Have you noticed? The month of May and the wedding invitations start arriving and the month’s calendar is soon filled with countless wedding events and celebrations.
This happens because the month of May is considered the brides month, being the preferred month for ceremonies, whether in church or outdoors, which justifies the fierce competition for dates in churches and event venues.
But do you know the reason and origin of this tradition that consolidated the month of May as the month of brides? In this article we will tell you all the curiosities about this custom, Continue reading to find out more.
Origin of the tradition:
There are those who say that this is an imported tradition, since it began in the Northern Hemisphere and not here in Brazil, and as we know, Brazilians love to import customs and traditions and with this tradition it would be no different.
In the Northern Hemisphere, winters are more rigorous and there is no mixed and temperate climate like in Brazil, you hardly see flowers during the year and temperatures are extremely low.
For these reasons, weddings are always celebrated in spring, since it is the only period of the year in which the The climate is milder and more pleasant and the flowers open with indescribable beauty.
And you must be wondering, But isn’t May autumn? Not in the Northern Hemisphere!
There, spring occurs between March and June and Therefore, the month of May was considered the month of brides.as this is the peak month of spring and flowers in the Hemisphere.
Here in Brazil, although in May we are in autumn, the tradition was adopted in the country, as it is still a month in which temperatures are not as high as in summer nor as low as in winter, in addition to there being little possibility Of rain.
Christian Explanation:
The most religious have a different version of the tradition and believe that the month of May is considered the month of brides due to the influence of the Catholic Church.
This is because, in May is also celebrated as the month of Marymother of Jesus, and therefore, it is believed that she will intercede for the bride and groom and shower blessings on the new family that is formed.
Still, there are those who say that because it is spring in the Northern Hemisphere, this is a month of many flowers, which symbolizes femininity and sensitivity and for this reason, the Church would also have attributed this month to brides.
Pros and cons of getting married in May:
As it is autumn, the month of May has mild and stable climate, Therefore, the chances of raining or being very hot are low and both the bride and bridesmaids can opt for elegant long-sleeved dresses.
Furthermore, as the month is considered special for brides, travel agencies often offer special packages for the honeymoon, with discounts and exclusive offers for couples.
However, not everything is rosy and getting married in May can be a more expensive choiceas due to demand, prices tend to be higher, from the party room, buffet and decoration, to dress rental.
Despite being traditional, May is not the absolute month of brides around the world and some countries prefer to follow their own customs, considering other months as the month of brides.
Bridal month in different places around the world:
Some countries adapted the reality of their locality and adopted other months as brides’ month as they are more favorable months for celebrating weddings.
Us U.S, for example, the month with the highest rate of wedding celebrations is February.
It turns out that in February, Americans celebrate Valentine’s Day (Valentine’s Day) and therefore, it is the month most chosen by newlyweds to exchange rings.
Already in England, The most popular month for wedding celebrations is month of June. The British choose this month, as it is the month dedicated to the goddess Juno, a mythological character who represents marriage, union and monogamy.
AND in Brazilalthough May is still considered the month of brides, it is no longer the month most chosen by Brazilians to celebrate their wedding, with today the month of September being the preferred month for celebrations.
September is the new month for brides in Brazil:
Although the month of May is still very popular among brides, the fact that there is a lot of competition for dates and the cost is higher, many couples end up opting for another month that has become very popular with couples.
O September is the new month for brides for Brazilians and research already indicates that the number of weddings in this month already exceeds the month of May. The explanation is that spring begins in September and therefore, the temperature is pleasant and the flowers are more beautiful.
Another apparent reason is that September is the ideal month for outdoor weddings and as this type of wedding became popular with couples, the month became the new month of May.
Are you getting married and still don’t know how to choose the best month? Click here and see the best date for you to celebrate your wedding.
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