Our Lady of Conceição Aparecida is the queen and patron saint of Brazil. She is also the most venerated saint in the Catholic Church for being the mother of Jesus. Several miracles and graces are attributed to her, so if you want to achieve any blessing you should consider a Prayer of Our Lady Aparecida.
Devotion to Our Lady is so great that the Basilica located in the city of Aparecida, in the interior of São Paulo, comprises a total of 1.3 million square meters, and receives an average of 12 million visitors per year.
History of Our Lady Aparecida in Brazil
Its history began in 1717, when three fishermen, João, Felipe and Domingos were in charge of bringing fish to the banquet that would be offered to the governor of the Province of São Paulo and Minas Gerais, and they were not succeeding in this mission.
Afraid of returning to the village without the fish, they prayed to the mother of Jesus. After the prayer, when throwing the net in an attempt to get the fish, they fished part of a holy image and then threw the net again and fished the part of the saint’s head, which fit perfectly forming the image of Our Lady. By putting the two parts together, the fishermen cast their nets and caught the most fish of their entire lives.
After the episode of the fishermen and the image, all the residents of the region began to devote themselves to his image, and to attribute the power we know today to the prayer of Our Lady of Aparecida.
All this devotion resulted in the inauguration of the first church in honor of Our Lady. It was built in 1745, became known as “Mãe Aparecida” and is located in Morro dos Coqueiros, the current center of the city of Aparecida. This church was renovated and expanded until it reached the sanctuary we know today.
Powerful Prayer of Our Lady Aparecida
The prayer of Our Lady Aparecida for protection and to obtain some grace must always be done at the beginning of the day and/or at night, in a quiet moment, in a silent environment.
“O Incomparable Lady of Conceição Aparecida, Mother of God, Queen of Angels, Advocate of Sinners, Refuge and Consolation of the Afflicted, deliver us from everything that may offend you and your most holy son, my redeemer and dear Jesus Christ.
Blessed Virgin, protect me, my children and my whole family. Protect us from disease, hunger, assault, lightning and other dangers that may strike us. Sovereign Lady, direct us in all spiritual and temporal affairs.
Deliver us from the temptations of the devil so that, walking the path of virtue,
by the merits of your purest virginity and the most precious blood of your son, we may see you, love you, and enjoy eternal glory, for all centuries.
Prayer of Our Lady Aparecida to reach a grace
“O Virgin Mary, blessed are you by the Lord God Most High among all women on earth.
You are the glory of Jerusalem, you are the joy of Israel, you are the honor of our people.
Hail, O Virgin, honor of our land, to whom we render a cult of piety and veneration, whom we call with the beautiful name of Aparecida.
Who could tell, O sweet Mother, how many graces, during so many years, you have bestowed on the Brazilian people, compassionate for our ills?
We wanted to gird your sacred head with a golden crown, which is owed to you by so many titles; continue to bend yourselves benignly to our prayers.
When we lift up our pleading hands to heaven, O Virgin, hear our prayers, graciously; keep our souls from guilt, and finally lead us to heaven. Salvation, honor and power to Him who, one and three, in the splendor of his heavenly throne, governs and governs the entire universe.
Our Lady of Conceição Aparecida, pray for us.”
Now that you know the mighty Prayer of Our Lady Aparecidalearn more prayers that can be very useful in other situations: