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The definitive trick to completely eliminate bad smell in shoes

lShoes are one of the items that smell the worst over time. Many times, the microorganisms that inhabit our feet tend to generate this type of aromas that are not pleasant. People often throw away their shoes when they give off too much odor because, despite washing them well, they still stink. But today @The_computer brings us a solution that is as simple as it is effective.

And it seems like a joke, but it's not. The solution is almost always the same: baking soda and vinegar. All we have to do is fill our shoes with baking soda and spray a very small amount of vinegar, and then leave it to rest for about 24 hours.

The product you should use when cleaning so that your house does not smell musty

It doesn't matter how many times you do it per week or even per day. Many times when you want to clean your house almost more than the state of the furniture or floors, what worries you most is the smell they give off. On many occasions you enter a room that has been closed for a long time (or even in your own house) and you are surprised by the closed smell that permeates everything even though the room itself is not dirty. And humidity is not always the cause. Well, that has an easy solution: You can use a little trick that more and more cleaning experts recommend and that will undoubtedly improve your life..

When cleaning the walls, prepare the mixture you want in a cauldron (many people simply use water with a splash of cleaning vinegar). Once you have prepared the right product (many supermarket chains have specific cleaners), squirt with fabric softener. How it sounds. The smell it will leave on your walls will never cease to surprise you. Remember, in any case, that you have to use little fabric softener. Not in vain is it a product that is used primarily for clothing. Days ago we already told you in another of our cleaning tips how you could improve the smell of the clothes that come out of the washing machine. It's more than simple: using a little cleaning vinegar during washing. This is a very easy product to find and will greatly improve the way your clothes smell. We also recommend that you put a little vinegar in the washing machine.

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Remember that every day in our Decoration section you can find the most useful cleaning tricks that allow you to get your house ready quickly and easily. It is not necessary to spend a lot of money to buy products that are effective and that allow you to take care of your home so that you can live more comfortably. It is clear that it is neither necessary nor useful to clean deeply every day, but what you do have to do periodically is spend some time so that everything shines.

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