Sad as it may be, the fact is that game of Thrones came to an end. Opinions on the outcome of the plot are the most varied, but we cannot deny that the production was only possible thanks to the work of countless people. And as some viewers noticed, those involved missed not only scenic errors, but also many curious references and details.
O gathered some of the most interesting information about the series, so that you can dive once more into the universe of your favorite production. Of course, keep in mind that this post is full of spoilers if you haven’t watched the last season!
1. Melisandre was the third character to die naturally
Largely, game of Thrones went down in history for its cruelty: the characters died in the most terrible ways. It’s hard to believe, but Melisandre was only the third character to die naturally.: before her, only Hoster Tully and Maester Aemon Targaryen received such an honor. It must be recognized that the death of the “Red Woman” was poetic and full of logic: she fulfilled her mission and passed into the world of the dead with dignity.
2. The dagger they wanted to kill Bran with saved his life
The Valyrian steel dagger with which Arya killed the Night King also has an interesting history. It was precisely with her that they tried to kill Bran in the first season. At the time, the boy was saved by Catelyn Stark and the wolf Summer. The dagger belonged to Petyr Baelish, who convinced Catelyn that the object belonged to Tyrion Lannister, who was accused of trying to kill Bran. It was precisely this fact that triggered the War of the Five Kings. After several twists and turns, the dagger returned to Littlefinger, who handed it to Bran, who, in turn, passed the weapon to his sister, Arya.
3. Daenerys was saved with the help of a Valyrian steel sword from House Tarly
Remember how, in season seven, Daenerys gave Randyll Tarly and her son, Dickon, the chance to bow down to her and avoid their own execution? The two refused to kneel, and so the khaleesi burned them both. They were Sam Tarly’s father and brother. For centuries, the family has treasured a sword of Valyrian steel, dubbed the Heartsbane. He was it is precisely this sword that Sam took with him when he left his home in the eighth season, before the battle against the white walkers, later giving it to Jorah. With the Tarly family sword, Jorah defended Daenerys, who was on land and without a dragon. With that, the blonde’s life was spared on that occasion.
4. Tyrion and Bronn had the same crossbow
The crossbow Qyburn gave Bronn to kill Tyrion and Jaime was not chosen by chance: it was the same one used by Tyrion to kill his own father. Incidentally, the same beast was owned by Joffrey in the past.
5. The same balcony
A lot of people complained about the fact that, during the attack on King’s Landing in the fifth chapter of last season, Cersei was left on the balcony doing nothing. However, we have the explanation: in the same place, at the end of the sixth season, Cersei watched the Great Sept of Baelor explode through the air along with a good part of her enemies. The place, which marked a moment of victory for her, was also the scene of the scene in which she realized that she had been defeated.
6. Parallels between the first and last scenes of the series
The series begins with a scene in which three knights go on a quest beyond the Wall and ends with a very similar shot. But the knights are different, and they are accompanied by the savages. What takes place behind the Wall also represents a very different situation. By the way, at the end of the series, the characters appear leaving Castle Black, while the Night King destroyed the Wall near Eastwatch (Eastwatch): for this reason, the Wall appeared intact.
7. Jon rode a dragon named after his father
Daenerys named her dragons after the most important men in her life: Drogon, in honor of her husband, Drogo; Viserion, modeled after her brother Viserys; and Rhaegal, in a reference to her brother Rhaegar. Rhaegar Targaryen, as we all know, was Jon Snow’s biological father. Therefore, it is interesting to know that Snow rode the dragon whose name was inspired by Rhaegar.
8. At various times, Tyrion thinks of saving himself by fleeing to Pentos
In season four, Tyrion suggests to Shae, his lover, that she flee to Pentos. The young woman, however, rejects the proposal, and the end of this story is very sad. In season eight, Tyrion did the same to Jaime and Cersei.: prepared a boat for both, released Jaime, and once more directed his brother to flee to Pentos. Also, similarly, Tyrion paid his debt to Jaime, as he had been released from prison by his brother earlier. Unfortunately, no one made it to Pentos, despite Tyrion’s advice.
9. Similar crowns
Look closely at Sansa’s crown, upon becoming Queen of the North: perhaps the object resembles the crown worn by her main enemy, Cersei.
10. Cersei’s prophecy was fulfilled. Just like Jaime’s wish
Fans of the series have created many theories about how Cersei’s death would be, but perhaps the production’s writers have surprised everyone. According to the prophecy, the queen would die at the hands of a “valonqar”, that is, by her younger brother. Literally, the prediction was as follows: “And when you drown in tears, the valonqar will come and wrap its fingers around your white throat and take your life.”🇧🇷 We can say that the prophecy came true: Jaime, who was a few minutes younger than his sister, actually held Cersei before the two were buried under rubble.
It is also worth remembering that, once, Jaime told Bronn that he would like to die hugging the woman he loves. Well, that too came true.
11. Daenerys’s vision came true
In season two, Daenerys goes to the House of the Undying, where she has a vision: she enters the Iron Throne room, in a Red Keep in ruins, while snow is falling (or is it ashes?). The young woman approached the throne, but could not touch it. In the last chapter of the plot, we can see that that vision had a whole grain of truth.
12. Cameo by the series creators
In episode 4 of the last season, we see a scene where Tormund praises Jon Snow. Behind him are Davos and some wildlings. Among them, the creators of Game of Thrones, Daniel Brett Weiss and David Benioff.
13. The book brought by Sam at the end of the series has a deliberate title
During the first Small Council, Sam Tarly chronicles the events that have taken place since the death of King Robert, that is, about everything that was shown in the series. Sam made the work have the most poetic title possible: “Song of Ice and Fire”, the same as the books by George Martin that served as inspiration for the production.
14. King Bran the Broken wears the symbol of the Three-Eyed Raven
In Brienne’s armor, we can see the symbol of the new king: Bran chose the Three-Eyed Raven, not the Stark wolf, as expected.
What did you think of the ending of Game of Thrones? Leave a comment with your opinions!