Home » Horoscope » Which sign has the best kiss? See the ranking and strengths and weaknesses.

Which sign has the best kiss? See the ranking and strengths and weaknesses.

The duo Sandy and Júnior already sent the lyrics: kiss is very good! There are hundreds of different ways to kiss someone, and depending on how you do it, the person may shudder with passion or cry with disgust.

Before you leave kissing around, how about finding out which zodiac sign has the best kiss? So, you already aim for the right mouth!

Which sign has the best kiss?

That’s right, we made a zodiac kiss ranking! The list goes from the sign that kisses more or less to the one with the most seductive kiss.

Furthermore, we show the weakness of each sign in the kiss and also where each one hits the nail on the head! Check out!

12th place – Aquarius

Basically, Aquarians are masters of the typical lower lip bite. It’s as if this is part of the Aquarian personality: deep and reflective, but with a rougher surface than you might expect. That little bite can be good or bad. This will depend on the taste of whoever is kissing the Aquarius.

Aquarians can have trouble connecting with their physical body if they’re not with the right person. But when you feel really comfortable, you can prepare to be completely melted.

Free-spirited, the Aquarius seeks freedom in kissing. The best kiss is the one that reinvents itself, changes, varies movements and intensity.

Strong point: As Aquarians are detached, free and like to try new things, this makes them have kisses of all kinds. It is very beautiful to feel your passionate or affectionate kisses, as this makes you feel many emotions.

Weak point: Sometimes an Aquarius kiss is a little rough. This is because he has difficulty connecting with the other person.

Best combinations: Aquarius, Libra, Gemini, Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.

11th place – Libra

There’s something innate about the sign of Libra that makes most people around Libras want to get close and taste some of their kisses. It’s true that they never take the initiative, but somehow they always manage to have the person they like so they can kiss when they really want to.

It is worth remembering that they are not necessarily masters of seduction, but they are masters when it comes to letting themselves be seduced by other people. These are people who like to feel wanted or provoked. They love that you are at their feet and that you ask for more of their kisses.

Libra needs to have balance and control over the situation. Thus, he does not like impulsive actions. The perfect kiss for him is given in a special and charming place, where there is a romantic atmosphere and it is just the two of you. To get him more involved, kiss him in contact with nature. The worst kiss for Libra is the one that sucks too much.

Strong point: They like to choose the perfect setting for the perfect kiss, like a fancy restaurant or moonlight.

Weak point: They don’t take the initiative and give very long kisses, which can upset some people.

Best combinations: Libra, Gemini, Aquarius, Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.

10th place – Gemini

We can say that there is nothing in the world as satisfying as kissing a Gemini person. While they aren’t perfect when it comes to showcasing their skills, they make up for it with great passion and energy.

They get so emotional when kissing someone that they can feel like the world revolves around the two of them, even if the kiss is a little…too wet for most people.

The natives of the Gemini sign can give unique and incredible kisses. But if you kiss him on a bad day, he might give you a cold, dry, emotionless kiss. Remember that this sign changes all the time, so you will have to be patient with it when you are in a relationship.

Despite that, if they feel excited and you know how to engage them, they’ll give you amazing kisses.

The ideal kiss for the Gemini is the one that happens quickly and lasts long enough, because the delay is tiring.

Strong point: It has the ability to adapt to its energy.

Weak point: They give impatient and too wet kisses.

Best combinations: Gemini, Aquarius, Libra, Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.

9th place – Virgo

Virgos are the perfectionist beings of the zodiac. They are always spotless, from head to toe. This makes them have the same attitude towards your kisses. You know you’re kissing a Virgo when, after a few dates, he kisses in different ways and asks which one you like best.

If your partner is a Virgo, you already know that he will try to improve himself until he makes his kiss perfect for you.

But you have to take into account that because they care a lot about their performance, their kisses can often seem very calculated. You will need to make him confident so that he lets go and lets go.

The best kiss for Virgo is the most rational, where you think a lot before kissing. Dislikes impulsiveness or overly direct actions. Virgo needs time for things to happen.

Strong point: They are always perfecting their kiss.

Weak point: Sometimes his kisses seem too measured and calculated.

Best combinations: Virgo, Capricorn, Taurus, Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio.

8th place – Capricorn

A Capricorn’s kisses are always revealing as they show how he really feels about you. Enjoy and decipher these amazing kisses.

But remember that just like a Virgo, while a Capricorn is kissing, it’s possible that he’s calculating every move. He wants to make sure his kiss matches the other person’s preferred style. It’s not their fault, they want to be at the top of your kiss list!

If you manage to win the Capricorn native’s heart, your kisses will turn from sweet to passionate. And that will be just for you. When a Capricorn loves, he will be faithful for his entire life.

For the Capricorn to give himself completely to the kiss and the person being kissed, he needs to feel security and stability. The best kiss for him is the one that is centered and without too many risks, with the certainty that the relationship will go on and it won’t just be a makeout. The worst is the data in a work environment.

Strong point: Loves touch, so they often give footprint kisses.

Weak point: You are very concerned about whether you are kissing the right way and whether the other person is enjoying it, not focusing on the moment.

Best combinations: Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo, Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio.

7th place – Pisces

Pisces will stop at nothing to make sure their loved one gets the best and most amazing kissing experience possible. They can focus on the kiss for a long time.

Dreamy and creative, the Pisces native is pure poetry! He has a charm that distinguishes him and that is manifested in the way he kisses. Passionate and romantic, his kiss might seem a little shy, but it’s super engaging.

Now, if your Pisces is sure of himself and is in a state of peace, get ready for passionate and intense kisses.

They like mystery, so a very calculated kiss doesn’t please a Pisces. The best kiss for him is the soft one, with involvement and feeling. He likes to kiss people with whom there is a spiritual attraction, even more than physical.

Strong point: Your kiss is enveloping, transporting the person being kissed to a dream world.

Weak point: They usually prefer constant kisses or hugs so they can feel protected.

Best combinations: Cancer, Taurus, Scorpio, Capricorn, Virgo and Leo.

6th place – Aries

Aryan adventurers are not shy in any aspect of life, including kissing. In fact, they won’t hesitate to take you by the hand at a party to take you somewhere more private when they feel like kissing you. Or else, they will take the initiative and give you a kiss out of nowhere.

The most interesting thing about Aries natives is that they are extremely direct and impulsive with fire energy. Thus, you will always feel passionate and wanting when you are with an Aries.

The ideal kiss for the Aries is that sweeping one, a little more aggressive, with force. The worst kiss for him is the one that is too warm or still. During the caress, he lives in the moment.

Strong point: He takes the initiative and his kisses are loving, passionate and long.

Weak point: Too much impulsiveness can make him kiss you at an inopportune moment.

Best combinations: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Aquarius, Gemini and Libra.

5th place – Cancer

Basically, for a person born under the sign of Cancer, the word “kiss” means a sentimental experience that involves the whole body.

Cancerians behave in a wonderfully affectionate way and use their hands to caress you all over their bodies while kissing you deeply.

All of it is surrender and devotion, passion and romance. His kiss mixes horny with fragility. His kisses get an even more special touch when he’s in love. This is one of the signs that most appreciates being kissed, suffering if you don’t have this kind of caress every day.

Tenderness is the biggest advantage of a Cancer’s kisses. Your involvement starts before the kiss even happens. As it is very romantic, he will conquer you and make you mentally beg for the approach of his lips to yours.

The best kiss for Cancerians is the one given in the dark of the cinema, since Cancerians don’t like to expose themselves. You also need sensitivity, touch and affection. Cold kisses and in public are the worst for the natives of this sign.

Strong point: They kiss tenderly and affectionately and use their hands to caress the person while kissing.

Weak point: They do not give sweeping kisses full of desire as they are sensitive and prefer cuddles.

Best combinations: Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces, Taurus, Virgo and Aquarius.

4th place – Sagittarius

If there’s one thing this sign excels at, it’s their peculiar way of kissing. After all, who doesn’t like the playful kisses that Sagittarians are known for? The fun way Sagittarius kisses makes people feel very attracted to him. It’s the perfect tease that can lead to something more…

The Sagittarius kiss has something wild, animalistic about it. His kiss is engaging, cheeky and surprising. Do not be alarmed if you have a stolen kiss and feel involved in the heat of this sign.

The fact is that all this boldness will drive people crazy, it can be in a positive or negative way, since there is the possibility of causing the impression that the Sagittarius is very flustered.

If you’re in an affair with a Sagittarius, get ready to receive different kisses every time you meet. Sagittarius are open-minded and always want to try new things.

The best kisses for him are the ones that take him by surprise. But it is important that you are on the same wavelength, because Sagittarius is generous and values ​​exchange.

Strong point: They like to try new things, that’s why they always propose different things when kissing.

Weak point: They can be a little too hasty when it comes to kissing.

Best combinations: Gemini, Sagittarius, Leo, Libra, Aquarius and Cancer.

3rd place – Leo

Leos love to be the center of attention…

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