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10 detox foods you need to include in your menu –

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In the detoxification process, it is important to consume foods that help the liver, the organ responsible for cleaning the body and eliminating toxins. Nutritionist Andréa Santa Rosa Garcia listed 10 items for you to put on your shopping list:

1. Green tea

Activates enzymes that help metabolize toxins.

2. Garlic

In addition to having anti-inflammatory action, it improves liver enzymes, protecting it and helping with the cleaning process.

3. Cruciferous vegetables

Vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus and Brussels sprouts are also capable of activating enzymes responsible for eliminating toxins.

4. Dandelion and Silymarin

The first herb helps to cleanse the liver and the second protects the liver.

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5. Amino acids

Because they are present in meat, which are left out of a detox diet, it is necessary to use supplements in capsules (such as eni acetylcysteine ​​and methionine) that enhance detoxification.

6. Egg yolk

It contains a vitamin called choline which is important in the detoxifying process.

7. Lemon

It has alkalizing action and is rich in terpene, a substance that helps the liver to get rid of impurities.

8. apple

It has a high astringent action, activates the release of bile and eliminates toxins.

9. Ginger

It is an antioxidant food that also acts on the liver.

10. Water

It is purifying and also conductive.

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