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20+ Simple Inventions That Will Make Your Life Easier

Have you ever found yourself wondering why a certain product hasn’t been invented yet, and suddenly realize that the same product has already been invented? Believe me, you are not the only one to have this kind of feeling.

With the advancement of technology, more and more curious inventions appear that can make our lives easier in ways that sometimes even we ourselves had not imagined.

Imagine, for example, a self-warming jacket🇧🇷 It looks like something from the movie Back to the future, but it can already be found on Chinese online sales sites that deliver here in Brazil. Or a pill-shaped microcamera for endoscopies. Simple and brilliant.

Incrível.club presents some of these inventions. Stay with us!

1. A jacket from the Chinese brand Xiaomi that heats up to 50º by itself. With her, you can go to Siberia!

Price: 588 reais.

2. A smart traffic light for those who have the bad habit of walking around typing on their cell phones.

3. Sofa with built-in cell phone charger. Great!

4. Device for drying umbrellas. It’s the end of the wetting machine at home 🙂

5. Two-sided screen TV. For you to watch the game while the kids watch cartoons

6. Sneakers that change color according to sunlight

7. A robot that doesn’t allow plants to die

It does it all! If the plant does not receive enough light, move the pot to an area with more sun; and, of course, don’t let the poor thing die of thirst.

8. Computer with built-in coffee maker. Every office worker’s dream!

9. An almost invisible TV from Samsung

10. Batteries with USB input

11. An external fireproof elevator, in case of fire

12. A kind of special mesh for lemons that prevents them from releasing their seeds when cooking

13. Every parent’s dream! A slide for children in the middle of the airport. The lack of things to do is over

14. Automatic protector for vehicle doors

15. A super original pen that comes with the periodic table of elements built in. A hand on the wheel for those studying chemistry

16. A traffic signal that can be temporarily closed.

Because great ideas don’t necessarily need high tech

17. A smart speed bump

18. Yes, you didn’t see wrong. A toilet in an elevator in Japan. In case the elevator stops, you won’t have problems relieving yourself…

19. A helping hand for busy people

20. A jacket made of graphene, a super material that protects from both cold and heat

21. These tires are something great

22. Contact lenses that allow you to see up to 3 times farther. The cyborg age has begun

23. Seats that can be turned over in the subway

24. A pill-shaped microcamera for endoscopy

Did you already know some of these inventions?

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