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11 Pets Recommended for Children and How They Behave

Pets are an excellent way to instill a sense of responsibility in children. In addition to great company, they help to develop sociability and creativity. However, it is always very important to know which animals are recommended for small children, because even smaller ones can be aggressive and can demand care that a child is not capable of giving.

Thinking about it, the awesome.club researched the advantages and disadvantages of some animals and which ones are recommended for children. Check it out right now and be sure to see the bonus in the end, with animals that a child should not have.

1. Hamster

One of the advantages of taking care of a hamster is that it adapts very well to any place it can dig, especially since it is so small. In addition, he is a cheap animal and everything he needs can be found in pet stores. Many teens adopt hamsters because they are easy to care for and great companions.

Considerations: If you want to buy a hamster for your child, it’s important to know that they live an average of 2 to 4 years. In addition, this animal likes to be quiet, so it is not recommended for small children who want to play all the time. However, if your child is a little older, this could be a good opportunity for him to learn responsibility.

2. Mouse (or house rat)

Unlike the hamster, the mouse is more sociable and affectionate, therefore a great alternative for children. These animals are very easy to care for and love the company of humans. An interesting aspect of these rodents is that they are very intelligent, which makes the interaction even more interesting.

Considerations: before adopting a mouse, it is important to know that he does not like loneliness. In this sense, if you and your family spend a lot of time away from home, it would be interesting for him to have a playmate. It is also necessary to be careful with food, to avoid the appearance of tumors and other diseases.

3. Cockatoo

Cockatoos are extremely intelligent birds that get along very well with humans. Species vary greatly in size and color and are highly affectionate and possessive of their owners.

Considerations: Cockatoos can become very stressed if they spend a lot of time closed in a cage. Therefore, it is important to create a sufficiently large environment, so that they can move freely and spread their wings. The difference from other pets is that these birds can live for many years, that is, they are companions for life.

4. Cockatiel

Of all the species of cockatoos, the cockatiel is preferred as a pet, mainly because of its size and ease of care. The most interesting thing is that, with a little patience and dedication, she can be trained and become a great company for adults and children.

Considerations: If you want your child to have a cockatiel as a pet, it’s important to be prepared to help. Ideally, she should be adopted when she is between 12 and 14 weeks old. If you decide to adopt an adult cockatiel, give it plenty of room to get used to its new home.

5. Parakeet

Another type of bird that is also very popular with children is the Australian parakeet, mainly because it has the ability to imitate sounds, like parrots, and adapts very well to any environment. They are very sociable animals that can live up to 16 years if they receive proper care.

Considerations: It is important to know that these parakeets like to live in groups, so they need a partner so they don’t feel alone. If this is not possible, be his company and entertainment, especially to avoid health problems. This species is quite aggressive with other birds, so it is best not to keep them with other animals.

6. Dog

Perhaps the dog is the most popular pet among children, mainly because we can play with them peacefully. They are animals that give us emotional support, help eliminate stress and are great companions to exercise because they love to run in open spaces.

Considerations: although many people think that all dogs are good for children, it is important to know that there are some breeds that are more suitable, such as yorkshire, french bulldog, golden retriever and cocker. But it is important that the child understands that he is responsible for the animal (depending on the age, of course) and therefore he must always keep an eye out so that he does not do anything stupid.

7. cat

Like dogs, cats are also very popular with children because they are fun and often help reduce the onset of allergies. Felines are great for reducing stress in humans and help regulate cholesterol and blood pressure levels.

Considerations: cats are not like dogs, and although they can be petted, it is important to show the child that he should do this with care. Some cats don’t like to be held, so it’s important to explain to the children that they should wait for the cat to approach before starting to play, always without forcing them. Only then can a good level of trust be established.

8. Rabbit

Rabbits are very quiet animals and have a great learning capacity. They adapt to small spaces and therefore can be a good alternative for dogs and cats. They can be very playful and love to explore every corner of the house.

Considerations: when adopting a rabbit it is important to explain to the child that he needs time to adapt. That is, at the beginning of coexistence, the adult must always be close, so that neither the rabbit nor the child is hurt. But the experience of taking care of a rabbit is always a lot of fun.

9. Lizard

If your child likes reptiles, maybe he would like to have a lizard as a pet. Species like the leopard gecko feed on insects and can live in medium tanks. Bearded dragons, on the other hand, eat fruits and vegetables and adapt better to warmer temperatures.

Considerations: there is a wide variety of species of lizards and some are not suitable for children or people who have no experience in caring for reptiles. Within the list of “difficult species” are iguanas, which are more aggressive by nature. The best option is the leopard gecko, which is small and easy to care for.

10. Fish

If you live in a small apartment, fish are a good option. These animals are very calm and, unlike parakeets and rabbits, do not need to be trained. If you have children, show them how fish should be fed and explain how aquatic animals behave. It is always beautiful to realize that the child feels responsible for another living being.

Considerations: there are many species of fish, and each needs a different type of care. For a child, it’s best to start with a small freshwater fish that doesn’t need a lot of care. When the child gets used to it, include other companions in the aquarium.

11. mini pig

In recent years, people have started to adopt mini pigs as pets, mainly stimulated by the behavior of some famous people. The good thing is that they are docile animals and, contrary to what many people think, they are very clean, intelligent and curious animals.

Considerations: the problem with these animals is that people don’t know very well how to feed them properly, which often causes nutritional problems. Also, it’s important that they have plenty of space.

Bonus: animals not recommended for children

Tarantulas are on the list of animals that are not recommended for children because they can bite and cause serious health problems. Of course, they only attack when they feel threatened, but the ideal is not to have these animals at home, especially in families with young children.

Small turtles are also not indicated, as they can carry diseases and because they require a lot of care. But if you want to own one, go to a specialty store, talk to the salesperson, and wash your hands after touching the animals.

Although iguanas are very popular animals among reptile lovers, they need a large space that emulates their natural habitat. As they can show aggressive behavior, it is important not to leave them alone with a child. That is, look for another option.

Do you have pets? Who takes care of them in your house? Do you think it’s important for parents to teach their children to take care of animals from an early age?

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