He is celebrated on June 12th and was a hermit who lived in Egypt at the end of the 4th century and beginning of the 5th century. prayer of Saint Onofre It is known for its power to promote spiritual cleansing, ward off addictions, attract money and open paths to expand spirituality. It can be done with attention and faith whenever you feel like it, at any time and day of the week.
Who does Saint Onofre protect?
Saint Onofre is invoked to ask for help against alcohol addiction. This is because he himself would have suffered from alcoholism at one stage in his life. After being cured, he would have chosen to live his life in the Thebaid desert, in Upper Egypt, as a form of penance. Throughout his life, he sought God through prayers to help him with challenges.
He is also known as the patron saint of fortune and luck. Due to religious syncretism, in Afro-Brazilian religions, Saint Onofre is Ossain, the orixá of liturgical and medicinal herbs, with healing power through them.
Prayer to Saint Onofre to stop drinking
“O Saint Onofre, who through faith, penance and willpower you overcame the addiction to alcohol, grant me the strength and grace to resist the temptation of drinking. Deliver from addiction, which is a true disease, also my family and my friends. Bless “Alcoholics Anonymous” so that they remain firm in their purpose of living away from drinking and helping their fellow men to do the same. Virgin Mary, compassionate mother of sinners, help us!
Saint Onofre, pray for us!”
Source: Perpétuo Socorro MS
Prayer to Saint Onofre to make a wish
“Glorious Saint Onofre, when you walked through the mountains, you found Jesus Christ, and you made three requests to him: “Money for my pocket, bread for my mouth, clothes for my body.”
(Repeat Santo Onofre’s requests 3 times and then make your own request)
Source: Prayer and Faith
Prayer to Saint Onofre to make money
“My glorious Saint Onofre,
That by Divine Providence you were sanctified and today you are with God. Just as you asked Jesus Christ for three graces, I ask you for four graces, glorious Saint Onofre. Just as Christ answered you, answer me in the graces I want to ask of you (make the request).
You who were the father of the single, be my father. You who were the father of married people, be my father. My glorious Saint Onofre, through the wounds of Christ, through the seven sorrows of the Most Holy Mother, through the Holy Cross, I ask you: grant me the graces I have just asked for, to have my heart at peace and the earthly goods I need. Amen.”
Source: Prayer and Faith
Novena of Saint Onofre
As the name suggests, this ritual takes nine consecutive days to complete. It consists of reading the prayer to the Divine Holy Spirit, the Act of Constriction and the Prayer of Saint Onofre, when you must place your order at the time indicated in the text. Then, it’s time to meditate on the specific topic of the day. Afterwards, it is time to read the Litany and the Blessing of Saint Onofre. Check out:
By the + sign of the Holy Cross, God + our Lord, free us from our + enemies. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Prayer to the Divine Holy Spirit
Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful
and light the fire of your Love in them.
V/. Send your Spirit and everything will be created.
R/. And you will renew the face of the earth.
Let us pray: O God, who instructed the hearts of your faithful with the light of the Holy Spirit, grant us, according to the same Spirit, to know right things and always enjoy His consolations. Through Our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who is God with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Act of Contrition
My God, with all my heart I repent of my sins; I hate them and detest them because they offend your infinite Majesty and are the cause of the death of your Divine Son, Jesus Christ, and of my spiritual ruin. I propose never to commit them again in the future and to always avoid opportunities to sin.
V/. Lord, have mercy and forgive me.
R/. Lord, have mercy and forgive me.
Prayer to Saint Onofre
Saint Onofre, God called you to be a hermit in the solitude of the desert; you responded faithfully: you gave your whole life to penance and prayer. For your obedience, chastity and trust in Divine Providence, your reward was great: in his mercy, God promised to grant many graces to all who ask him through your intercession; and he has given you the glory of his kingdom. In this novena, Saint Onofre, I ask you for success in business, in my endeavors and in my professional life (you can specify the grace you want to achieve…), so that I do not lack the money to allow me to lead a modest life , but calm, and help the poor and the Church, in the apostolate and in charity. Above all, great intercessor, I ask you to
help to reach a treasure in Heaven, in a happy eternity. Amen.
Day 1: Saint Onofre and the Angel of the Lord
“Behold, I am sending an angel before you, to guard you along the way and to lead you to the place that I have prepared for you. Respect his presence and observe his voice, and do not rebel against him, for he will not forgive your transgression, for in him is My Name.”
(Ex 23, 20-21).
It was around the year 320, in Egypt. A couple of royal blood experienced the opprobrium of sterility. Age was advancing and there was no longer any hope of having children. Against all hope, the woman became pregnant. The devil got involved and did what he loves so much… she lied! He convinced the husband that the child that was going to be born had been conceived in an adulterous relationship with his wife, so that as soon as it was born it should be thrown away.
to fire. As soon as the baby was given birth, they threw it into a fire. However, an angel caught the child in the air, and he was saved. The angel handed her to her parents and ordered them to be baptized and consecrate their son to God, which happened in the Thebes Monastery. The monks themselves took charge of the Christian initiation of Onofre’s parents, whose name had also been indicated by the angel. Onofre – means “perfect”, “one who is good” and also “one who is always happy, satisfied” – remained in the Monastery to be educated in the faith.
There are two traditions that intersect: one states that a white doe came down from the mountains every day to breastfeed the boy; another, more pious, guarantees that the Blessed Virgin fed him as if he were the Baby Jesus. Once, Onofre, naively thinking that the image of the Baby Jesus was starving, shared his bread with Him. The Baby Jesus reciprocates Onofre’s gesture by giving him so many loaves of bread that, to be
distributed among the region’s poor, the Monastery’s 100 monks had to be mobilized. Onofre was still very young when the abbot of the Monastery, considering his holiness and wisdom, named him his successor. This was not God’s will: an angel took him away into the desert.
Saint Onofre, an angel snatched you from the clutches of the devil, the same angel who gave you your name, who took you to the Monastery and transported you to the desert, teach me to live in the presence of my guardian angel and to be docile to his teachings. Amen.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory.
Day 2: The liar reacts to Onofre’s birth
«Be sober and watchful: your enemy, the devil, walks around you like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour. Resist him, steadfast in the faith” (1 Peter 5:8-9). The devil did what he loves so much… he lied! He convinced the father of the child to be born that he had been conceived in an adulterous relationship with his wife, so that as soon as he was born he should be thrown into the fire. And so it happened. As soon as the baby was given birth,
they threw him into the fire. However, an angel caught her in the air, preventing her from falling into the fire, and the child was saved. On many occasions, Pope Francis has warned us of the devil’s traps. “They made this generation believe that the devil was a myth, a figure, an idea, an idea of evil, but the devil exists and we have to fight against him!” “The devil is a liar, he is the father of liars, the father of lies,” he said. “The devil sows jealousy, ambitions, ideas, but to divide! He also sows envy and greed.” On another occasion, he stated: The devil “is a liar, more: he is the father of lies, he generates lies, he is an impostor. He is able to make you believe that if you eat the apple, you will be like God. And you, just as the devil sells you so many lies and deceptions, you allow yourself to be seduced and buy them… deceive yourself and ruin your life.” […] “Jesus teaches us never to talk to the devil. You can’t talk to the devil. How did Jesus do? She kicked him out”. “With Satan you cannot dialogue. Because if you start talking to Satan, you are lost. He’s smarter than you. He confuses you, turns your head and you are lost.”
Saint Onofre, very early on you were a victim of the lies and division that the devil spreads around him; I feel it roaring around me, waiting for the opportune moment to attack. He intercedes for me, so that I may stand firm in faith. Amen.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory.
Day 3: God pays a hundred for one
«When the Son of Man sits on His throne of glory, you who have followed Me will sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel. And everyone who has left houses, brothers, sisters, father, mother, wife, children or land for the sake of My Name will receive a hundredfold and will inherit eternal life” (Mt 19, 28-29).
Once, Onofre, naively thinking that the image of the Baby Jesus was starving, shared his bread with Him. The Baby Jesus reciprocates Onofre’s gesture, giving him so many loaves of bread that, in order to distribute them to the poor in the region, the 100 monks of the Monastery had to be mobilized. Jesus’ response to Onofre’s small and tender gesture was extraordinary. However, the most important thing is not to receive from God a hundredfold of what is given – or is returned, since whatever little or much we give, we receive from God… Eternal life which, according to Jesus’ promise, is added to the hundredfold is truly the important thing. Later, Onofre doesn’t just give his bread to Baby Jesus… When he realizes that Jesus is calling him to a radical follower, Onofre offers himself. But would Jesus need Onofre to follow Him? He calls us to follow him to give us Salvation. God works wonders in the lives of those who serve Him because they serve Him; and to those who follow Him, because they follow Him. However, those who serve or follow Him receive no benefit from them, as God is Perfect and does not need anything. If God wants to need our collaboration, it is so that he can distribute blessings, graces and mercy to those who, like Onofre, serve and follow Him. God is God, he doesn’t need anything. Yes, man needs communion with God. Therefore, man’s reward is in persevering in the service of God.
Saint Onofre, you offered what you had to Jesus, you offered yourself to Him completely, and throughout your life you persevered in the communion of life with Him; intercede for me, so that, by loving Him, serving Him and following Him, I may attain eternal life. Amen.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory.
Day 4: Woman, behold your son
«Next to the Cross of Jesus were His Mother, His Mother’s sister, Mary, wife of Cleophas, and Mary Magdalene. Upon seeing His Mother and, next to her, the disciple He loved, Jesus said to His Mother: “Woman,…