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The psychological difference between love and passion

Saying you’re in love and saying you’re in love are two different things. In passion, it is natural for a natural process to occur that in psychology we call projection🇧🇷

Projection would be what is part of me, but I project onto the other. That is, when we fall in love we are actually in love by our aspects designed and not by the real person.

But passion is necessary for there to be a rapprochement between two people. And when we are in love, the “defects” do not appear, everything seems to be beautiful and wonderful. Then comes the desire to be together with another, thoughts turned to the person, the famous “butterflies in the stomach” when they meet, among other symptoms.

But over time (from months to years) everything we haven’t seen begins to surface. It is when the person in love begins to withdraw his projection (his aspects in the other/idealization) and begins to see who he is really in a relationship with, then the possibility of experiencing love arises.

Love, different from passion, has to do with accepting the other as he really is. You know, you know the other person’s flaws clearly, but you still choose to share life with them.

Love requires looking at reality, knowing how to deal with frustration, forgiveness, understanding and acceptance of the loved one, it is a constant work of learning from the differences of the other.

Finally, I would like to quote Jung:

“All true deep love is a sacrifice. We sacrifice our possibilities, or rather the illusion of our possibilities. When there is no sacrifice, our illusions will prevent deep and responsible feeling from arising, but with this we are also deprived of the possibility of experiencing true love.”

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