Prayer is the direct way to communicate with God in any religion and not just in the spiritist doctrine. Through prayer the believer can ask, thank and praise the God of his heart. A good prayer must be done in recollection and has no need to use far-fetched words.
The important thing in a prayer is the sincerity and authenticity of the person who says it. In addition, the reason for the prayer, if it is a request, needs to be coherent and above human capacity to perform the act, thus justifying divine intervention. Therefore, no requests for superfluous or banal things.
Some people experience difficulties when it comes to expressing themselves correctly, but God evaluates the content and not the way in which the prayer is formulated. Anyway, by reading this article you will get a lot of information that will help you to formulate an efficient and at the same time beautiful prayer.
Whenever you need to pray, regardless of the reason, look for a secluded and quiet place, so you can open your heart to God. Also, always be humble and meek in your words. In the next blocks you will see more information on how to talk to God through good spirits.
When you go to pray, adopt a posture of respect and humility, in addition to being silent for a few minutes before starting your prayer. An effective prayer needs to be easy to understand, with simple words, without the need to show interest in impressing with high culture or knowledge.
Thus, your prayer must speak of what is in your heart, but in a natural way and, above all, sincere and vibrant. Transmit emotion in your prayer, for it is worth more than vain and copied words. The prayer must be said by force of a will or need and not just by an obligation of a ritual.
The most appropriate Sunday prayer in the spiritist view is the “Our Father”, which was taught by Christ and which the superior spirits recommend for any occasion. Spoken simply and clearly, the prayer touches the heart of both those who say it and those who listen.
However, when teaching prayer, Jesus wanted to convey the idea of how to address God and not a ready-made formula that takes effect through repetition. Sunday prayer is a model of simplicity, but also of profound meaning, since it summarizes man’s way of communicating with God. The ideal is to learn how to say your prayer, but in the meantime use this one as a model.
Our Father who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name! We believe in You, Lord, because everything reveals Your power and Your goodness. The harmony of the Universe testifies to a wisdom, prudence and foresight that exceed all human faculties. The name of a supremely great and wise Being is inscribed in all the works of creation, from the smallest bush and the smallest insect, to the stars that move in space; everywhere we see proof of a fatherly solicitude; blind is he who does not recognize you in your works, proud is he who does not glorify you, and ungrateful he who does not give you thanks.
II – Thy kingdom come! May the Kingdom of Peace and Charity, established by Your Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, become known and obeyed by all, so that the evils of this world cease. May intelligence and human reason be clarified in the light of the divine truths, which Your Holy Spirits are bearers of, so that disbelief may disappear from the Earth and all may recognize You as the only true God, and Jesus Christ the sovereign Master who You sent.
III – Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven! Help us to observe Your laws and to submit ourselves, without murmuring, to the divine decrees, because You are the source of wisdom and love and we, inferior creatures, must satisfy Your will.
IV – Give us this day our daily bread! Give us material food to entertain the forces of the body and spiritual food to develop our spirit. Give us love for work: for material work and spiritual work, so that we do not remain stationary on the Road of Life and so that we can help those in need with our gifts. Give us, therefore, Lord, our daily bread, that is, the means of acquiring by work the things necessary for the life of the body and the life of the Spirit.
V – Forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive our offenders! Lord, of Charity you made an express law for us and outside that law we could not claim your indulgence. If we ourselves refuse forgiveness to those we complain about, what right would we claim for ourselves to be forgiven for the many faults we have committed against You? If it pleases you to withdraw us from this world today, allow us to present ourselves before you, pure from all animosity, like Christ, whose last words were of indulgence for his executioners.
VI – Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil! Give us strength to resist the suggestions of evil spirits who, trying to divert us from the path of good, inspire us with evil thoughts. Sustain us and inspire us through the voice of the Guardian Angels and the good Spirits, the will to correct our imperfections in order to close the soul to the access of impure spirits.
VII – So be it; please, Lord, that our wishes come true; yet we bow before Your infinite wisdom.”
Each religious doctrine creates its own rite and in spiritism spiritist meetings play a fundamental role. Spiritist meetings are a means of interaction not only between the incarnated, but also with the good spirits who provide assistance and spiritual support to the group.
For a spiritist meeting to achieve good results, there must be a communion of thoughts and feelings, and not just a group of people with no common goals. Thus, it is the harmony of all in a single desire that attracts the good spirits, sent by Jesus to all who gather in his name.
According to the spiritist doctrine, each person has their guardian angel, a more evolved spirit, and one or more protective spirits, which are spirits that have some kind of affinity with the person being protected. See examples of prayers for these spirits.
Just as on Earth you have people who protect you and help you on your journey without any other interest, the same happens in the spiritual world, where loved ones who have passed away continue to follow closely those they love and who are still incarnated.
The spiritist doctrine named these selfless beings protective spirits, who guide, console and encourage their loved ones, both directly and through mediumistic messages. However, what most values this work is that many times the beneficiary does not even realize that he was helped by a spirit.
The spirits who dictated the spiritist doctrine to its codifier Allan Kardec explained the spiritual hierarchy, which is divided into different levels always according to the merit and evolution of each one. Thus, enlightened and benevolent spirits are on a level that places them above evil.
Indeed, this class of spirits has already reached a level of evolution that allows them to understand the importance of doing good without looking at who. Thus, you can pray to these spirits without having to mention any names, as there will always be one ready to hear your prayer. See an example so that you can adapt to your need.
“Enlightened and benevolent spirits, messengers of God, whose mission is to assist men and women and lead them along the right path, support me in the trials of this life; give me the strength to bear them without complaint; deliver me from bad thoughts and make sure I don’t give entrance to any bad spirit who wants to induce me to evil.
Clarify my conscience regarding my flaws and remove the veil of pride from over my eyes, capable of preventing me from noticing them and confessing them to myself. To you, above all, my guardian angel, who watches over me more particularly, and to all of you, protective spirits, who are interested in me, I ask that you make me worthy of your protection. You know my needs; let them be answered, according to the will of God.”
When a spirit reaches the highest spiritual level and enters the class of good spirits, its future evolution begins to depend on how much it works to help those below in the hierarchy. Thus, anyone who directs a prayer to good spirits will find one to listen to them.
However, one must understand that listening to a prayer does not mean that the request will be answered in the way it was made. God knows what each one needs and the good spirits, when they cannot intervene directly, do so by sending strength and courage so that the needy can overcome his ordeal. So, read a prayer so you can be inspired when you make your own.
“Almighty God, allow the good spirits to assist me in the communication I request. Preserve me from the presumption of judging myself protected from evil spirits; pride that misleads me about the value of what I get; of every feeling opposed to charity towards other mediums.
If I fall into error, inspire someone with the idea of warning me of this and me the humility that makes me accept the criticism recognized and take as addressed to myself, and not to others, the advice that the good spirits want to dictate to me.
If I am tempted to commit abuse, in whatever way it may be, or to be flattered by the faculty that you have been pleased to grant me, I ask that you remove me, rather than consenting to it being diverted from its providential objective, which is the good of all and my own moral advancement.”
Spirits are beings who left earthly life and entered the spiritual world through physical death, which together with birth make the passage between the two dimensions. When they change their existential plane, they continue with the same virtues and defects they had in the previous plane.
In this sense, when the spirit disincarnates, it keeps the memory of those it loved and tries to help them, according to their conditions. This way, you can pray for them and also ask for their help in difficult times, without having to mention names, because names don’t matter to the spirits. You can use the prayer below as a reference.
“Beloved spirits, Guardian Angels, you whom God, in his infinite mercy, allows to watch over men, be our protectors in the trials of earthly life. Give us the strength, the courage…