Certain habits and customs of our day to day are so common to us that to stop doing them would be pretty weird, wouldn’t it? But what is really strange is knowing that some of these customs — typically Brazilian — surprise many foreigners, who are impressed (and sometimes scared) by certain habits of Brazilian routine and culture!
O awesome.club decided to gather some Brazilian customs and show you which of our activities, so normal in everyday life, surprise people from countries abroad!
1. Kisses on the Cheek
Who would have thought that an act so common for us would be so strange for them! In some states, greetings can be up to three kisses! Many foreigners are impressed by this customary Brazilian act, considering us to be very receptive and very affectionate. Who knew, huh?
2. Barbecue
It is very normal to see, especially on Sundays or holidays, a meat roasting on a skewer or on the grill, while that delicious barbecue is going on, which is a reference for lunches with the family. But despite being very common for us, the barbecue held here impresses the culinary taste of foreigners and, as much as this practice exists in other parts of the world, some claim that ours is the best barbecue of all!
3. Parties
Here’s something that we Brazilians are great at doing! According to our dear tourists, the warm climate of the Brazilian people and the different manifestations of national culture, represented by our music, food and manners, make us a very happy and fun country. This is still true, as even we know that there are no better parties than ours!
4. Cheese Bread
Another uniquely Brazilian delicacy, which carries much of the history of our tropical country, is cheese bread. Typical of Minas Gerais, but popular in all Brazilian states, cheese bread is made here and exported to several countries, which do not usually produce this recipe. A cheese roll with a cup of coffee… it even made my mouth water!
5. Waxing
Known in many countries as ”Brazilian Waxing”, waxing is not an exclusive invention of Brazil, however, because it is the most used method among women here, it has become a method very associated with our country. How strange, no?
6. Paçoca
Can you imagine being at a June party and not having a paçoca to eat? For most Brazilians, this is something you can’t even imagine. A spice from our country, paçoca is very popular, but its flavor is not widely accepted by some palates around the world, so it is difficult to find it in other countries.
7. Fair Pastel
A mandatory stop for many people, including international actors when they are passing through — like the star Chris Pratt — the famous pastel de Feira is a true symbol for us. However, this wonderful snack has a still unknown origin. What we do know is that it was here in Brazil that he became popular!
8. Bringing “outside” food to eat at the movies
Cast the first stone whoever has never done so! For us, this practice is quite natural and often more economical than buying that traditional movie food, like popcorn and soda; for other countries, this may be prohibited! This practice is so wrong in some countries, that it is even shown in series — like when the character tries to hide the goodies inside his coat. Can you imagine if this fashion catches on in Brazil? We better stay as we are.
9. Feijoada
If the habit of eating rice and beans is already typically Brazilian, eating feijoada can be even more so! The Brazilian delicacy is a true symbol of national gastronomy and has become a choice for countless foreigners when visiting Brazil. How much responsibility, huh?
10. Rodízio Restaurant
Definitely, this is something very present in Brazilian culture! Although it is so normal for us, rodizio restaurant is not exactly common in other countries. The peculiarity of our all-you-can-eat restaurants is such that many Brazilians are opening this type of establishment in other parts of the world.
11. Cupcake
The rain cookies are an ideal choice for those late afternoon snacks, and we Brazilians love this delicacy. Although so popular here, many countries are unaware of the happiness of eating a rain cake, prepared for those family moments.
12. Fans
That Brazilian fans are the best, everyone knows! Literally, there is an absurd amount of artists who have already expressed their love and gratitude for Brazil and its fans, claiming to feel very special on national soil! For example, singer Katy Perry fell so in love with the love of Brazilian fans and our country that she has already openly expressed this feeling on the internet! Brazilian fans are so fun that it’s impossible not to remember cases like “My name is Julia”.
13. Tapioca
Produced by the indigenous people, tapioca is another delicacy known exclusively as Brazilian, and has a variety of fillings. The food represents the mixed cultures present in our country, which can make foreigners wonder about the versatility of the food.
14. Having a lot of holidays
If we Brazilians complain about having few holidays, imagine if we lived in another country? Just for national holidays, we have more than 10, and we often wish we had more days off! Other countries don’t even have half of that. While foreigners find it strange, we just say thank you.
This time, how about seeing some examples of customs of foreigners that may seem strange to Brazilians?
we, from awesome.club, we love learning about new cultures and being able to inform you about these diversities. Nothing is as good as discovering curiosities about another continent in the comfort of our home, isn’t it? Stay with us and check it all out by clicking here.
Had you already realized that our customs are so impressive? It even made me proud to be Brazilian! And you, do you know any other particularities that would cause strangeness to foreigners? Tell in the comments.