Cork stopper is an easy material to obtain, and when it is used in some manual work, the results are always beautiful. From curtains to rugs, passing through a wide variety of curious objects, the possibilities of giving corks a new life are limitless. So, it’s time to start saving that material and check out the ideas we’ve gathered for you in this post. We are sure they will please you a lot!
O gathered several suggestions for crafts that you can make with your own hands using cork stoppers.
1. Vases
2. Curtains
3. Accessories
4. Message board
5. Christmas ornaments
6. Cup holders
7. Keychain
8. Photo frame
9. Chess
10. Decoration
11. Mirror
12. Table
13. Object to hang jewelry
14. Carpet
15. Small vases
16. Napkin holder
17. Stamps
18. Pot rests
19. To prevent headphone wires from tangling
20. Birdhouse
What idea did you like the most? Do you know others that can be created from cork stoppers? Leave your comment below!