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Sympathy of the Absorbent with the Name of the Beloved Person – Witches of Love

Witchcraft, I know that many of you want a spell that works in a short time so I decided to share this Named Absorbent Spell with you.

First of all, I want to warn you that this Sympathy works to bring back a lover and tie him to you. Be very sure about the person you intend to do.

Once Sympathy is finished, there’s no going back! So do it responsibly.

Secondly, who sent me this sympathy was Witch Rosalinda, a friend of Tarot Cigano who works in Mato Grosso.

She commented to me that she already indicated this Sympathy of the person’s name to several people and they were all successful. So I hope she can help the little witches here too.

A big hug to Rosalinda, I promised I would share and I took some time to come here and post on the Witches. Without further ado, let’s go to Sympathy:

Necessary Material for Absorbent Sympathy

1 absorbent; Full name of the Beloved Person; A pen or sharpie; A white candle; A clove of garlic.

How to make the Absorbent Sympathy with the Name of the Person?

Let’s start by writing your loved one’s full name on the pad. Once this is done, wait for the day of your period, and use it when you feel that the greatest amount of blood is going to come down.

As soon as you remove the tampon, put the garlic clove in the tampon and mash it in a way that it is trapped inside.

Now take the candle, go to a square far from your house, dig a hole and bury the tampon. Place the candle on top of where you buried it and light it.

Read Also:  Sympathy for Yemanja to soften the heart of the loved one - Witches of Love

Then, mentalize only positive things with the person, moments, trips, things you would love to do with them (here it is important not to think of anything negative).

As the effect of this sympathy is very strong, it can take from 1 to 7 days for the person to come running to you to look for you. Never, under any circumstances, tell her that you did Sympathy.

Who should do the Absorbent Sympathy?

I’m separating this topic to make it clear to all of you that this spell is unique and should only be done once in your life. Be absolutely sure about the person you intend to tie to your side.

Also, if you repeat it with someone else, the chances of you suffering from this love are high. So don’t do it more than once.

Rosalindo commented to me that one of her friends, who voluntarily decided to repeat Sympathy, in addition to losing her old love, never got sincere love again, people always appear without much purpose in her life.

So be very careful and don’t do it more than once!

Never make the Absorbent Sympathy with Third Party Blood

Very important! Never, ever do this sympathy with the Blood of other people. The blood on the tampon must be yours, otherwise the person may end up falling in love with the person who provided the tampon.

Blood sympathies are very serious, so don’t play with them at all! Do exactly as I’m going through here at the Witches.


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