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Spiritual enclaves: telluric energies are felt

Enric Aulí was 16 years old when, during an end-of-year trip to the Italian city of Florence, in 1966, he had “an experience like possession” in the Basilica of Santa Croce: he felt so overwhelmed by his emotions as Stendhal in 1817 (his description defines the famous “Stendhal syndrome”).

Later, Aulí’s life entered years of great activity and that episode remained in the corner of her memory.

The strange sensation was repeatedmuffled, in other places: next to a now-modified fountain in the Montseny Natural Park, in Barcelona, ​​and at Stonehenge, the megalithic complex in the county of Wiltshire, England, during a cold early morning when there were only five people in that enclave.

Auli has a vast Construction and environmental experience (he was head of the environmental health service of the Generalitat de Catalunya, director of environmental services for the promoter Habitat and professor at the Barcelona Higher Polytechnic School of Buildings), and does not consider himself esoteric.

remember the phenomena calmly: “I think that day at Stonehenge, being below zero, my body got stressed and helped me feel that”.

Telluric energies and geobiology

But there came a time, as he approached 40, when he began to take an interest in subtle energies that he perceived where our ancestors had decided to build places of worship, social gatherings or tombs, locations intended to promote spirituality.

Auli came into contact with the Association for Geobiological Studies (GEA) to find a Scientific explanation to the great well-being that invaded him in those places.

The geobiology It is defined as a science that studies the energies that emanate from the interior of the Earth and its relationship with living beings, and tries to recover a knowledge that ancient peoples and cultures demonstrated when choosing where to place their monuments and how to orient them.

The premise of geobiology is that we are immersed in a sea of ​​subtle energies that we cannot always measure, but that affect us positively or negatively. “There are phenomena that are not yet scientifically explainable, but no less real for that,” says the architect and geobiologist Pere León.

A paradigmatic case It is that of the Cathedral of Chartres, in France. The current building was built on the ruins of four previous churches, successively built on an old druid training center, in turn installed where a menhir had already stood.

It is a location that different cultures have appreciated, perhaps because it has a telluric influence that was channeled with different construction methods to create a space where the energies were balanced.

“Chartres Cathedral has a impressive energy power says Aulí, still amazed. Especially in the main altar, where, in addition to crossing electromagnetic lines, a natural underground water current passes that the builders reinforced with twelve artificial channels, similar to what happens in the cathedral of Santiago de Compostela.”

“All this gives the altar the maximum energy. During the celebration of the mass, the priest remained with his back to the faithful, on the most energetic point, and suddenly turned around and opened his arms, projecting that energy towards the parishioners. You can imagine the impression he produced.”

The other energetically outstanding point of Chartres Cathedral is the famous medieval labyrinth which remains traced on the pavement of the main entrance, with which the ecclesiastical precept of pilgrimage was fulfilled. “The spiritual experience, or at least euphoria, is guaranteed,” Aulí continues.

According to Aulí, our ancestors knew channel the energies in constructions that denote a great knowledge of his influence.

As in Chartres or in the alignments of Carnac, in Brittany, we can capture a beneficent energy in the cathedral of Santiago de Compostela, in the sanctuary of Núria or the medieval churches of Ripollès, in Girona, and also in lesser-known places, such as the megalithic cromlechs of the Aralar mountain range, in Guipúzcoa.

Studies on the effects of telluric energies are lacking, but we can try to feel them opening ourselves to them in buildings and enclaves that since ancient times have been erected for spiritual experience.

Confirmation of technology

The church of Santa Anna, a haven of peace in the heart of Barcelona, ​​served as the base for a experimental study carried out by some students from the Barcelona Higher Polytechnic School of Buildings.

They checked there, with state-of-the-art equipment, that the telluric energies perceived by an expert in dowsing aided by rods corresponded to variations in the Earth’s magnetic field of less than 6,000 nanoteslas and gamma radiation levels ranging between 0.185 and 0.225 microsieverts per hour, which confirmed that this is a place energetically favorable.

The best place to live according to geobiology

The place where we live and sleep should be the best to find rest and develop a long and full life.

However, in it we can be continuously subjected to harmful natural radiation such as those produced by water veins and geological faults, which are the most damaging.

Geobiology warns that, in the long term, this influence can weaken the immune system and get sick. “As our vital organs work through electromagnetic impulses, the variations in our daily environment interfere with our biological rhythms”, says Pere León in the good vibes (Grijalbo, 2013).

systematic insomnia, headaches without apparent cause or the chronic feeling of exhaustion can be symptoms that we suffer from a “geopathy”. In these cases, serious illnesses can develop.

If you think you are resting in a geobiological “bad place”, you can turn to an expert. The geobiologists they measure the intensity of the magnetic fields (and also the artificial ones from mobile telephony, radars…) and propose changes in the location of the bed or the rooms, as well as in the electrical installations.

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