Currently, sensory isolation tanks are found in many places, available to those who want to use them. Fans say that the experience is similar to returning to the womb. The mind becomes blank and rests noticeably.
They call it a sensory isolation tank or flotation tank and it becomes fashionable at times. Although it was invented to study the brain, it is currently used as a means of relaxation. There are specialized companies that offer this type of experiences, but you can also find them in various spas.
Those who promote these sensory isolation tanks say it is an experience that can be compared to returning to the womb.. They probably exaggerate a bit, although it is evident that those who use this device frequently do recognize it as a unique experience. Apparently, it allows you to access an extremely relaxed state.
The device also has its detractors. There are those who enter the sensory isolation tank with certain apprehensions. Completely breaking contact with the external world causes them some anxiety. Those who manage these flotation tanks say that a certain stability and maturity is needed to be able to live the experience as God intended.
“While much of what we perceive comes to us through the senses of the objects around us, another part (perhaps the most important) always comes from our mind.”.
-William James-
The invention of the sensory isolation tank
The sensory isolation tank was invented by John C. Lilly, an American neuropsychiatrist.. His objective was not, by any means, to advance a successful venture. What he wanted was to study the changes that occurred in the brain in a state of maximum isolation.
It was the 1950s and these types of topics captured the attention of many scientists.. This is how Lilly created what he called “sensory isolation chambers.” They were devices that reduced the activity of all the senses to a minimum.
Lilly found that with these devices a very special experience was achieved. Spending time inside these chambers produced a very relaxing feeling. and renewing. However, his studies were not taken very seriously, as Lilly was considered, above all, an eccentric who liked to attract attention.
New research
Although the topic did not have much significance, over time interest increased. In various places it was experienced with the sensory isolation tank and found that maybe it wasn’t some crazy Lilly thingbut a means that could have therapeutic applications.
Initially these tanks were studied for military purposes. Its potential to strengthen the body and mind seemed clearly proven and several Marines passed through the device. NASA later used these flotation tanks as part of astronaut preparation.
Starting in the 1970s, the use of sensory isolation tanks began to become popular.. It was first used by high-performance athletes. They found it very useful for their muscle recovery processes. The devices were then absorbed by the relaxation market. In a world of stressed people it promised to be a good business.
What are these tanks like?
Sensory isolation tanks They are a type of tub that contains between 400 and 600 liters of water. At least half of that volume is occupied by the so-called Epson sales. or by magnesium sulfate. The high concentration of salts makes the entire body float naturally. It is an effect similar to that which occurs in the Dead Sea.
The water has a temperature similar to that of the human body, so when submerged you do not feel cold or hot. In some cases, the device has a gate that closes. In this way, the user is left inside the tank, floating in complete darkness and without any auditory stimulation.
Others of these flotation tanks do not close. There is a hatch that remains open, but the surrounding light is extremely dim and there are no sounds. In general, Those who submerge there last in that state for between 60-120 minutes.
The positive effects
Everything indicates that the use of these flotation tanks produces positive changes in the brain. This displays an activity different from the usual one, very similar to what is achieved with meditation states. For this reason, it is a very calming experience.
Likewise, it is ensured that immersion in one of these tanks serves to improve health. In particular, helps reduce all types of muscle pain and prevents common problems, such as migraine or menstrual cramps. Likewise, it reduces anxiety states.
It is also noted that the experience stimulates creativity and increases intellectual abilities. Most people who use the sensory isolation tank become fond of it. A minority, on the other hand, considers the experience to be dull and even uncomfortable. It doesn’t seem to have any side effects, so it wouldn’t hurt to try it.
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Ardila, R. (1970). Sensory deprivation. Inter-American Journal of Psychology4, 253.