Home » Dreams & Meanings » Signs that match Virgo: in sex, love, work, social and more!

Signs that match Virgo: in sex, love, work, social and more!

Virgo natives are intelligent people, with a keen intellect and the ability to seamlessly blend the classic with the modern. This characteristic is influenced by its ruling planet being the same as the sign of Gemini: Mercury.

Belonging to the set of Earth element signs, along with Taurus and Capricorn, Virgo natives also feel this influence on their personality, being rational, stable and down to earth. The best matches for the Virgo man are with his elemental partners, being Taurus and Capricorn, good suitors to maintain a good relationship with the analytical Virgo man.

However, the relationship of this sign with the others happens through the degree of intimacy and other houses of the zodiac can configure good combinations with Virgo, such as the complementary signs of Cancer and Scorpio.

Keep reading and learn about Virgo’s relationship, which is the sixth house of the zodiac, with the other signs and how he interacts in love, professional, social life and much more. Check out!

Aries and Virgo can be an interesting combination, as long as they know how to manage their differences and focus on the qualities of this relationship with opportunities for mutual learning. Check out!

In social life, the Aryan is quite different from the Virgo native. Extroverted, humorous and with a wide smile, it is common to find the Aries native surrounded by people, having fun and making new friends. The Virgo man is already a more withdrawn person, known as someone introverted and introspective, he observes and analyzes all situations before getting involved in the conversation, although he is someone who is very communicative.

Aries loves to go out, travel, go clubbing and socialize. Distinct characteristics of the Virgo native who prefers the comfort of his home accompanied by a good book, wine or company to philosophize about life.

In bed, the native of Aries is completely free of strings. Delivered, dedicated and sensual, she tries to conquer her partner and reveal all the secrets of her body. Enemy of routine, he loves to be surprised with news during sex.

The Virgo native will find it difficult to offer the Aryan what he expects at the H-time, since at that moment he finds it difficult to let go. A perfectionist, he ends up focusing too much on his own performance, giving the impression of selfishness to his partner.

However, as the relationship unfolds, the tendency is for the Virgo man to be able to let go, speak dirty words in the Aryan ear and make the most of this physical connection. For this, the native of Aries needs to be patient and calm with the Virgo.

In love, the native of Virgo gives the impression of being a cold and distant person. This is because he is withdrawn and keeps his feelings to himself, finding it difficult to express everything that dwells in his heart.

The native of Aries is passionate, intense and dedicated to the relationship. With a fragile ego, natives of this sign need their partner’s demonstrations of affection to feel safe, which will be a problem in this relationship.

Adventurous, Aries will want to go out to have fun while Virgos are lazy to socialize, preferring to stay at home. All these differences promise to generate arguments and wear out the relationship in a short time.

Virgos are methodical, analytical, serious, objective and practical professionals. Efficient, he seeks to do everything with the utmost precision, mainly to meet his perfectionist needs. The Aries native would like to be as organized as the Virgo partner, but he cannot.

However, you are ambitious, focused, determined and not afraid to get your hands dirty. Together, they can learn from each other. Aries can learn to be more organized, while Virgos can see a little beyond their usefulness and aspire to success in their careers.

Taurus and Virgo share the same element: Earth. With that, they have similar characteristics and an ease to understand and respect each other’s way. Check out!

Taurus is a sociable sign, unlike Virgo. Taureans manage to exert a magnetism that attracts people with their extroverted, good-natured and fun personality. However, even if it is a good company for the ballad, he prefers the comfort of his home to spending the night next to someone special, sharing the covers, a bucket of popcorn and watching a good series on TV.

The introverted Virgo will find Taurus understanding when he doesn’t want to socialize, sharing with him the best a home program can offer and having stimulating intellectual exchanges, as both are intelligent.

In bed, Taurus natives are relentless. Perfectly mixing sensuality, affection and lust, he manages to conquer anyone with his variants of strong footprint and delicacy with whispers close to the ear.

The shy Virgo man will feel uncomfortable at first, but luckily the Taurus man is a patient, affectionate and understanding person, able to offer his partner the necessary security to make him feel at ease.

Enjoying innovating in bed, the Taurus will try to convince the partner to open his mind, try new positions, lightness, jokes and the like. However, if you notice reluctance, he doesn’t usually insist and doesn’t care so much about it as to become a problem.

In love, Taurus is someone romantic, affectionate and faithful. The best thing about this combination is that even though the Virgo man is cold and distant, given his difficulty in showing his feelings, the Taurus native will quickly learn to appreciate other aspects of the relationship.

This is because Taureans consider actions more important than words and in attitudes, Virgos demonstrate their love daily with care, concern and pampering.

Furthermore, when the native of Taurus feels the need to enjoy his individuality and breathe outside the relationship, he will have full support from the native of Virgo, who is someone relaxed and as free as the partner.

Taurus natives are focused, ambitious and determined professionals. Materialists, they value their profession and aspire to earn more and more money, tending to achieve success.

The Virgo admires these qualities in the Taurus partner. This is because, although he is an excellent professional, he is not as ambitious, appreciating the feeling of usefulness that a job guarantees him and security above all else.

The two are stable and, together, will fight to conquer a safe life, full of luxuries to satisfy the Taurus and with a good amount saved to calm the worries of the Virgo.

This combination promises to have a very sharp intellectual exchange. However, this will be a challenging relationship due to the couple’s irreconcilable personality differences. Understand better below!

Geminis are naturally sociable people. Friendly, outgoing, adventurous and partying, he manages to draw attention wherever he goes and makes friends easily, captivating the people around him.

Distinct characteristics of the Virgo man who prefers to stay in the corner, observing and analyzing the people around him. Together, there will be problems when deciding what to do over the weekend, as the native of Virgo prefers to stay at home.

The native of Gemini has a well-touched libido and loves to innovate in bed, trying new positions, exploring new ideas and being creative. For that, he waits for his partner to let go and reveal his beasts.

The problem is that, as much as the native of Virgo has a sleeping giant full of sexual hunger, letting go for him is something that happens with intimacy and the passage of time, requiring patience from the partner.

However, patience is not a virtue of Gemini natives who want everything for yesterday, in their time and according to their will. Thus, they can feel frustrated when they don’t get what they want from their Virgo partner.

In love, the Gemini man will have no difficulty dealing with the coldness and detachment of the Virgo partner, but his predictable, methodical personality and his need to maintain routine will make him very uncomfortable.

Another aspect that tends to bother the Gemini man is the mania for criticizing what the Virgo partner has. Demanding and perfectionist, this is one of the biggest flaws of Virgos, an attitude that will annoy your partner to the extreme.

The native of Virgo will find it difficult to deal with the partner’s constant mood swings and his need to break the routine to experience new experiences, an attitude that will have the disapproval of the Virgo man.

The Gemini is a professional with a leadership profile, focused, creative and with a high power of persuasion. Disorganized, she works more intuitively, performing her tasks as they come up with tight deadlines.

The Virgo man is not very argumentative and does not exercise his creativity very often. Strict with his schedules and commitments, he anticipates his tasks and plans his days in advance.

Together, these signs have a lot to learn from each other. Virgo can become more intuitive with Gemini. In contrast, the native of Gemini can learn the benefits of organization and commitment.

Although they are different people, oddly enough, Cancer and Virgo can form a very reciprocal, healthy and stable relationship. Understand better the aspects of this combination below!

The Cancer man is an essentially shy and insecure person. Always fearing what they might think and how they will judge his actions, he ends up giving the impression of being someone introspective.

Virgos share the same difficulty in socializing as Cancers, preferring to stay in the corner and not draw so much attention to themselves. Both love to prefer homemade programs and will do well in this matter.

In bed, the Virgo man will be delighted with the delivery and dedication of the sensitive Cancer man. Intense, the native of Cancer considers sex an opportunity to connect emotionally with the partner.

Although the Virgo man is not the most affectionate person in the universe, he will know how to value the Cancer native’s romanticism, but that will not be enough. The Virgo man needs to pay attention to his caresses in order to offer the reciprocity that the partner…

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