I am with you, mother, in your permanent dream, in your uncertain hope. I am with you in your simplicity and in your generous gestures.
Antonio Ramos Rosa
A mother’s love is the highest form of altruism.
Machado de Assis
Everything I am, or want to be, I owe to an angel, my mother.
Abraham Lincoln
Every woman is like a rose. Queen of all flowers, but there are women who are also mothers. She is queen among queens, queen of all roses.
Augusto Branco
Mother. There are only three letters, those of that blessed name: Three letters, nothing more and in them the infinite fits.
Mario Quintana
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Dying happens with what is brief and passes without a trace. Mother, in your grace, is eternity.
Carlos Drummond deAndrade
When I’m little, mother, I want to hear your voice again in the bell of sound of my restless, hurried days, buffeted by fear.
José Jorge Letria
O mother who cut my hair — my hair. It adorns you much more than rings.
Daniel Faria
For the day to be huge, all the tenderness that looked in my Mother’s eyes was enough.
Sebastião da Gama
I learned how to take care of my poetry as a mother, a woman who took care of things and took care of life.
Conceição Evaristo
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Your mother’s soul floats onward. Your mother’s soul helps the night to navigate, choice after choice. Your mother’s soul lashes out at the sharks in front of you.
Paul Celan
You have the divine gift of being a mother. Humanity is present in you.
Cora Coralina
Mother has no limit, it’s time without time, light that doesn’t go out when the wind blows and rain falls, velvet hidden in wrinkled skin, pure water, pure air, pure thought.
Carlos Drummond deAndrade
Your name I bring, mother, in the palm of my hand.
Sergio Capparelli
The fierce love. And mothers are more and more beautiful. The children think they levitate. Violent flowers beat against your eyelids. They breathe high and low. They are silent.
Herberto Helder
Mothers are the highest things that children create, because they put themselves in the combustion of children, because children are like dandelion invaders in the mother’s land.
Herberto Helder
I didn’t forget anything, Mom. I keep your voice inside me. And I leave you the roses.
Eugénio de Andrade
Mother, my mother: don’t miss me, I’ll always come back as someone who comes from the sea.
Mia Couto
I am very afraid, my mother. Rest the friendly light of your eyes in my eyes without light and without rest. Tell the pain that it waits forever for me to go away.
Vinicius de Moraes
In the mother’s belly, not just another body is weaved. The soul is made.
Mia Couto