Home » Horoscope » Recovering the joy of living helps you transform your life

Recovering the joy of living helps you transform your life

Regain the joy of living it is extremely necessary. Joy is an emotion and emotions have no words to describe them.

They are pure physical sensations in our bodies. We express the emotion of the joy of living in many physical ways. For example, we jump for joy when we win a hotly contested competition, or we “die” with laughter when someone tells a hilarious story.

We scream with happiness after receiving a surprise gift and scream exuberantly when we hear fantastic news. We felt excited and elated on a beautiful day.

How to regain the joy of living?

Recovering the joy of living will help transform you and change the reality around you. When we feel happiness, we feel good about ourselves. We become confident, powerful, capable, lovable and accomplished.

These are all good reasons to feel more joy in our lives. Here are seven ways to do this.

1 – Perform a challenging activity with a commitment to master it

To regain the joy of living, think of a project you’d like to undertake, whether it’s creating a small flower garden in your backyard, learning how to tune your car, or mastering the tango.

The process of setting a goal, learning the steps needed to achieve it, and doing your best until you’ve mastered it will generate high self-esteem and pride. These are feelings associated with joy.

2 – Actively seek joy through inspiration

Another way to get more joy into our lives is to discover it through activities that broaden our perceptions and take us out of everyday life.

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Practicing meditation and prayer are two obvious ways to produce a sense of well-being, serenity, and joy. Being alone in nature is another way to regain the joy of living and feel the beauty – and unity with a greater whole.

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3 – Engage in an activity that is pleasurable and feels like play

Do an uplifting and enjoyable activity that is not goal oriented but just fun.

Some examples include playing marbles with your dog, dancing, walking, viewing beautiful artwork, enjoying a show, or dating.

Play and other activities that have no other purpose than to help us feel relaxed and happy, keeping our mind focused on the present. The present is where joy lives.

4 – Deal with the sadness that blocks joy

When we feel sad it is not possible to also feel happy.

In a place that feels safe and private, express your sadness in a constructive way by allowing yourself to cry. As you cry, acknowledge your hurts and losses.

Don’t get carried away by negative thoughts about yourself. Keep telling yourself:

“I am fine. It’s okay to cry. I just feel sad.”

You’ll immediately feel washed and clean – even joyful.

5 – Honor yourself consciously and often

Joy doesn’t come from others, it comes from within!

Stop negative thoughts about yourself and replace them with self-honoring statements, such as:

“I’m fine the way I am. I am whole and complete. I did my best. I can do it. I love myself. What I’m looking for is inside of me.”

Also, focus on what’s good and what you’ve done well. Write the self-reviews so you can read and say them often. The more you reinforce these concepts, the more they will come true.

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6 – Give yourself a break from the everyday world

Take care of yourself everyday!

Set a time, just for you, when you can disconnect from daily responsibilities and get away from the noise, stimulation and demands of your world.

Joy comes easily when we focus on our own needs in an affectionate and loving way:

  • Massage;
  • Close the door;
  • Put your feet up;
  • Watch the world outside your window;
  • Take a nap.

These types of activities replenish us and give our body and soul a chance to experience pure joy. Remember: my job is to take care of myself.

7 – Say the word JOY often and ponder its meaning

Repeating and contemplating the word ‘joy’ can really create this emotion:

  1. Say it indefinitely, varying the speed, pitch and rhythm until you laugh.
  2. Notice how your body feels when you say the word.
  3. Did your chest expand?
  4. Did your face relax?
  5. Think about what joy means to you.

Be as specific as possible, imagining the feeling of joy, the images it evokes, perhaps even the people and situations that trigger joy.

Sign your emails with the word joy. Paint the word on a smooth stone and keep it on your desk. More joy will arise if you simply invite him to do so.

Important warning: These are just tips to help you regain the joy of living. However, if you feel that this problem is much more serious and heavy in your life, seek help from doctors and specialists. A blog post can inspire you, but it cannot heal you.

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If you feel that your problem is involving more your spiritual life, then consult with oraculists at . Thus, you will find a guide to help you on this new journey.

Good luck!

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