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Taurus Guardian Angel Prayer to Strengthen Spirituality

Anyone who studies and delves deeper into spirituality comes across, at some point, issues relating to the protection offered by divine beings. A Taurus guardian angel prayer It is a way to connect and ask for help, enlightenment, opening paths and blessings. It can be done whenever you feel like it, at any time and day of the week.

What is the angel for the sign of Taurus?

Anael or Haniel is responsible for taking care of natives of the Taurus sign, born between April 20th to May 20th. His name means “grace of God”. He is the head of the “cupids”, and can help resolve problems in the love field.

It is believed to live in the region of Venus and thus promote love and harmony. Its goal is to help maintain balance of the spirit and provide beauty. In this way, it gives Taureans a personality based on the depths of love, romance and stability.

How to invoke the angel Anael?

“Archangel Anael, who is full of grace, work so that the beauty of the earth is eternal, so that my requests and my truth are achieved with grace and sweetness.

Make sure that in this life everything that is necessary is used with wisdom, modesty and humility. Make me noble in character, in speaking, working and in all my extent.

Prince Anael, prince of love, make me optimistic and able to always take advantage of the positive. Make me feel safe to fulfill myself in love, with all the strength of the Angels and Divine guardians.

Dear angel Anael, out of love, I greet you. May this love shine and shine in my being, in my home, and in all occasions and details; May I triumph in the face of obstacles. May your great ray of love illuminate like a diamond, and bless me in every second of my existence. So be it, Amen!”

Source: Portal Angels

Guardian angel Anael prayer

“My powerful Guardian Angel Anael, I ask you to enlighten my mind and make me better every day. Give me more intelligence, creativity and determination to carry out my tasks. I ask you to help me reduce my fascination with material things and teach me to value and admire the people I interact with on a daily basis. Anael, help me so that I don’t judge my brothers just by what they have. Always give me strength so that I can achieve victory in my life. I beg you to always support me. So be it. Amen”.

Source: We Mystic

Guardian angel prayer

“Holy Angel of the Lord, my zealous guardian, since divine mercy has entrusted me to you, always governs me, guards me, governs me and illuminates me.

In the presence of God, I solemnly promise to honor and imitate the virtues of my Guardian Angel, especially his purity, charity and obedience to the divine will.

Always take me before me, my Guardian Angel. Amen.

Celeste friend, I salute you, you accompanied me even before I was conceived.

I love you for your constancy, and for the time you dedicate to me. I thank you, because your life has only one goal, to serve God.

I bless you, because you are part of God, an expression of His love.

Divine ally, make me understand that I am never alone, may I overcome sadness, bad mood and depression with the simple invocation of your presence.

May I overcome my fears, trusting in your support.

May I overcome negative feelings, knowing that you are always by my side, to support me when I awaken my desire for good.

Allow me to look at your face to understand the past, trust in the future and, for a moment, live in the present, this eternal now that is the human way of approaching the infinite.

Invisible companion, may I be able to feel your presence in my life to understand and love you
each day more. Amen.

Lord God, Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth. Praises be given to you for all centuries
of centuries. Amen

Lord God, who, out of your immense goodness and infinite mercy, entrusted each human soul to each
of the Angels of Your heavenly Host, I give You thanks for this immeasurable grace.

So confident in you, and in my Holy Guardian Angel, I turn to him, begging him to watch over me, in this passage of my soul, through exile from Earth.

My Holy Guardian Angel, model of purity and love for God, be attentive to the request I make of you.

God, my creator, the Sovereign Lord whom you serve with inflamed love, has entrusted to your guardianship and surveillance
my soul and my body: my soul, so as not to offend God. my body, so that
be healthy, capable of carrying out the tasks that divine wisdom has destined for me, to fulfill my mission on earth.

My Holy Guardian Angel, watch over me, open my eyes, give me prudence in my paths through existence.

Deliver me from physical and moral evils, from illnesses and addictions, from bad company, from dangers, and in moments of distress.

On dangerous occasions, be my guide, my protector and my guard, against everything that causes me physical harm.
or spiritual.

Deliver me from the attacks of enemies visible and invisible, and from tempting spirits.

My Holy Guardian Angel, protect me. Amen.”

Source: Spiritualist Prayers

Read more: guardian angel of each sign It is guardian angel prayer.

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