Probably, changing channels until you find a program that you like must be something recurrent in your life, right? Incidentally, when paid broadcasters are added to the “range” of possibilities, it is even more difficult to resolve, given the variety available to the viewer. When specifically analyzing the case of Brazilians, there are more than one hundred options.
The older ones must have gone through many situations in which they wanted to see a movie, and the brother, a football match, for example. However, with the popularization of devices, the impasse has changed its “focus” and tends to be limited to personal choices.
To enter this time tunnel, the invites you to accompany the change of 17 logos of traditional Brazilian broadcasters! Did you know what they all looked like?!
Nothing like a more subtle logo not to occupy “almost” half of the screen, right?
From the absence of color to the television rainbow…
Nothing like a round shape to live up to the station’s name
With or without an indigenous person, TV Cultura is part of the history of the Brazilian people
Band’s minimalist style fits well with today
To put an end to doubts that the station is not only made up of programs related to animals
A lighter, more modern look
For the avoidance of doubt that CNT is a Brazilian broadcaster
Although the bird is no longer in the sky, it is possible to see it flying in the immensity of your television.
Faithful to the original idea, but with a touch of color
Another that adapted to confirm the pride of being Brazilian
Less colors and more identity, like the main broadcaster’s logo
It has evolved perfectly over time, hasn’t it?!
Orange is the new white! Wait a minute… wasn’t it black?!
It seems that “top” is an older word than many imagined…
The “water” went from the outside to the inside of the logo… by the way, is it a fish in the middle?!
Bye, English! Here we speak Portuguese!
After following the changes, which caught your attention the most? And which logo would you choose as the most well-made? Share your opinion in the comments section!