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Why don’t you text me like before?

It’s a weird time when you start to notice that a guy isn’t texting you like he used to anymore. It could be that he is really busy, maybe it’s your idea or worse, it could be that he has lost interest.

Perhaps the frequency with which he wrote to you has decreased, or he is being less demonstrative and his communication is more distant. I might even have stopped writing to you entirely from one day to the next. He may reply to your messages if you write to him, but he no longer initiates conversations.

I know how it feels, I’m not happy to admit it’s happened to me countless times. It is a bit sad to know that this is something more and more frequent nowadays.

And surely at that moment in which you realize their distancing or disappearance, all the ghosts of past “ghosting” come back to you.

Not understanding what you did wrong, trying to find the reasons, thinking about all its flaws to convince you that it wasn’t for you.

You don’t have to fall into that cycle again, here we will see the possible reasons why a guy no longer texts you as before and what you can do.

7 reasons why a guy no longer texts you like before and how to respond

1) He got what he wanted and lost interest

I know it’s not what you want to hear, but that’s why I put it in the first place. Let’s get the bandage out quick.

I’m not saying this is always the case, but it is one of the most likely situations, at least in what has been my experience.

When a boy stops communicating with you, when he used to do it frequently, it is because something in his interest has changed.

If I wanted to be with you, believe me, I would make the effort and I wouldn’t risk neglecting you.

In this case I suggest you stop waiting for it, move on with your life and don’t put more energy into someone who has already decided that you are not worth the effort.

2) He is confused

Another reason why a man might radically change his communication pattern is because he is confused.

It is possible that he still likes you and had a good time with you. But you might still have unresolved issues.

Maybe he has an ex-girlfriend he still loves or some other girl he’s interested in and he doesn’t know if she’s better for him or if she’s interested.

You have two paths, either you wait for him to see if he decides or you follow your path. In my experience, if it doubts it is because it is not.

A different situation is when he expresses his interest in you in an express and concrete way and asks you for some time to resolve his issues. In that case and if you like him a lot, it would be reasonable to expect him.

3) It’s not a good time for him

This man could be going through a time of changes in his life. Maybe a job change, a layoff, or some family matter. The truth is that men tend to shut down when there is a serious problem in their lives.

He will focus on resolving the issue and that will cause him to be less attentive to you.

They won’t give you the attention you deserve. He will lock himself in his cave and stop being affectionate as before.

This does not mean that he is not interested in you, he just needs some time to work out the situation and refocus his attention on you.

Give him the space he needs and you will see that when he returns he will be grateful and even more attached to you.

4) You have not noticed your change

Many times when you start dating a guy more often, things can adjust in the relationship.

It is possible that you see each other more often now, and he feels that he does not need to communicate as frequently anymore. He is just adjusting to the new situation.

If this makes you uncomfortable, you should communicate it clearly and honestly, telling him how this makes you feel. If he cares about you, he will change her attitude.

5) You don’t want to be obvious

Another option is that this guy is really crazy about you and is trying to control his emotions.

For that reason he decides to write to you less so as not to appear desperate.

If this is the case, he will still keep in touch, and if you write to him, he will respond quickly.

You will know by the way in which he communicates with you, if his interest, instead of diminishing, increases every day.

6) Has an active social life or is busy

Many times we obsess over thinking that a boy has lost interest and in reality the only thing that happens is that he is busy.

Modern life has become an endless number of commitments and activities, think if this is not the case for you even.

It is not strange that at the beginning, when he was looking to win you over, he spent more time sending you messages.

Now he does it less frequently, because he is taking up the things that he had momentarily left behind.

7) He is shy or insecure

For a long time I myself pigeonholed men under the casanovas umbrella.

It seemed to me that all they wanted was a night of passion and then they would disappear. And then when that happened, it confirmed my belief. There is nothing more wrong than clinging to an idea that may be wrong.

There are many reasons why a guy stops contacting you, that have nothing to do with wanting something casual.

On many occasions, men feel that they are not up to the task, you intimidate them, or they are so shy that the mere idea of ​​writing to you and that you reject them terrifies them.

If you think this could be your case, be patient, show interest in a subtle way but open a door for him to get closer.

He thinks that if they both close down they won’t be able to get anywhere. In the end, you have nothing to lose.

Why don’t you write to me every day?

If you are starting to feel something deeper for this guy, you may be asking yourself this question.

What happens is that women are essentially more communicative. So when we really like a guy, we would see him and talk to him every day.

Men, on the other hand, also have other occupations and issues to resolve.

But that doesn’t mean you care less. Your attention is simply focused on other things as well.

For us, the bonds are the most important thing, while for them it is also essential to focus on their achievements and solving problems.

The truth is that obsessing over receiving a message from him every day could be too much to ask, and it will only frustrate you when he does not meet your expectations.

It is better to focus your energies on having a healthy and lasting relationship where both respect each other’s times and spaces.

You can tell with many other gestures if he has true feelings for you.

That he writes to you every day is not the most determining factor when it comes to knowing if a boy really likes you or not.

How do you know if a man really likes you?

There are many signs that will tell you when someone really likes you, here are some of them:

He cares about you and your interests He is affectionate and shows you affection He keeps his word and when he says he will do something, he does it He stares at you and keeps your gaze He smiles every time he sees you He shares his worries and personal issues with you He wants to to be a better man for you He cares about showing you his worth and achievements He tries to make you feel good and please you whenever he can When you introduce him to someone in your circle he strives to please them and make a good impression He listens to you attentively He introduces you to those close to him Shares his feelings with you He strives and does things for you and wants you to be happy

If I don’t write to you, you don’t write to me

It can feel very frustrating if you are in a relationship where he never takes the initiative. That a guy never texts you unless you do can be confusing.

You feel that he is interested because he always responds, but in the end, it seems that if you stopped contacting him, they would not talk anymore.

The truth is that, most likely, he does not have enough interest in you. Since otherwise he would take the time to write to you, even if you didn’t.

When a guy really likes a girl, he works hard.

It’s as simple as taking the test: stop writing to him for a while to see if he shows interest.

If he doesn’t write to you, you’d better get used to the idea of ​​going another way. You deserve someone who truly values ​​you.

When a man is online and doesn’t talk to you

I have two things to tell you if this phrase resonates in your head.

It’s time to stop obsessing and chasing it You also go online to talk to other people

It is important that you can focus on your own life, on your activities and on what is good for you.

If you are looking at your phone all the time to see if he is texting you, and what is worse, checking if he is online but not texting you, there is something that you must change.

Work on yourself, on your self-esteem and give yourself the love you need.

The fact that he is online and not talking to you is not a factor in deciding whether or not he cares about you. It’s definitely not something you should be focusing your energy on.

trust your intuition

What is your gut telling you: Does he really care about you, beyond the fact that he doesn’t text you all the time? Or are you a momentary distraction and that’s why he contacts you only when he wants something?

I assure you that your intuition will tell you much better what he is looking for with you, more than if he connects and does not speak to you or if he has stopped writing to you as before.

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