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Sacred Geometry: meaning, symbols, how to apply and more!

Sacred Geometry is related to an area of ​​mathematical study of geometric shapes, geometry. These forms and studies were very used in the construction of divine temples and cathedrals and are also very used in art.

But far beyond constructions and art, Sacred Geometry is seen by philosophers and mathematicians as the symbology of the divine. When we observe everything that exists in the Universe, it is possible to notice the presence of this concept in all parts.

These geometric shapes are part of the format of everything in nature: plants such as ferns, sunflowers, among others, and are even present in the genetic code of human beings. In the arts, this concept can be seen, for example, in the Monalisa and also on the stairs of the Vatican Museums, a spiral that follows the Golden Ratio.

In this article you will be able to understand more about Sacred Geometry, understanding various concepts about it, such as its symbols and how to use them to your advantage.

Sacred Geometry is part of almost everything that exists on our planet, plants, buildings, human and animal DNA, among other things.

In this article excerpt you will learn a little about the origin and history of Sacred Geometry, the mathematical patterns found in nature and how to apply Sacred Geometry in various situations.

Sacred Geometry has its origins in Ancient Egypt, as it was in this period that measurement systems were created and were used to delimit territories after the annual floods of the Nile River.

Several cultures realized that there was repetition of geometric patterns throughout nature. The Christian, Hindu, Greek and Egyptian peoples also discovered that there was a connection between the elements of Earth and Heaven, following these patterns.

After studies of modern science, it became proven the existence of sacred geometric patterns in molecular forms, which are the basis of everything that has life in our Universe.

Geometric (mathematical) patterns are present in everything, from the formation of an atom to galaxies, flowers and animals. The harmony of natural forms with each other has a specific vibration, and the frequency of this vibration is what sustains the balance of the Universe.

Thus, with the constructions in straight forms of our contemporary civilization, human beings have been conditioned to vibrate at a frequency dissonant from their nature, which causes fatigue and deficiency of the immune system, which can cause diseases. This vibrational separation from nature leads the human being to have psychological and physical problems.

Natural proportions, mathematical or geometric patterns have been known since ancient Greek and Egyptian times. These people used Sacred Geometry in the construction of their temples. These patterns were also used in construction in medieval times and even before that period.

So that this knowledge was not lost during the Middle Ages, there was the creation of Freemasonry, which also had the intention of protecting its members from the inquisition. The term Maçom in French means mason, and masonry is the term used in English as the name of the construction technique with bricks and mortar.

Despite the distancing that modern constructions have imposed on human beings from their nature, it is possible to use the proportions of Sacred Geometry in objects that exist in everyday life, managing to bring their benefits to your emotional and physical health.

One way to benefit from Sacred Geometry is to be in nature and contemplate plants and flowers. However, decorating the house with photos of plants and landscapes or even with constellations and geometric shapes such as the Platonic Solids (learn more about them throughout the text) is also quite beneficial.

Sacred Geometry has numerous forms of representation in nature and in various constructions of antiquity.

In this part of the article you will understand some of these shapes such as the Golden Ratio, the Flower of Life, Metatron’s Cube, Mandala and other symbols with these patterns.

It is quite common to find the Golden Ratio in nature. It is a form of measurement also known as the Golden Number, Golden Number or Golden Section. The coefficient representing this pattern is 1.618.

The Golden Ratio is found when, for example, when drawing a rectangle, and then drawing a square within it, the remaining area will result in a second rectangle that is proportional to the larger rectangle.

The formula for arriving at the Golden Ratio number is a : b = a + b : a = 1.618.

There is also the Fibonacci Sequence, which is a series of numbers that follow a pattern. This sequence is formed by adding a number to the previous number.

The Fibonacci Sequence is: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144 and it goes on forever.

So: 0 + 1 = 1; 1 + 1 = 2; 2 + 1 = 3…

Dividing these numbers, starting with 1, by the previous one, will result in numbers close to 1.618.

Thus: 1 : 1 = 1; 2 : 1 = ; 3 : 2 = 1.5; 5 : 3 = 1.6666; 8 : 5 = 1.6; 13 : 8 = 1.625…

Flor da Vida emerged when it was discovered that the repetition of circles forms rings that resemble images of flowers. It represents the opportunity to leave past consciences, moments of suffering from the understanding of these events and, in this way, achieve achievements by finding the conscience of the present.

This happens because geometric shapes have a greater connection with man, as the images formed convey stronger feelings to human beings. The way the Flower of Life is formed creates a kind of DNA chain, with information from everything that exists in the Universe.

Metatron’s Cube is associated with the Flower of Life and Plato’s Solids, so it is also a form of Sacred Geometry. He is also associated with the Archangel Metatron, who has been mentioned extensively in Judeo-Islamic texts and in Christianity.

The Angel Metatron is seen as possessing great powers, as he was the representation of a link between God and humanity. Therefore, its cube is the symbology of the sacred, a connection between the entire Universe. Metatron’s Cube is also a symbol of creativity.

The Mandala, another object that symbolizes Sacred Geometry and the Universe, is formed by the junction of geometric elements that are the representation of the Cosmos. It is often used as a way of guiding thoughts.

Its shape is a perfect circle, the main representation of Sacred Geometry and is also linked to the Flower of Life. It is known as the key to a deeper understanding of creation and the cycle of life.

There are other symbols that are linked to Sacred Geometry, the circle is one of them, which universally represents completeness, perfection and eternity. He is considered an element very close to God.

The other element that represents Sacred Geometry is the triangle, symbol of the trinity of gods, and representation that is part of Christian, Hindu, Egyptian and Babylonian cultures. The pyramids of Egypt, in the shape of a triangle, were tombs for the pharaohs and sacred places for the Egyptians, and the Mayan pyramids, which also have this shape, were built according to the astral cycles.

The Platonic Solids in Sacred Geometry are associated with the elements of alchemy: fire, earth, water, air and ether, and they can be used to help bring people back into balance.

Below you will learn about the Platonic Solids and understand the elements to which each one is associated and how they can help balance each person.

The Tetrahedron is linked to the fire element, a pointed figure that can be related to the heat of fire and that has the hot energy, Yang. This figure is also associated with spiritual development and unconditional love.

When people are discouraged, feeling weak, with low immunity, it is indicated to meditate or elixir with a tetrahedron. But it should not be used when people are feeling angry or when they are irritated.

The Hexahedron is related to the earth element, and is responsible for providing smooth and steady energy. It is also associated with donation, because in the same way that the Earth donates all its natural riches to us, the Hexahedron teaches people to act in a way that maintains the well-being of the planet.

Meditation done next to a Hexahedron helps to bring stability to people and helps even when they are scattered and disconnected from reality.

The Octahedron figure is associated with the air element, so it is seen as a light form and is used in the shape of homemade balloons. It represents mental development as it helps to have a better understanding of the reality of being and the laws of the Universe.

The Octahedron should be used in meditation at times when the person needs to improve his memory, his reasoning ability or when he seeks to give a more efficient meaning to his life. This figure should not be used by anyone who already has difficulty understanding feelings and intuitions.

This geometric figure is connected with the cosmos and represents the empty space where the celestial stars are, also being related to the ether element. The Dodecahedron is associated with awakening people’s consciousness, both individually and collectively.

This figure can be used when the individual wants to make a connection between the material and spiritual planes, and it can also help to give a higher meaning to their day-to-day activities. It is not recommended to use this figure for people with difficulties in being practical.

The Icosahedron is related to the water element, representing fluidity and impermanence. This geometric shape is connected with individual, environmental and interpersonal energy balance. It helps purify people, enabling them to benefit from positive energies.

When meditating with the Icosahedron, people free themselves and their homes from stagnant and heavy energies, thus bringing fluidity to their lives. This figure should not be used when people are feeling low or unsure.

You learned about the forces and energies transmitted by the Platonic Solids and the benefits they bring to your life. Furthermore,…

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