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Do loud noises bother you? Are you a good listener and have you been told that you are very intuitive? You may be a highly sensitive person. These survival keys will help you.
Have you ever felt overwhelmed by a noise? Do you feel that some smells make you nauseous or dizzy? You may be part of the group of people that psychologist Elaine Aron has called “highly sensitive people” (HSP). According to Dr. Aron, highly sensitive people tend to become overwhelmed by different types of stimuli – noises, smells, flavors… -.
These are very perceptive people, who need quieter environments than most so as not to feel saturated. One of the characteristics that defines them is that They deeply process the information they receive from the environment, That is, they capture large amounts of information that they try to process beyond a superficial level.
This may be due to the fact that, according to different research, they have greater activation in brain areas involved in attention and processing of visual stimuli. Likewise, they are easily overstimulated and this causes exhaustion and sensory overload, so they may need to rest more.
On the other hand, These are usually very emotional and empathetic people., good at listening and serving as confidants. In general, they do not tolerate aggression or violence. They can be very detailed with others and have an easy time understanding non-verbal communication patterns, for example, facial expression or body posture.
They are also creative people, who tend to have rich and interesting inner lives.. However, they can also perform poorly when they are under pressure, making them more vulnerable to emotional dependence at these times.
Survival keys for highly sensitive people
Having explored the main characteristics that distinguish highly sensitive people, do you identify with any of them? If so, the following ideas can help you take care of your mental health and your physical and emotional well-being.
1. Rest
First, reserve moments in the day for rest. Sleep an adequate amount of hours, allocate time during the day and take active breaks It is important to control sensory overload.
Remember that lack of sleep causes irritability, decreased attention and exhaustion during the day and can increase hypersensitivity to everyday stimuli.
2. Maintain a healthy diet
Additionally, following a complete diet is essential to maintain the functioning of our senses. For example, remember to maintain an optimal sugar level and avoid eating ultra-processed foods.
A good idea is to eat at least five meals a day. You can also choose to have several small snacks throughout the day to avoid the discomfort associated with feelings of hunger.
3. Reduce the consumption of stimulating drinks
Also, try reduce or, if possible, eliminate the consumption of stimulating drinks such as coffee, tea or energy drinks. This type of drink is intended to make us alert and improve our concentration, so it is easy to intuit that, if you are a very sensitive person, this will not generate a positive response in your body.
4. Appropriate and flexible routines
Added to the above, try to establish kind routines with yourself. These should be strict enough to allow you to put your activities in order, but at the same time not give you the feeling that you are a prisoner of your own programming.
Of course, your routine should also have time to relax in case you are exposed to sensory overload.
5. A space at home to relax
Try to have a space at home for yourself, where you can be silent and where you can hardly be interrupted. This will allow you to have a sensory haven where you can rest and recharge.
6. Hearing isolation
Taking into account that noise can generate profound auditory overload in highly sensitive people, the use of earplugs can help concentration and avoid overstimulation. Likewise, avoid frequenting noisy places and opt for quiet spaces where natural sounds take center stage.
7. Avoid excessive light stimuli
Another tip that can be very useful is that keep a soft lighting scheme at home to help you stay relaxed. On the other hand, avoid places with a lot of light and, when possible, use dark glasses to expose yourself to the sun or too dazzling lights.
8. Avoid crowds
Situations that involve large gatherings often become a cause of hyperstimulation. in general for highly sensitive people. Therefore, it is important to avoid crowds and, if possible, opt for events designed for few attendees.
Scheduling purchases outside of peak hours or high customer traffic seasons can greatly contribute to your well-being.
9. Look for nature
Of course, In nature you will find a space where you can relax and get away from the strong sensory stimuli of the cities. Whenever possible, plan a trip to the countryside and reconnect with the natural environment.
10. Make friends who don’t judge you
A major source of stress for highly sensitive people is the worry of being singled out by friends and loved ones as annoying, capricious, or picky. Therefore, It is essential to surround yourself with people who understand your situation and who allow you to feel heard and valued. in those moments when the world overwhelms you.
11. Explore your artistic talents
A great way to tap into your sensitivity is to explore your artistic talents. You may have a musician or a photographer hidden inside you and you don’t know it yet. Approaching your creativity will allow you to have a field in which you can relieve yourself of sensory overload. and even turn it into art.
12. Learn to say “no”
Strengthen your assertiveness and learn to say “no” when you do not feel like you have time or willingness to make a commitment. It will be essential to increase your physical and emotional well-being.
On many occasions, sensory overload can appear due to not knowing how to organize day-to-day priorities or from taking on too many responsibilities.
13. Accept yourself
Finally, Learning to accept yourself is an important step to leading a happier and more fulfilling life.. Remember that being a highly sensitive person is not an illness, nor is it a characteristic that should be limiting. In fact, if you look at it in perspective, it’s almost a superpower!
We live in a complicated world for highly sensitive people. It is because there are many, and sometimes very intense, stimuli that surround us. Thus, in this article we wanted to collect some ideas that can help them, and everyone at certain times, not to feel overwhelmed by the environment.
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