Home » Guidance » 12 Cliché Phrases People Say Often But Are Far From Reality

12 Cliché Phrases People Say Often But Are Far From Reality

Many people repeat certain clichés and believe in them. Even so, we know, from our own experience, that we shouldn’t believe too much in phrases like: “tell the truth, I won’t get mad”, “physical appearance is not everything” or “the secret of my success is to work hard”. There is some truth in them, but every sentence and every situation has various pitfalls.

We, from awesome.club, we found a discussion group on the Internet where people gave examples of popular sayings that are taken for granted but have not stood the test of time. And let’s show some situations from our own lives as examples. As bonus we will show evidence that society has influenced us for years and now demands something impossible of us.

1. “If you tell the truth, I won’t be mad”

I tell my 7-year-old son, “If you tell the truth, you won’t get grounded.” Did you speak the truth? Punishment in the room for ten minutes. Did you lie? Stay home. Works well. © Inconspicuously_here / Reddit When I was a kid, my mom scolded me for lying to her and told me I should never lie! Two hours later, her boss called, and she asked me to say that she wasn’t home. I said something like: “Hello! How are you? My mother is not at home, but I must not lie, so I will pass it on to her”. Without a word, I handed her the phone and went to play. Instead of fighting, she laughed. After that, she never lied in front of me again. © WotkiDay / Pikabu

2. “Who waits always achieves”

Please stop waiting and do something to get the best. I’ve been waiting for over two years for everything to get better. You think after hitting bottom, the only direction is up, right? Soon they will know that the ocean is deeper than they realize, and if they don’t start to rise on their own, they will sink even deeper. © fudge_suprem / RedditFor someone who just waits, nothing will happen. If you want something, you have to earn it. The best things in life come to the one who deserves it, not the one who just sits around and waits. © OoLLHgGaa / Bolshoyvopros

3. “If you can’t handle my worst, you certainly don’t deserve my best”

This phrase is associated with a toxic relationship that you have to get away from. © swallowyoursadness / Reddit

How many times has this phrase been used to justify a terrible attitude! No one has the right to treat another person like an expendable being and then apologize like it was nothing. © secondhandsisters / Reddit

4. “It Doesn’t Matter Who Started It”

How silly! Of course it matters! Even in legal terms it is very important to know who provoked a conflict. © ActualTymell / Reddit In high school, every day, I was bullied by a group of girls. It lasted for months. One day, we started fighting. I was removed from classes because I had participated. The school principal said, “It doesn’t matter who started it” and I was punished with the others🇧🇷 © MJHansen17 / Reddit

5. “Money does not buy happiness”

6. “Believe in yourself and you will achieve everything you want”

I have 320k followers on my Instagram. No matter what they say, it’s very difficult to make significant headway without paid ads. With these ads, you will increase the number of followers at an incredible speed. Without advertising, the number of followers will grow at the speed of a snail. In the beginning, you can invest a little to start earning from your blog. Afterwards, you can invest the profit in its development. That’s exactly what I did. © Masha Nikitina / Nikitina.socialHow many people have been helped by their parents’ money! They funded businesses or ideas for their children to “make it to the top”. © Geminii27 / Reddit It’s upsetting to hear rich and successful people say that if you believe in yourself, you’ll achieve everything you want. Yes, you did it, but there are thousands of people who also worked hard, they believed in themselves, but they didn’t succeed. © 53bvo / RedditThat’s nonsense… I can’t be a NASA astronaut because I have problems with my lungs. And I can’t be healed just because I believe in myself. © Matt872000 / Reddit

7. “High grades are a test of intelligence”

I have an example of this in my own life. My husband was a terrible student, he hardly studied at school, he barely managed to graduate. Now he is a great driver. And I only got high grades, but now he supports me. I’m on maternity leave for the second time. And I don’t even want to work. © MkMurMur / Pikabu

When I was in high school, I had a classmate. He got low grades, but he was smart, smart, and knowledgeable about a lot of subjects. He would sit behind me, close by me, and I was happy about that. Because? When he cheated, he always found and corrected my mistakes. How magical! I don’t know how he managed to do that. © *** / Pikabu I had to change classes in high school. There was just one problem: my class had studied French for two years and the other class had studied English. At the end of the year, I had to take the English test! I started to study the new language with a private teacher that my mother hired. I studied hard and I really liked English because it was easy for me. After all, I managed to reach the level of my class in a few months. The day of the test arrived. It was applied by two teachers: mine and another from high school. I was called by the high school teacher. I read a text, translated it and even answered all the questions. And she said: “Very good! It’s eight.” I was very happy: I got it! My happiness only lasted 15 seconds. Suddenly, my teacher turned her head and said, “What do you mean, eight?! Make a six! She has been studying English for less than a year!” And I took six. And it’s over for me! I don’t know how to speak English until today because I completely lost the desire to learn. © AnnAndre / Pikabu In the late 90’s the grading system changed; instead of the maximum score being five, it was changed to ten. Once, I arrived to do a recovery and saw a strange scene: a student one year younger than me asked the teacher to give him a five instead of a six. After a long persuasion, the professor gave him a high five, a “what a strange guy” shrug, and the student walked away happily. I thought the same thing. Later I understood why. For three years he only got grades of fours and fives and proudly showed it to his parents, who didn’t know the system had changed and thought their son was a great student. And it was a big disappointment when the teacher suddenly gave him a six. © Badalamento / Pikabu

8. “Sleep is for the weak”

In fact, lack of sleep makes us tired, weak and reduces longevity. People need sleep. © byawawortht / Reddit

I get worried when I say that I got tired and another person proudly says that he only slept for two hours and is certainly more tired than I am. Like wow, I slept six hours today, a truckload of hours. © Madi27 / Reddit I started driving at night a lot more carefully after an accident eight years ago. I was returning home, tired and exhausted, around 2:00 in the morning. I tried everything to stay awake: drank a liter of coffee, turned the music on loud, opened all the windows. With 6 km to go, I understood that there was no more. I stopped the car on a side road, reclined the seat, and fell into a deep sleep… And then, while I was sleeping, I heard strange creaking noises and some screaming. I opened my eyes and realized that I was in a horizontal position… I was kind of lost… So I quickly got out of the car, running and screaming like crazy and waving my arms. It scared the birds that were on the roof of my car. To my surprise, it was the birds that had made that creaking noise in my sleep, walking on top of the car, and my tired mind was deceived. I woke up completely, and ten minutes later I got home. From that moment on, I try to avoid similar situations and sleep a lot before long trips. © SirGrumpselot / Pikabu

9. “Physical appearance is not everything”

When I was 20, I weighed 180kg. A few years ago, I lost half my weight and everyone started treating me better. I easily got a job, and in general everything became easier. Appearance certainly matters. © Fenixfrost / Reddit
I have often heard employers decide whether or not to hire a person during the first five minutes of an interview. Many years ago I thought it was silly, until I was on the other side of the table. A candidate dressed in a suit and confident is more likely than a candidate in jeans who walks hunched over, even though the latter is ten times more qualified. I wish we all would control ourselves and take care of ourselves more. © monkey_scandal / Reddit

10. “I am what I am”

I personally think this phrase means that one should not change according to the expectations and desires of others. But that doesn’t mean it shouldn’t grow. This is wrong too. © MayBeAGayBee / Reddit

Many people use this phrase as an excuse for their laziness and unwillingness to improve🇧🇷 Conversations with such people go like this: “Am I always late? That’s who I am!”, “Have I forgotten what I promised? I am what I am!”, “Change? Then it won’t be me!” It seems that the person is defending his right to be what he is. But in fact, she believes she can behave absurdly. “I am what I am and I will not change!” Even though it’s obvious that she badly needs a change.

11. “Choose a job you love and you won’t have to work a day in your life”

I came to the conclusion that generally people are not obsessed with their work. Of course, many of them enjoy the profession, but it’s not a hobby. I personally think that when any hobby becomes an obligation, it ceases to be a passion. I prefer the saying: “Do what you can do and spend money on what you really love”. Furthermore, not all hobbies can guarantee you a career🇧🇷 It is unlikely that my passion for running can bring me a good income. There are also a lot of people who just don’t care about anything. © TheSupremeGrape / Reddit

Many people make a big mistake by making their hobby a job. By its very nature, a hobby is what you do to relieve stress, relax, feel better, or connect with yourself. You can leave it forever or come back to it whenever you want without any problem. If you turn a hobby into a job or something to support yourself, you will stop loving that hobby and will look for something else that inspires him. © koreiryuu / Reddit Many people are mistaken in thinking that…

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