1 is the holy manger in Jerusalem where Jesus was born.
2 are the tablets on which Moses received the law that governed us.
3 are the carnations of passion.
4 are the Gospels.
5 are the Chagas.
6 are the first seals that the Lamb opened in the Apocalypse.
7 are the letters that Saint John in the Apocalypse wrote to the 7 churches in Asia.
8 are the first Epistles of St. Paul.
9 are the choirs of Angels who ascended to heaven.
10 are the Commandments of the Law of Moses.
11 are the 11,000 Virgins who are in the company of Heaven.
12 are the Holy Apostles.
13 are the Kings who break and tame everything, so I will break and tame the
(person’s name) heart for me. So it was and so it will be!
Mighty SAINT CYPRIAN, I ask you to go now, in this
moment, to the thought of (…) and take my smell, my perfume, my
image. Make him leave everything he’s doing and everyone he’s
are in his company, and let him come to me immediately. let him come
meek, affectionate, repentant, sincere and full of love, desire and longing. What
so be it. Amen
Obs.: You don’t need to publish anything, just pray with faith, which works very well.