José Mujica, better known to everyone as Pepe Mujica, is one of the most beloved politicians on the planet. This former Uruguayan president won the hearts of the world when, upon being elected to the highest office in Uruguay, he decided to govern without receiving the president’s salary, but only a modest amount that allowed him to live with austerity, to remain in his place next to his wife and continue driving his old Beetle instead of hiring a fleet of armored cars to move around the country.
At the end of his term, he retired to continue with his life, without seeking re-election because he considered it dangerous for any country that only one man clings to power. selected 15 of his best phrases, in which he expresses, through a life example, his philosophy about the current world, money, love, freedom and equality.
1. Poor are not those who have little. They are the ones who really want it. I don’t live in poverty, I live in austerity, in renunciation. I need little to live.
2. If I had many things, I would have to occupy myself with them. True freedom lies in consuming little.
3. There are things that only have value when they are lost.
4. Being free is (…) spending the most time of our lives with what we like to do.
5. Power doesn’t change people, it just reveals who they really are.
6. Nobody is more than anybody else.
7. The war will continue until nature calls to us and makes our civilization inevitable.
8. We destroy the jungles, the real jungles, and we install anonymous concrete jungles.
9. We face sedentary lifestyle with treadmills, insomnia with medication and loneliness with technology.
10. Living better is not having more, but being happier.
11. I’m not poor, I’m sober, I have a light baggage, I live with what I need so that things don’t steal my freedom.
12. The only healthy addiction is love.
13. I learned that if you can’t be happy with a few things, you won’t be happy with many things.
14. I belong to a generation that wanted to change the world, I was crushed, defeated, pulverized, but I still dream that it is worth fighting so that people can live a little better and with a greater sense of equality.
15. The impossible costs a little more, and defeated are those who fold their arms and surrender.