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Symptoms of Repressed Mediumship: 4 You Shouldn’t Ignore and Risks

Have you heard about repressed mediumship and its symptoms? This is the name given when mediumship is not developed and can have consequences for mediums who do not develop.

The effects of this mediumship can range from physical discomfort to psychological imbalance, which increases the importance of keeping an eye on them.

So, do you want to know more about the symptoms and what you should do in these cases? Keep reading! Below we tell you everything you need to know about this topic!

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After all, what is repressed mediumship?

4 Symptoms of Repressed Mediumship You Shouldn’t Ignore

What are the risks of repressed mediumship?

What to do when you are suffering from the symptoms of this mediumship?

After all, what is repressed mediumship?

Before we talk about repressed mediumship, we’ll talk about what mediumship is, since we need to understand one first to understand the other.

Mediumship: what is it?

We all have mediumship, but in different intensities. Allan Kardec described it as being a capacity to perceive and feel, to any degree, the influence of the spirits around us.

And mediums are nothing more than people who can feel and experience spiritual reality through the physical or metaphysical senses.

Now that we know what mediumship and mediums are, let’s talk a little more about the repressed.

What is Repressed Mediumship?

As we said above, we are all mediums, however, what differentiates these mediumships are the degree and intensity of these mediumships.

Repressed mediumship occurs when someone who experiences mediumship to a greater degree does not fully develop it, that is, represses it.

Whether due to lack of knowledge, not believing in these matters or simply not wanting to get in touch with spiritual matters, this repression can have negative physical, psychological and other consequences in the person’s life.

And then, let’s move on to all the symptoms? Keep reading below!

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4 Symptoms of Repressed Mediumship You Shouldn’t Ignore

Now we will talk a little about what these symptoms are and what are the impacts on the lives of people who may be experiencing repressed mediumship, we will also talk about what can be done if you are suffering from these symptoms.

1. Be susceptible to obsessors and negative energies

This first symptom of the repression of mediumship is one of the most important to keep an eye onso read carefully.

This mediumship can make the medium more susceptible to negative energies and also spiritual obsessors, so you need to pay attention to this.

This occurs because there is a great spiritual sensitivity on the part of the medium that is not developed and strengthened to learn to filter those negative vibrations that can inhabit its surroundings.

Despite not learning to defend himself from them, the medium still captures them, becoming an easy target for such energies or spiritual obsessors to approach.

2. Psychological and emotional imbalance

The second symptom of this mediumship is the psychological and emotional imbalance that it can trigger.

In the same way that the medium becomes susceptible to negative energies and unbalanced spirits that come into contact with him, this fragility can result in the person’s psychological and emotional imbalance.

Psychological disorders such as depression, anxiety, social phobias and even more serious conditions that lead to seclusion and even loss of courage and willingness to do what you like are among the possible psychological and emotional consequences of repressed mediumship.

3. Health problems that cannot be diagnosed

This symptom is the part of repressed mediumship that can directly affect the person’s body, therefore it is something strong and unpleasant.

Health problems that are persistent and for which a diagnosis or cure is often not found, may be consequences of repressed mediumship.

Being fragile and susceptible to obsessors and negative energiesthese negative and unwanted vibrations can have an extremely harmful impact on the body and our life.

Often the person does not know that he is a medium and is unaware that part of the causes may be linked to his undeveloped mediumship.

4. Trouble sleeping and other symptoms

This mediumship also has milder symptoms, which can be a good initial indication to seek information.

sleeping difficulties, insomnia, constant headaches and chills at specific times may indicate the onset of symptoms of repressed mediumship. It is important to try to understand what is going on when these symptoms become more frequent.

Not only seeking spiritual help, if that’s your choice, but also medical help to make sure it’s not an organic problem.

And so, now that you know all the symptoms, let’s move on to the risks associated with it.

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What are the risks of repressed mediumship?

Not developing mediumship can bring with it certain risks for the well-being of the medium, risks that involve his physical, mental and spiritual health, but everything can be controlled.

The health of these people may be directly affected. Therefore, you must be careful with this.

Such as low sleep quality, headaches, lack of spiritin between countless others.

However, mental health can also be affected by psychological disorders. Some like depression, anxiety and certain phobias. More serious disorders and even suicidal ideations may also appear.

All these symptoms occur due to the spiritual vulnerability in which the medium can find himself when he does not develop his mediumship, becoming susceptible to the influence of obsessing spirits.

Spiritually these effects can range from negative influences in the person’s life to incorporations that occur out of time. So, you need to pay close attention to that.

What to do when you are suffering from the symptoms of this mediumship?

The first step to take when you think you are suffering from mediumship, is to seek information in places that can offer you this type of help.

After finding out about mediumship repression, you can choose how and where you will develop this mediumship to ease the symptoms and strengthen yourself spiritually so as not to be susceptible to negative spiritual influences.

Trying to get in touch with studies on mediumship can also have an important and positive impact on the whole process.

It’s also important to seek a doctor if you are suffering from the symptoms quoted!

If you are experiencing the physical or psychological symptoms listed in this article, it is also very important to look for professionals in the field (doctors, psychiatrists and psychologists).

If it is a choice to seek spiritual help, jointly seek a doctor or professional in the field of psychological health to be sure that organically and psychologically you will also receive the necessary support.

Never dismiss the importance of these professionals in case of suffering and need, as they can be your salvation.

So, did you clarify all your doubts related to this weather? Any additional questions, just leave a comment on this article!

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