Home » Guidance » 10 Yoga Poses That Will Help You Get More Flexible and Improve Your Posture

10 Yoga Poses That Will Help You Get More Flexible and Improve Your Posture

The human body loses its flexibility over time, especially when a person has a sedentary lifestyle. Fortunately, some exercises like yoga can help you regain that flexibility and thus lead a more active lifestyle, preventing injuries when playing sports or making unexpected movements, and even improving your posture.

O awesome.club gathered for you the best yoga poses known as asanas which are effective in increasing the flexibility of the body.

1. Ananda Balasana, the Happy Baby Pose

This asana is excellent for opening the hips. Experts say it’s a pose we’ve mastered since we were babies, which makes it ideal for yoga beginners. Its simplicity is perfect for relaxing, preheating or even helping you fall asleep.

Lie on your back and bring your knees to your chest, holding your feet on the outside. Make sure your ankles and knees are aligned at a 90 degree angle and hold the pose for at least 60 seconds.

2. Baddha Konasana, The Butterfly Pose

It works as a stimulus for the internal organs of the abdominal region, for circulation in the pelvic region and for the opening of the hips and chest, as well as stretching parts of the body that normally remain “closed”, such as the groin, abductors and lower abdomen. .

To perform this pose, sit with your legs straight and your back straight. Then she moves her feet inward, bringing the soles of her feet together. Knees should go down as low as possible. Remember not to bend your back and hold the position for 7 to 10 breaths.

3. Bhujangasana, The Cobra Pose

An amazing pose to release tension, as it helps to open the chest and shoulders, areas where tension usually accumulates. It can also help fight breathing problems and even relieve symptoms of stress and anxiety.

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The pose begins lying on your stomach with the body well stretched. The palms of your hands should be on the floor and at shoulder height. Then stretch your arms and lift your chest, but without taking your pubis off the floor, bringing your shoulders back.

4. Uttanasana or the pinch pose

This intense incline is great for working flexibility in the back of the body, from the back to the calves. It is usually done as a warm-up; helps treat stress and depression and can even relieve cramps and headaches.

Start by separating your legs hip-width apart and spread your toes wide for a better grip on the floor. Then, bend your torso forward as you exhale, and when you have lowered yourself enough, place your arms behind your ankles. If you’re a beginner and have trouble keeping your legs and back straight, try flexing them a little.

5. Adho Mukha Svanasana, Downward Looking Dog

This pose is usually done as a transition or rest pose and is indicated to work on flexibility in the hamstrings, calves, Achilles tendons, forearms and shoulders. As a variation of the dog posture, you should start by placing yourself on the 4 supports (knees and hands on the mat), taking care that your knees are at the height of your hips.

Start inhaling as you stretch your legs to lift them, and exhale to raise your hips as high as you can. Your legs, spine and arms should be straight. Hold the pose for at least 20 seconds and take several deep breaths. To return to the starting position, exhale and rest gently with your knees on the floor.

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6. Paschimottanasana or Sitting Tweezer

Sitting tweezers is a somewhat deceptive posture, as it may look easy, but it’s more complicated than it looks. It even requires a lot of practice and patience to be executed correctly. If at first you don’t feel able to bend down very far or reach your feet, don’t try to force it so you don’t hurt yourself.

Sit on the floor with your back straight and your legs forward. Take a deep breath and exhale as you lean forward, taking care to perform the movement from your hips, not your waist. If you can’t reach your feet with your hands, use a rubber band. Hold the pose for 1 to 3 minutes.

7. Trikonasana, The Extended Triangle Pose

This is a variation of the Triangle Pose performed by both beginners and professionals and encourages the opening of the hips and abdominal organs. It is advisable for those who are starting to practice yoga to keep their head in a neutral position if they have difficulty lifting it.

Start by standing on a mat and take a long step with your right leg out to the side. The legs should be separated from each other and well stretched. The right foot should point out and the left foot forward. Then form a cross with your arms and lower your right hand towards the leg on the same side, while raising your left arm, as seen in the image.

8. Prasarita Padottanasana, The Wide Angle Pose

9. Setu Bandha Sarvangasana, The Bridge Pose

This asana helps stretch the entire spine and works to compensate for poor posture. Strengthens the entire back of the body, especially the legs, buttocks and abs.

Start lying on your back, with your whole body stretched out. Then bend your knees and place your heels where they were before. Your hips should be elevated and your back straight. Create a line from the knee to the shoulders. The fingers of the hands should be interlaced, under the bridge. Hold for at least 15 seconds.

10. Balasana, the Child Pose

This is a classic pose and is usually used at the beginning of a more intense session. Although simple, it has notable benefits, such as regaining strength between postures and improving body flexibility. In addition, it works to induce sleep.

Start on your knees, with your back straight and your legs together. Then bring your glutes up to your heels. The legs should be in contact with the chest and the head should rest on the floor. There are two variants: with the arms stretched forward or on the sides beside the feet. Both function as final relaxation and should be held for approximately one minute.

Yoga is an excellent way to maintain an agile and flexible body. Although some poses are difficult to perform, with practice and patience you will get good results.

Do you have any experience practicing yoga? Which of these poses would you start with? Tell us in the comments.

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