during the meditation, or seeing and perceiving angels deeply through your subtle psychic senses.

Guidance from angels also comes in a more subtle form, and in many cases when we “lose” reception of the messages the angels are trying to convey, they will use signs and leave hints and tips that serve to push us in the right direction and remind us of your support and presence.

When you receive a signal, there is almost always something deeper behind it and the signals often come hand in hand with receiving a flash of inspiration, a message, or gaining an aha of understanding and acknowledgment about what is now it will serve and support you in your life to manifest positive changes and blessings in your life.

What are the signs of a Guardian Angel?

Angel signs are everywhere and can come in a variety of forms depending on your current challenges, next steps, or questions you have asked.

Your guardian angels know you, and therefore they know which signs will capture your awareness, and which objects hold personal meaning and importance to you. So they can use these things to help guide your next steps…

Although you have probably already heard and been told some of the common angel signs, it is important to know that your guardian angels can use any number of signs and synchronicity to get your attention. I’m going to share some of the most common angel signs for you here… But just because I don’t mention something below doesn’t mean your angels won’t use it as a sign for you. Again, they know you and they know what signs and symbols will have meaning for you.

While some of these angel signs you will receive may seem small or even seemingly insignificant at first, when they are focused, recognized and appreciated, the impact and frequency of angel signs will likely increase.

Also, becoming more and more aware when you notice angel signs often allows you to more deeply understand the meaning and also open up to the deeper messages and wisdom your guardian angels want to communicate to you. .

Common Signs and Symbols of Angels

I have compiled this list of the most common angel signs. These signs can be from archangels, guardian angels, or other angelic beings. All of these signs from angels can come as a validation or answer to a question you may have asked. Alternative signs may also appear to remind you that you have angels guiding and supporting you in your life, and they are ready and willing to help you in your life and on your path.

When you notice a sign that may be from an angel… Breathe, be aware, and thank your angels for reaching out to you with their love and guidance. As you relax and tune in to the signs from the angels, practicing mindfulness and allowing, you can then become more in tune with your angels, and more open and receptive to the peace, guidance and assistance they have for you. .

23 Undeniable Signs From Angels!

Angel signs are the signs, clues, and omens that signify the presence of angels in your life.


Finding feathers in your path is one of the best known signs of angels. Feathers of any color are a beautiful reminder that your angels are close, love you, and support you from behind the scenes. When you find feathers in a place that is somewhat abnormal, it is an especially powerful angelic sign. When you find white feathers, they are almost always a sign from your angel…

Even when you are in a place where there are white birds, a white feather can be a beautiful reminder of the angelic presence in your life.


A feeling of warmth and a discharge of hot light energy is a clear sign from the angels! When a non-physical spiritual being begins to move its energy into material reality, it moves through layers of etheric life force energy in order to manifest. And the first layer of energy through which they move is the hot ether. And so when an incredibly light and high and advanced spiritual being like an angel is reaching out to you, his presence can be felt as warmth. This can feel like the temperature of the room around you has risen, or you can just, out of the blue, in your meditation, when you’re sitting there writing a journal, feel this warmth, and the heat rise within you, it’s a clear sign of the presence of angels.

Tingling sensation on your skin

In addition to feeling warm, angelic energy is often felt as a gentle tingling on the surface of the skin. This is a positive feeling, although it can feel a bit strange. It happens when your vibration starts to rise due to the presence of an angel.

This tingling sensation is a clear angel sign and can accompany other signs to further validate the presence of angels!

flashing lights

Angelic energy is powerful! So when you are in the presence of angels, the actual lighting around you may show signs of this increased energy. This angel sign could take the form of the lights around you (such as a lamp in your room) flickering. It can also take the form of a light turning on by itself with no clear reason why it should have happened (other than a paranormal reason of course). When an angel directs their consciousness at you, that consciousness carries an almost electrical energy, so electrical devices like lighting acting a bit strange is a sure sign!

Flashing lights can be clear validation of angels’ presence, as it is one of the main signs that an angel is watching over you.

a gentle breeze

Feeling a gentle breeze or air movement around you without it having a physical cause is another undeniable angelic sign. The cause of this movement of the air is the angelic being that creates it. This sometimes happens to me when I am sitting in a room meditating and it is perfectly calm and still, and I am connecting with the angels and seeing them move around me through my inner vision, and then there is also a tangible sensation of movement in the air. . This angel sign happens through the sensation of feeling and it is a paranormal movement where you are in a room, there is no draft, and yet there is a warm current of energy that moves through the angelic energy that moves to you.


One of the most obvious signs of angels occurring through the clouds is when you see a cloud that looks like an angel. Your guardian angel can also draw your consciousness to certain clouds that resemble hearts, as well as many other shapes and symbols to offer you guidance and validation, and to draw your consciousness into his presence.

Angel clouds can resemble an angel, or be in the shape of another symbol that has meaning and significance to you.

lovely scents

Have you ever noticed a lovely sweet aroma and been unable to identify the source? This may be a sign from your angels! Angels love to make their presence known through the power of fragrance. You can feel the presence of your Guardian Angel through a rich and enchanting smell of chocolate with mint, or the closeness of the Archangels through the sweet and subtle scent of flowers.

Scent is a signal commonly used by your ancestors or loved ones who have also crossed… Do you smell your grandmother’s perfume and feel her close? The chances that her spirit is there with you are very high.

Do you smell something horrible? This is not a sign from your angels!
The scents that appear as signs from the angels are always completely divine.

babies and pets

Babies and animals have not yet taken over many of the filters that can block people’s ability to see angels clearly. Have you ever noticed babies looking up smiling at the ceiling, or looking excitedly at the air, or at a blank spot on the wall? They may be looking at an angel!

Or perhaps you’ve noticed moments where your pets’ attention is completely captured by something they seem unable to see…

This is especially common with cats!
When this happens, it is a sign of an angelic presence, and your pet or baby is likely looking at an angel. In the presence of angels babies, toddlers and animals will be calm, comforted… and excited.


I have met several people whose first sign of angels was when they began to hear music and angelic songs originating outside of the material world. The angels can also communicate with you through recurring songs that you hear on the radio. Or by having you listen to a series of songs, all with a very similar theme. Angels often send messages through music, whether it be through a song that starts playing in your mind, listening to calm and peaceful music when you meditate, or continuing to listen to a certain song on the radio… Keep in mind the guidance that it comes to you through music, especially when you wake up with a song in your head that answers a question you have had, as this is often a sign from the angel and a sign that you have had visits from the angel at night .


Finding coins, on your way or finding coins in general, is a common sign of guidance and support from the spirit realms. If you find a coin on your way, or maybe someone gives you a coin, pay attention! Does the date on the coin have any meaning to you? Have you asked for financial help from your…

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